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90 Days & Beyond

To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge: Week Four

A quick note about the Challenges themselves: These and any other Challenges on this site are for goal setting, habit changing/forming, focus, accountability, time frame.....they are NOT to overwhelm or burden, so do not plan any Challenge(s) with this mindset. Rather than setting your goals on the mountain summit, set it for the base camp right in front of you and then just keep on climbing until you reach the summit. If we take on more than we can realistically do, we set ourselves up for defeat. Also know that neither this site, nor any fitness/nutrition/weight loss Challenge or content on this site has anything to do with how someone should look.....my focus is and will continue to be on helping people be healthy and able to do their daily activities for a long time to come! Disease and strife do not have to be a part of your story and/or a continuing part of your story, so make the necessary changes in your habits to write better chapters!!!!

~You should see your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You should have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 35 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.~

6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge:

Step-By-Step How To Succeed In 6 Weeks
Free Workouts All Levels
Week One
Week Two
Week Three

This Challenge is going to be different than I've done on this site thus far. Every Tuesday, I will post that week's focus for you to continue adding to previous weeks accomplishments for the entire 6 weeks. The Challenge will run from April 9th - May 21st. Following this 6 weeks, I will provide you with another 6 weeks to build on this basic, hopefully life changing 6 weeks. Even though the Challenge specific posts will be on Tuesdays, please check the site daily as I will post building blocks of information throughout the week that will apply to the steps of this Challenge. So, let's get started....

So how is it going? For those who have been with me awhile this may seem like a slow moving train, but you can go at your pace and just pick up the habit refreshers you are needing. For those of you who are new to all of this or who have never been really good at elements of this, I hope you are steady on your feet. Remember that no two weeks are going to be the same in life or on your fitness journey. This is a life long journey after all--Take things in stride, learn, forgive, move forward! Each moment is a gift to do better than the moment before it. Don't give up if you have a couple of bad days. It's the consistency of doing your best each day that will get you to where you want to go!!! Achieving your fitness (and/or fat loss) goals is not the end...the only end to this journey is the grave....slow, steady, consistent...enjoy your time with each and every step because even the missteps are golden opportunities for growth and improvement!

Week Four Focus: Starting today (or tomorrow) we are going to assess your nutritional targets so you can start with the refinement of what you are consuming daily to best feed your body what it needs and nothing more. Don't worry as this is not going to be a "diet" by any means....just healthy eating that will keep your brain functioning, muscles fed, metabolism revving and fat burning. Tomorrow will be the Post on how to compute your nutritional targets (if you want a head start, just check out Eating Supportively) and from there you can look back at the past three weeks and determine what changes you need to make this week in order to better fit within your ranges. We will full on PLAN in Week Five so if you want to get ahead this week and start practicing meal planning within your ranges...practice away...training wheels are about to come off!

Also, this week we will keep on moving through the "steps" posted the past two weeks. We will also be adding intention behind your movements. Below will have all the details for your intentions and focus with your NEAT and workouts. Just as with your Nutritional focus, next week is going to be all about PLANNING! You are going to start planning your workouts and sticking to the plan! As we move towards the 6th week of this Challenge, we will have you all ready to ascertain where your body comp is and what your goals should be for the next six weeks of this process. So let's get going as the foundation is firming up nicely
  1. Continue "stepping" to reach doing the workouts at your level of fitness three times each week(Pick which level of exercise from Free Workouts All Levels). Steps are listed in Week Two & Week Three. If you are already doing your workouts three times a week, including intervals, then really push for getting those workouts done in 25-45 min each time...this will really amp up the intensity and intention....but don't break good form to do this....work up to the next level each time. Be NEAT each and every day....track your progress and do better with it each and every day. This will allow you to not only move, but prevent tightness in your hip flexors from sitting too long, etc. If Nothing Else Be NEAT Get those stretches in through Yoga or just a basic stretching routine 5-6 days a week. Be sure your muscles are warmed up first (either from a shower or walk (NEAT, NEAT) or cleaning or Sun Salutations or basic warm up). Stretching cold muscles can cause injury. Not stretching can cause injury. Basic Stretch Routine
  2. Compute your Nutritional Targets (e-mail Post tomorrow on this) and refine your daily eating habits to fit within those ranges. If you are using an online tracker, be sure to update your new ranges to making tracking easier. Test out some of your favorite, go to, meals and see how they stack up to meet your nutritional needs. Take a deep breath as this is just another habit to be formed, a stepping stone, it will soon be second nature and a positive tool. It's okay to not like doing it, but do it any way for now....trust me on this one! Keep on eating your 8-10 servings of fruits/veggies each day. This week would be a good week to try some veggies you may have never tried or try a new recipe for some that might not be your favorite but would be really good for you to make nice with ;-) Don't lose sight of those habits we formed the last two weeks and keep on eating breakfast, not skipping meals, drinking water, etc. We are building on that foundation not abandoning it!!!! Healthy & Yummy Recipes
If you need me, I'm here... cagib1@charter.net ;-)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Make God Your Focal Point

A couple of devotions from last week hit home my point about focusing on something greater than yourself to put everything about you and around you into better, clearer perspective.  Excerpts from two devotions out of Jesus Calling by Sarah Young:

Make God your focal point as you move through this day.  Circumstances are in flux, and the world seems to be whirling around you.  The only way to keep your balance is to fix your eyes on God, the One who never changes.  If you gaze too long at your circumstances, you will become dizzy and confused.  Look to God, refreshing yourself in His Presence, and your steps will be steady for sure.

Welcome problems as perspective-lifters.  God's children tend to sleepwalk through their days until they bump into an obstacle that stymies them.  If you encounter a problem with no immediate solution, your response to that situation will take you either up or down.  You can lash out at the difficulty, resenting it and feeling sorry for yourself.  This will take you down into a pit of self-pity.  Alternatively, the problem can be a ladder, enabling you to climb up and see your life from God's perspective.  Viewed from above, the obstacle that frustrated you is only a light and momentary trouble.  Once your perspective has been heightened, you can look away from the problem altogether.  Turn toward God, and see the Light of His Presence shining upon you.

Other Scriptural & Spiritual Inspiration: (Found throughout the Blog, below are just a few quick links) + Check Out: Very Effective Knowledge In Scripture

Surviving the Holidays and Everyday Stress
Time Labors Where?
Amen! (2)
Needs Met....Always!
Love & Comfort
Things To Remember
In All You Do....The Golden Rule!
Brotherly Love Equally
Study = Knowledge
Why Bible Challenge On Fitness Site?
Thankful For Problems
Tribulations And Defeat
Better Time Spent
Gifts & Correction
The More You Know
The Refiner
Forgive To Be Forgiven
The Touch Of God
It Was Only A Quarter

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Being Stress Free While Traveling

Guest Post:  by Michael Manning and he is a fitness and healthy living enthusiast. You can read more of his posts at http://mikemanningmusings.blogspot.com/

Traveling should be one of the best times in a person’s life, but in many instances, it is one of the worst. With so many hassles that come along with taking a trip, many people feel as if they are under an abundant amount of stress. Many people will have to deal with spending a lot of money, going through security screenings at the airport, and thinking about the tasks that they must complete when they return home. As a result, traveling often creates more stress than being at home or at work. In order to combat this stress, it is very important to find time to exercise. If people are able to implement some type of exercise when they are traveling, they will be able to alleviate a lot of the added stress.

In order for people to ensure that they will be able to exercise on their trip, they must complete their due diligence in researching different hotels. Since some hotels will have more exercise facilities than others, people must decide what type of facility will work best for their needs. Fortunately, some hotels will provide all the amenities that a person may need. If this person needs an indoor gym, weight equipment, a pool, or even a nature trail, there are hotels that will provide all of this. On a recent trip to San Francisco I was able to do some research before booking a hotel and this helped me maximize the experience of my trip. I searched a travel review site in order to get a list of the best hotels in San Francisco. From here I was able to click through all of the options and get a list of price, amenities offered, and great reviews from people who have recently stayed there. Regardless of how much or how little equipment is available, it is important to exercise each day of the trip.

One of the most stressful places of a trip is the airport. During a person’s time at the airport, he or she will have to endure long lines, go through security screenings, and possibly have to wait hours during his or her layover. Because of these inconveniences, many airports have recognized the stress that they cause on their passengers. To help eliminate this stress, airports have also begun to offer exercise facilities for people to use. For example, San Francisco International Airport allows its passengers to go to yoga and zen rooms. During this time, the passengers can eliminate their stress and exercise their bodies. For passengers who want more of a cardio workout, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport offers walking paths for its passengers.

In addition to getting proper exercise, travelers should also adhere to a proper diet. A diet of colorful fruits and vegetables helps to alleviate more stress as compared to a diet of fatty and greasy foods. Since traveling can be a really stressful time, it is extremely important to implement strategies to eliminate this stress.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Workout Tidbits You Need To Know

If you have been following this site for awhile then you have most likely already read most of the below info.  Whether for a refresher or because it's "new to you" please read the below info & links of info from Workout Tidbits Page:

Proper Warm Up If you do stretching, even brief stretching, before high-intensity workouts it may actually inhibit the ability to achieve full intensity during your workout. This is attributed to the fact that stretching improves muscle elasticity (decreasing tissue viscosity), which lowers the force-generating capacity of the contractile proteins of the muscle. Moreover, the practice of stretching before performing any warm-up is not justified either and may potentially be harmful. The warm up may be subdivided into a more general cardiovascular warm-up followed by a more exercise or event specific dynamic warm-up based on unique muscular elements that are to be performed during the workout session. For these reasons is why you want to do Spiderman Crawls or Squats or Lunges or Jumping Jacks or a handful of exercise specific dynamic moves before workouts as opposed to static stretches…..Save the Static stretches for your cool downs and in between workout days.

Proper Cool Down The cool down post workout should be of approximately the same duration and intensity as the warm-up (i.e., five to 10 minutes of low to moderate intensity activity). As opposed to the warm up, the cool down is an excellent time for stretching of your worked muscles. The cool down is directed primarily toward preventing the tendency for blood to pool in the extremities, which may occur when exercise ends. An active cool down also helps remove metabolic waste from the muscles so that it can be metabolized by other tissues as well as reduce the potential for muscle soreness and stiffness. (American Council On Exercise 2010)
Count Your Tempo Your muscle gain is in the eccentric movement and not as much in the concentric movement. The concentric movement is away from the pull of gravity and moving the joints closer together (e.g., in a bicep curl the concentric movement is when the wrist moves towards the shoulder joint). The eccentric movement is toward the pull of gravity and moving the joints further apart (e.g., in a bicep curl the eccentric movement is when the wrist moves from the shoulder joint back towards the floor). Note, that delayed onset muscle soreness (the soreness you feel a day or two following exercise) is mostly associated with eccentric actions, especially during higher-intensity exercises (e.g., deadlifts). You should never just let your eccentric movements fall, meaning you should never let gravity do the pulling without you controlling the movement. Rather, eccentric contractions should control the rate of motion, slowing the downward movement against the pull of gravity. There are numerous reasons for this, not the least of which is prevention of joint and muscular injury. During your next workout, see if you can focus on your control of both the concentric and eccentric contractions by counting your tempo. The commonly recommended movement speed of six seconds per repetition is broken out as 2-3 seconds for the concentric muscle action and 3-5 seconds for the eccentric muscle action. How on track have you been between contractions? What have you noticed in focusing on this?
Rest Intervals You should have very little to no rest between repetitions within a set. However, rest between sets allows your anaerobic energy stores to replenish, but you need to be careful with how much of a rest between sets as this affects both the workout itself as well as the outcome of the workout. For the types of workouts we do, the ideal length of rest between sets is 30-90 seconds and no more. With 30 seconds being an ideal target. Shorter rest intervals increase cardiovascular and metabolic responses both during and after the exercise session.
Law of Facilitation The body subscribes to the law of facilitation, meaning that the body will achieve the desired movement following the path of least resistance. If your body has any mobility-stability compromises, you will end up with dysfunctional movement causing inevitable breakdowns at your weakest link. This is corrected by focusing on moving correctly as opposed to just moving. A great example is the squat and the push up. If you just move through either of these movements regardless of incorrect movement just to say you got the move done, you are actually causing layers of damage to muscular and joint function which will impede your progress to moving correctly in those and other movements. An excellent way to get in touch, stay in touch, as well as improve your mobility-stability issues is to STRETCH. Yoga is an excellent way to accomplish this. When you are stretching, regardless of what modality you use, pay attention to what is tight and what is overcompensating for your “weak links” and communicate those findings to me during our sessions. We can work together to improve your movements so your body doesn’t have to “compromise” to move.

Post Links on Proper Form and Technique:
Training Guidelines
Best Time Of Day
Take A Deep Breath --- Diaphragmatic Breathing
Practice Makes???
Importance of a Proper Squat
For the Love of Push Ups!
Core Sense
How Effective Is HIIT?
Low Intensity Fact Or Fiction
Active Rest
Rest Reminder
Principle Of Specificity
Cycle Check
Just Tongue It
Ab Facts

Post Links on Muscles/Energy Sources & How it all Works:
{Just by training to increase muscle mass, you increase your RMR (resting metabolic rate). 75-80% of your RMR is determined by your muscle mass. Only 15-30% of your total daily calorie burn is based on your activity level}.
Greater Muscle Mass = Higher Metabolism
Muscle Fiber Types
Metabolic Conditioning
Energy Systems
Consistent Rest

Post Links on Injuries/Issues:
Ligaments & Tendons
Is Tendinitis Your 'Achilles'? 
Knowing Achilles Tendinitis From Plantar Fasciitis 
Tennis or Golfers Elbow?
Runner's v Jumper's Knee
Knee Pain
Joints a Poppin'
Muscle Cramps

Trigger Point Series:
Trigger Points
Referred Pain,Trigger Point & Symptoms
Shoulder Trigger Points
Back Trigger Points
Hip & Knee Trigger Points
Final Word On Trigger Points

Other Workout Tidbits Post Links:
How Long Should You Wait To Exercise after Eating?
Good Reason Not To Quit
Heart Size  
Decreased Insulin Resistance  
Interval Ideas
Proper Footwear  
Running Shoe Lacing Techniques
Tight & Don't Know Why? 
Are You Neat?  
If Nothing Else Be NEAT
Just Sitting Around?
Move n Move n Move
Take A Stand
Couch to Half Marathon Plan  
Can't Do Yoga?   
Free Streaming Yoga Videos
Yoga Styles
Your Brain on Yoga
How To Use Cardio Machines

~You should see your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You should have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 35 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.~

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Track Your Food For Best Results

Track Your Food: How do you know if you are hitting your nutritional targets if you are not tracking what you are eating? You don't have to track for the rest of your life, just while you are trying to get down a different food lifestyle. Unless you are tracking (and better yet planning ahead) your meals, you have no idea how close you are or are not to supportively eating. It takes me all of 5 minutes to log my food for the day. The hard part is starting this habit, but I can assure you it is so simple once it is a habit. There are many free sites with databases of foods and the ability for you to track & plan your foods/meals. The site that I began using in 2009 and absolutely love is sparkpeople.com. SparkPeople has a huge database of foods (whole foods, prepackaged foods, restaurant foods), but also allows you to customize and build your own database of food choices, create a "favorites" food list so you are not always hunting for foods you eat frequently, allows you to create and store for later access whole meals that you eat frequently so you don't have to log in each food item every time, and even allows you to build recipes so you are aware of the nutritional breakdown of each serving. Additionally, it allows you to modify your nutritional target ranges as well as add targets to track daily. It is very user friendly and even has mobile apps for your smart phones, so it can be on the move with you. However you journal, plan, track your food choices....Make the habit today for better results tomorrow! ...See also these Post Links: I Ate How Much? & Hows The Tracking? & The Importance Of Journaling

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge: Week Three

A quick note about the Challenges themselves: These and any other Challenges on this site are for goal setting, habit changing/forming, focus, accountability, time frame.....they are NOT to overwhelm or burden, so do not plan any Challenge(s) with this mindset. Rather than setting your goals on the mountain summit, set it for the base camp right in front of you and then just keep on climbing until you reach the summit. If we take on more than we can realistically do, we set ourselves up for defeat. Also know that neither this site, nor any fitness/nutrition/weight loss Challenge or content on this site has anything to do with how someone should look.....my focus is and will continue to be on helping people be healthy and able to do their daily activities for a long time to come! Disease and strife do not have to be a part of your story and/or a continuing part of your story, so make the necessary changes in your habits to write better chapters!!!!

~You should see your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You should have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 35 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.~

6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge:

Step-By-Step How To Succeed In 6 Weeks
Free Workouts All Levels
Week One
Week Two

This Challenge is going to be different than I've done on this site thus far. Every Tuesday, I will post that week's focus for you to continue adding to previous weeks accomplishments for the entire 6 weeks. The Challenge will run from April 9th - May 21st. Following this 6 weeks, I will provide you with another 6 weeks to build on this basic, hopefully life changing 6 weeks. Even though the Challenge specific posts will be on Tuesdays, please check the site daily as I will post building blocks of information throughout the week that will apply to the steps of this Challenge. So, let's get started....

So how was Week Two? Just as with last week, even if you didn't journal every day, forgive and move forward into this third week with a resolve to take each day as it comes and make each moment the best you can!  This week is going to be a step above last week all the way around....so let's get focused as we are about to amp up your discipline in getting ready for Week Four.

Week Three Focus: Starting today (or tomorrow) we are going to "step up" from last week.  Now that you are more than aware of your pitfalls, really try this week to plan around them so your resolve doesn't have to get maxed out while you try to firm up this foundation before next week!

  1. We need to step up these added movements from last week to your current day/week.  Below are all the same steps from last week....this week you are going to go to the next step, so if you were at 1, then go to 2 and so forth.  If you were already at 3 last week, then really adhere to all three workouts, daily NEAT & stretching but this week amp up that intensity. 
    1. If last week you discovered that you move very little in a typical day and sit for long stretches of time, then this week I want you to get up every hour (no exception here) and move for 1-5 minutes....either walk around, walk in place, if you are more fit then you could do some burpees or mountain climbers...then end by reaching up to the ceiling and stretching side to side and taking a deep breath in/out before returning to your desk/chair (this applies to television time too folks....move while you watch). Keep track of how well you do with this each day in your journal as we will continue tracking our daily movements this week.
    2. If last week you discovered that being NEAT (If Nothing Else Be NEAT) daily is not your issue, then continue on being NEAT, but try to see if you are really getting in those 10,000 daily steps (equivalent of 5 miles) by adding a walk to your day or simply adding to your daily movements throughout the day (a cheap pedometer can really open your eyes to just how many steps you are truly getting daily).
    3. If both of the aforementioned is already accomplished in your daily movement, then CONGRATS, but how is your weekly exercise going? {First, if you are tackling the first scenario of adding NEAT to your day, don't overwhelm yourself with this step just yet....really focus on being NEAT, and then we will address your weekly exercise...next week will be your week to shine!} Pick which level of exercise from Free Workouts All Levels and try to do one to three times this week.
    4. Additionally, for all of you participating in this Challenge, add 15 minutes or more of stretching to your daily routine somewhere in your day, whether it be at the beginning, middle, or end....need some help..... Basic Stretch Routine
  2. This week we are going to add the tracking of what you are now naturally intaking calorically.  Next week will be getting into refining what you are doing, but first we need the awareness--so just as last week, journal all of your meals/foods...but you will add the calorie, protein, fat, carb, fiber, content of everything you consume.  DO NOT STRESS ABOUT THIS and do not freak out if the calories are higher than you think they should be or lower on anything, as we will refine next week.  In order to know what you need to plan for you need to first be aware of what you are already habitually doing.  If you are writing in a paper journal, then you can continue to do this if it is more comfortable to you...it will just involve you looking up the calorie/protein/fat/carb/fiber content of everything and doing a little math.  If you would like an online easier way of doing this (that is free both online as well as free apps for your smart phones) then check out either http://sparkpeople.com/ or http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ to set up your free accounts.  The benefits of these sites is that they have a built in database of foods and their info.  Also, continue this week on all of the following great habits you began working on last week:
    1. Add to your fruits/veggies intake. Each day you should strive to eat a minimum of 8 to 10 servings a day of produce (about 3-4 servings of fruit & 4-6 servings of veggies). To learn what makes up a serving size be sure to visit: Produce Serving Sizes. You know from last week how well you are naturally doing on this, so this week try to add to your daily intake to reach the daily servings of each. One note here, be sure to combine a protein with your produce...so don't just eat a fruit for a snack add some peanut butter, nuts, cheese, or yogurt with it instead ;-)
    2. Eat breakfast every single day this week, no exception. It is so important to not skip this extremely vital meal as it determines your metabolic rate for the day. If you need some meal ideas, be sure to visit: Healthy & Yummy Recipes
    3. Eat every 3- 4 hours each and every day....that means no meal skipping....this keeps that metabolic fire burning...and let's face it, keeps us balanced and feeling good all day long. No exceptions here either, recipes were provided above....on-the-go foods are so easy to throw together in 15 min or less for your entire day so no excuses!
    4. Reduce the sodas, increase the water intake! 7 Side Effects Of Soda & Hydration: The American College of Sports Medicine and the United States Track and Field Association have developed guidelines for optimal hydration during exercise, outlined below. Note that it can be as dangerous being overhydrated as dehydrated. Are You Dehydrated?

      *2 hours prior to exercise, drink 17-20 ounces
      *Every 10-20 minutes during exercise, drink 7-10 ounces or preferably, drink based on sweat loss
      *Following exercise, drink 16-24 ounces for every pound of body weight lost

If you need me, I'm here... cagib1@charter.net ;-)

Monday, April 22, 2013

Respectfully Stated But Not Sugarcoated

Colossians 4:2-6 Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving; Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds; that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak. Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Choose Your Path...

from my 6/11/12 Post:

Choose Your Path...

"Who is talking in your head? You make the assumption that it's you. But if you are the one who is talking, then who is listening? ....."

"Your mind is full of knowledge, but how are you using that knowledge? How are you using the word when it comes to describing yourself? When you look at yourself in a mirror, do you like what you see, or do you judge your body and use all those symbols to tell yourself lies? Is it really true that you are too short or too tall, too heavy or too thin? Is it really true that you're not perfect just the way you are?

Can you see all the judgments that you have about yourself? Every judgment is just an opinion -- it's just a point of view -- and that point of view wasn't here when you were born. Everything you think about yourself, is because you learned it. You learned the opinions from Mom, Dad, siblings, and society. They sent all those images of how a body should look; they expressed all those opinions about the way you are, the way your are not, the way you should be. They delivered a message, and you agreed with that message. And now you think so many things about what you are, but are they the truth?" (The Fifth Agreement (pg 30-31) by Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Jose Ruiz)

"The real you is unique and it's beyond everything that you know, because the real you is the truth. ... What you believe about yourself is not real, and it's not important unless you want to create a better story for yourself." (The Fifth Agreement (pg 33) by Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Jose Ruiz)

"Now you know that all the acting you did your whole life was really for nothing because nobody perceives you the way you want to be perceived. You can see that all the drama that happens in your movie isn't really noticed by anybody around you. It's obvious that everybody's attention is focused on their own movie. ... Whatever people think of you is really about the image they have of you, and that image isn't you. ... At this point, it's clear that the people you love the most don't know you, and you don't know them either. The only thing you know about them is what you believe about them." (The Fifth Agreement (pg 51-52) by Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Jose Ruiz)

Bottom-Line is this, you can choose to be miserable and wallering in your perceived problems and obstacles, or you can choose to be the person you want to be regardless of how you feel others will judge you....either way, it's your choice! More than likely you have no real idea what others are thinking of you anyway .... nor do you ever have any control over anyone but yourself!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


We certainly live in a "sitting" world....completely removed from our ancestors on the range or the farm!  But just because you "sit" for a living more than you move (with obvious career choice exceptions), that does not mean there are not plenty of opportunities to move throughout your day!  You can move, move, move all day long.....

  • Cooking?  Squat, Lunge, Burpee in between mixing, stirring, and boiling.  Many a times, I have gotten part or all of my workout and/or intervals done while preparing a meal for my family. 
  • Cleaning?  Don't even get me started on all the ways to "enhance" your cleaning experience ;-) Go on, squat, jump, jog, twist, and shout your way through your cleaning routine.  I have even done mini 30 second plyometric moves in between chores.
  • Working at a desk in an office (or at home)?  Stand while you are on the phone and move, walk in place...it doesn't have to be a "look at me now" kind of co-worker distracting walk-a-bout, but get off your duff...it'll keep you from cricking your neck too ;-)  At the copier, then march it out while you wait for those copies and scans.  Going to the bathroom repeatedly with all that water you are now drinking?  Couple of squats/lunges between stall visits will work out what ails your sitting glutes!  You get the idea here....lunch breaks are awesome for a brisk walk, etc.
  • Errands?  Park far, far, and away to help get those NEAT movements in....got kiddos with you?  BONUS ;-)
  • Waiting in Line, W-h-a-t?  See who you can make giggle with your wiggle :-P
  • Watching TV?  DVR or not....leave those commercials a running while you do the same...30 seconds of movement to 30 seconds of walking in place....do I hear mini intervals?
Need another reason to move every hour?

From the July/August 2012 issue of Fitness magazine:

"Sitting around can make you flabby. No surprise there, but despite what you may think, the culprit is not just a lack of exercise. In fact, the physical act of sitting or lying down may actually speed up your body's production of fat. When we lounge on a sofa or in a chair, we exert forces on our cells that cause them to become stretched out and to generate flab, researchers say."

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Importance of Journaling

Will you journal forever, no...not unless you just want to or need to for focus later on after your good habits are formed and a part of you and how you live.  Why is journaling important?  Initially journaling is important to discover what you are naturally doing.  That is what we are doing in Week One & Week Two of this Current Fitness Challenge.  After awareness comes change.  You need to journal your foods both in a planning capacity and tracking capacity to determine what is working, what is not, and what still needs to be changed.  It also is a built in accountability aspect of your journey because let's face it, you don't want to write (or type) that you ate a whole cake.  Which should help change that behavior as opposed to doing it and not recording it.  It's the times when you don't want to record what you did or ate or didn't do or didn't eat that is the most important to evolving your fitness/nutrition/health journey....Everything Must Be Accounted For or real change cannot yet take place!  You need to mindfully do everything at first, so real change can happen.  Yes, I know it is difficult and awkward at first...it gets better, easier, and actually second nature quicker than you could possibly know right now...and that's when you know real change has happened and real habits have formed!!!  Right now in Week Two we are making some adjustments to your natural habits as they exist in the present.  During this week be mindful and aware of Where You Eat, How You Eat, Why You Eat, How Much You Eat (or How Little), What You Eat, and How You Feel When You Eat.  Food is used for emotional conditioning since childhood, it's okay to have the feelings you are feeling...being aware of all of what is involved in food not just being for sustenance is the first step in disarming those emotional attachments and triggers.  Realize when you are eating because you are upset, happy, bored, tired, frustrated, etc., and then see what healthy action you can either substitute in place of the food or practice working through the situation itself in a healthy and boundaryful way (check out all the book lists I have to the right of this site for suggested reading on this).   Food is good...Balance is better!  Food Rewards


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge: Week Two

A quick note about the Challenges themselves: These and any other Challenges on this site are for goal setting, habit changing/forming, focus, accountability, time frame.....they are NOT to overwhelm or burden, so do not plan any Challenge(s) with this mindset. Rather than setting your goals on the mountain summit, set it for the base camp right in front of you and then just keep on climbing until you reach the summit. If we take on more than we can realistically do, we set ourselves up for defeat. Also know that neither this site, nor any fitness/nutrition/weight loss Challenge or content on this site has anything to do with how someone should look.....my focus is and will continue to be on helping people be healthy and able to do their daily activities for a long time to come! Disease and strife do not have to be a part of your story and/or a continuing part of your story, so make the necessary changes in your habits to write better chapters!!!!

~You should see your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You should have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 35 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.~

6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge:

Step-By-Step How To Succeed In 6 Weeks
Free Workouts All Levels
Week One

This Challenge is going to be different than I've done on this site thus far. Every Tuesday, I will post that week's focus for you to continue adding to previous weeks accomplishments for the entire 6 weeks. The Challenge will run from April 9th - May 21st. Following this 6 weeks, I will provide you with another 6 weeks to build on this basic, hopefully life changing 6 weeks. Even though the Challenge specific posts will be on Tuesdays, please check the site daily as I will post building blocks of information throughout the week that will apply to the steps of this Challenge. So, let's get started....

So how was Week One?  Even if you didn't journal every day, forgive and move forward into this second week with a resolve to take each day as it comes and make each moment the best you can!  What did you notice from journaling your foods last week?  Not talking calories yet...what meals do you let slide and miss and why?  What emotional food patterns did you fall into and/or what choices did you make that you continually wish you hadn't?  How many fruits do you consume on average each day?  How many veggies do you consume on average each day?  Do you eat only a fruit for a snack the majority of the time?  What is your main beverage each day?  How much water do you consume daily?  How often do you eat?  How many breakfasts did you eat or skip?  What did you notice from journaling your movements last week?  On average how long do you sit each day and for how long at each long period of time?  How much movement do you really do on an average day?  How much exercise did you do?  Do you stretch daily for 15 minutes or more?  What did you learn from your reflections?  Did you discover what past hang ups keep tripping you up?  Can you take just the learned experience from them and let go of the baggage moving forward? 

Week Two Focus:  Starting today (or tomorrow) we are going to build upon the awareness from last week.  Again, we are building the foundational pieces for us to develop, so this week will also be a no frills week....but very important for what is to come! 

  1. We need to add movement to your day/week. 
    1. If last week you discovered that you move very little in a typical day and sit for long stretches of time, then this week I want you to get up every hour (no exception here) and move for 1-5 minutes....either walk around, walk in place, if you are more fit then you could do some burpees or mountain climbers...then end by reaching up to the ceiling and stretching side to side and taking a deep breath in/out before returning to your desk/chair (this applies to television time too folks....move while you watch).  Keep track of how well you do with this each day in your journal as we will continue tracking our daily movements this week. 
    2. If last week you discovered that being NEAT (If Nothing Else Be NEAT) daily is not your issue, then continue on being NEAT, but try to see if you are really getting in those 10,000 daily steps (equivalent of 5 miles) by adding a walk to your day or simply adding to your daily movements throughout the day (a cheap pedometer can really open your eyes to just how many steps you are truly getting daily). 
    3. If both of the aforementioned is already accomplished in your daily movement, then CONGRATS, but how is your weekly exercise going?  {First, if you are tackling the first scenario of adding NEAT to your day, don't overwhelm yourself with this step just yet....really focus on being NEAT, and then we will address your weekly exercise...next week will be your week to shine!}  Pick which level of exercise from Free Workouts All Levels and try to do one to three times this week. 
    4. Additionally, for all of you participating in this Challenge, add 15 minutes or more of stretching to your daily routine somewhere in your day, whether it be at the beginning, middle, or end....need some help..... Basic Stretch Routine
  2. Just as last week, journal all of your meals/foods this week.  You still will not focus on calorie counting this week .... that will come soon enough .... but just as last week, we are going for awareness and the discipline of tracking everything you consume.  In addition to the journaling, this week you will also:
    1. Add to your fruits/veggies intake.  Each day you should strive to eat a minimum of 8 to 10 servings a day of produce (about 3-4 servings of fruit & 4-6 servings of veggies).  To learn what makes up a serving size be sure to visit: Produce Serving Sizes.  You know from last week how well you are naturally doing on this, so this week try to add to your daily intake to reach the daily servings of each.  One note here, be sure to combine a protein with your produce...so don't just eat a fruit for a snack add some peanut butter, nuts, cheese, or yogurt with it instead ;-)
    2. Eat breakfast every single day this week, no exception.  It is so important to not skip this extremely vital meal as it determines your metabolic rate for the day.  If you need some meal ideas, be sure to visit:  Healthy & Yummy Recipes
    3. Eat every 3- 4 hours each and every day....that means no meal skipping....this keeps that metabolic fire burning...and let's face it, keeps us balanced and feeling good all day long.  No exceptions here either, recipes were provided above....on-the-go foods are so easy to throw together in 15 min or less for your entire day so no excuses!
    4. Reduce the sodas, increase the water intake!  7 Side Effects Of Soda & Hydration: The American College of Sports Medicine and the United States Track and Field Association have developed guidelines for optimal hydration during exercise, outlined below. Note that it can be as dangerous being overhydrated as dehydrated.  Are You Dehydrated?

      *2 hours prior to exercise, drink 17-20 ounces
      *Every 10-20 minutes during exercise, drink 7-10 ounces or preferably, drink based on sweat loss
      *Following exercise, drink 16-24 ounces for every pound of body weight lost

If you need me, I'm here... cagib1@charter.net ;-)

Monday, April 15, 2013

It Was Only A Quarter

from chain e-mail, unknown author:

Several Years Ago, a preacher from out-of-state accepted a call to a church in Houston, Texas. Some weeks after he arrived, he had an occasion to ride the bus from his home to the downtown area. When he sat down, he discovered that the driver had accidentally given him a quarter too much change. As he considered what to do, he thought to himself, "you'd better give the quarter back. It would be wrong to keep it." Then he thought, "oh, forget it, it's only a quarter. Who would worry about this little amount? Anyway, the bus company gets too much fare; they will never miss it. Accept it as a 'gift from God' and keep quiet."

When his stop came, he paused momentarily at the door, and then he handed the quarter to the driver and said, "here, you gave me too much change." The driver, with a smile, replied, "aren't you the new preacher in town? I have been thinking a lot lately about going somewhere to worship. I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change. I'll see you at church on Sunday."

When the preacher stepped off of the bus, he literally grabbed the nearest light pole, held on, and said, "oh God, I almost sold your Son for a quarter." Our lives are the only Bible some people will ever read. This is a really scary example of how much people watch us as Christians and will put us to the test! Always be on guard and remember that you carry the name of Christ on your shoulders when you call yourself a "Christian." Watch your thoughts: they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

~What an humbling reminder. Stay Faithful; Be Grateful; Set that Christian Example!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

If Nothing Else Be NEAT

If you avoid exercise because you never felt you were good at it; never enjoyed it; embarrassed to try it in front of folks at the gym; think you might hurt yourself so why bother....then you are in the right place.  We are going to explore all that is healthy, safe, necessary, fun, and confident building exercise these 6 weeks starting with just every day activities and why they are important:

from my 1/3/12 Post on being NEAT:

Are you NEAT?

Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise. NEAT includes activities of daily living such as household chores and yard work, as well as, walking, playing actively with the kiddos, etc. It has even been suggested that fidgeting, gesturing and laughing are NEAT.

It is recommended by many that you should get in 10,000 steps a day, which is roughly the equivalent of walking 5 miles. You can buy and wear a pedometer for under $5 (or even download a tracking app to your smart phone) to get an idea of how active or sedentary you really are, which will capture all of your NEAT movement and answer the question of whether you are NEAT enough!

If the answer is that you are more sedentary than active in your daily routine, there are a lot of ways to get up and get moving throughout your day that you might not have considered such as marching in place while you are at the copier or cooking at the stove. Join the Current Fitness Challenge and add being NEAT as one of your fitness goals!

Find great workout tidbits and info on my Workout Tidbits Page as well as free workouts on my Free Monthly Workouts Page....especially for these 6 weeks be sure and take a look at: Free Workouts All Levels

~You should see your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You should have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 35 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.~

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Importance of Tracking Foods Consumed

Eating supportively is key to gaining muscle strength, maintaining good health, and fat/weight loss. It is easy to get lost in all of the fad and misinformation available. First know that the information contained on this blog is not medical advice and is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health-care professionals. I am not a registered dietician. Consult your physician before beginning or making changes in your diet or exercise program, for diagnosis and treatment of illness and injuries, and for advice regarding medications. That said there are some pretty basic and easy things you can do to make sure that you are maximizing your workout efforts and supporting your muscles.  The next 6 weeks we will be exploring just that....

From my 4/9/12 Post On Importance of Tracking Foods Consumed:

Like so many of us, my husband is of the mind set that if he is eating healthy foods (or rather, mostly healthy foods), he shouldn't have to worry with tracking them. Nor does he really think it matters how much of a good thing he is or isn't consuming regarding his waistline. His wake up call was yesterday! I went shopping Saturday and bought for him his requested nuts stash to combine with fruit for one of his daily snacks. I put them in their own little basket alongside a measuring cup so he could snack healthfully. As he is off to such a great start, he prepared his own afternoon snack yesterday consisting of nuts and grapes. Most excellent choice, right? Depends....depends on what nut you select, how many servings you select, etc. Well, it was almost full proof regarding type of nuts as I was careful what I bought for him, so selection, while not what I would have chosen, made him happy and wasn't off the charts bad for him. The problem he encountered was serving size. A serving size of most nuts is a 1/4 of cup. Have you seen a 1/4 cup of peanuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, or walnuts? Not a ton of content. Makes you very aware how many calories you are consuming when you just sit down with a bag or a can of nuts for sure. Anyway, he mixed a serving of three different kinds of nuts, so he had three servings of nuts with his grapes. As he was logging in his treat, he was astonished at how many calories he was consuming.....over 630 calories!

Lesson is that you can be eating something completely healthy, but if you are not aware of the nutritional breakdown and have not practiced days worth of meals over the course of time to know how many calories, fats, carbs, protein, sodium, fiber, etc., you are actually consuming from the foods you put into your body, you cannot truly know what you are consuming. You can eat numerous, healthy, supportive meals throughout a day but if you do not know what the caloric intake is of those foods, then you cannot truly know if you are consuming more or less calories than your body needs in a day.

Eating "healthy", alone does not equal eating supportively! Need help visit the Eating Supportively Page on this site.

Know that optimum fat loss and weight management is 75% what you eat. You cannot workout and eat whatever you want and expect ideal results. You cannot eat strictly and not workout and expect a fit body. You need both working together to give you ideal results and a healthy, fit body.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge: Week One

A quick note about the Challenges themselves: These and any other Challenges on this site are for goal setting, habit changing/forming, focus, accountability, time frame.....they are NOT to overwhelm or burden, so do not plan any Challenge(s) with this mindset. Rather than setting your goals on the mountain summit, set it for the base camp right in front of you and then just keep on climbing until you reach the summit. If we take on more than we can realistically do, we set ourselves up for defeat. Also know that neither this site, nor any fitness/nutrition/weight loss Challenge or content on this site has anything to do with how someone should look.....my focus is and will continue to be on helping people be healthy and able to do their daily activities for a long time to come! Disease and strife do not have to be a part of your story and/or a continuing part of your story, so make the necessary changes in your habits to write better chapters!!!!

~You should see your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You should have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 35 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.~

6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge:

Step-By-Step How To Succeed In 6 Weeks
Free Workouts All Levels

This Challenge is going to be different than I've done on this site thus far.  Every Tuesday, I will post that week's focus for you to continue adding to previous weeks accomplishments for the entire 6 weeks.  The Challenge will run from April 9th - May 21st.  Following this 6 weeks, I will provide you with another 6 weeks to build on this basic, hopefully life changing 6 weeks.  Even though the Challenge specific posts will be on Tuesdays, please check the site daily as I will post building blocks of information throughout the week that will apply to the steps of this Challenge.  So, let's get started....

This week may be the first week you are attempting to do anything fitness and or nutrition related or it may be a "start over" or "going to really do it this time" deal.  Whatever it is, forgive the past and let's just move forward into a lifestyle change that is fresh, doable, and forever!

Week One Focus:  Starting today (or tomorrow) we are going to incorporate movement and awareness.  Nothing big or extravagant this first week.  I want you to simply focus on where you are in your daily life.  Seems silly but awareness is one of the biggest obstacles we all face in this busy world and one of the most important.  So below is what I want you to do this week:
  1. Get a notebook (spiral, pretty, convenient, whatever works for you) and date it each day and write in it each day.  The only things I want you to write in it this week are:
    1. What movement you do each day (e.g., none or walked the dog, or played with the kids at the park for 30 min, marched in place while watching television, worked out and what that entailed, whatever and however much or little each day).  This is simply to be aware of how much or how little you are currently moving.  No judgment.  This is not to make you feel bad or like you need to impress anyone with how much you can add this week.  Again, this is about awareness.  A stepping stone to build upon going forward in your new lifestyle.  Note how you feel about any of it.....
    2. What you eat each day.  This is not about calorie counting.  No judgment.  Please be honest and write it all down.  It makes a difference.  It's not about telling anyone else.  It is about being honest with yourself and your feelings and your body.  By forcing your conscious mind to be involved in what you are putting into your body makes a huge difference in moving forward.  This is not about beating yourself up on any of it...that won't help you....Awareness first, change to come!  Note how you feel about any of it...skipping a meal or eating too much or had a bad day and drank the bottle of wine I swore I wouldn't, whatever it is...it's important to notate.
  2. At least two days this week, reflect on your past experiences and make at least two journal entries about that.  Whether it be the good, the bad, the ugly, the failures, the successes, the learned not to repeats, because after this week we are definitely letting all of that go.....so write what you need to so as to release it and move on.....Your future is bright ahead!  The past is the past, it's important to learn from but not to harbor....Your present is now!
If you need me, I'm here... cagib1@charter.net ;-)

Monday, April 8, 2013


The word selah is a Hebrew word that means to pause, stop, and meditate on what God just said.  Stop and think for yourself.  Make the connection between what has been said and what is about to be said.  The word selah appears at the end of some of the Psalms (and in the middle of some).

A good practice even in those Scriptures not stated....as well as in our daily lives!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Free Workouts -- All Levels

Typically I post one free workout each month on the Free Monthly Workouts Page.  This month I am going to do it a little differently for the purposes of the 6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge and post two different levels of workouts, one for Beginners along with a "how to do it" summary for each move as well as one for Intermediate/Advance (following all of the Beginner Info).  Below will be both workouts for you to do the next 4-6 weeks (three times a week).

For those who are just beginning an exercise program, wait to get started for a post next week regarding steps to take to get into a workout program.  Also note:  ~You should see your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You should have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 35 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician.~

One other change this month will be to the free workout session on April 20th at Trinity.  It will still be held at 8 am at Trinity (check out all those details at Free Monthly Workouts).  The change will be in that it will be both a workout and a support session for those who would like to talk with me following the workout regarding this 6 Week Step-By-Step How-To Succeed Challenge.  I will be there as long as anyone is needing me.  It will start as a group and then for those wanting a one-on-one private discussion to follow.  It's free, so don't miss out on this opportunity!

Warm Up & Cool Down for All Levels:

Warm Up *
  • Arm Circles 5 each direction
  • Arm Crosses 10 times
  • Toe Touches 10 each leg
  • Inchworm to Spiderman Crawls 5 each leg
*Proper Warm Up:  If you do stretching, even brief stretching, before high-intensity workouts it may actually inhibit the ability to achieve full intensity during your workout. This is attributed to the fact that stretching improves muscle elasticity (decreasing tissue viscosity), which lowers the force-generating capacity of the contractile proteins of the muscle. Moreover, the practice of stretching before performing any warm-up is not justified either and may potentially be harmful. The warm up may be subdivided into a more general cardiovascular warm-up followed by a more exercise or event specific dynamic warm-up based on unique muscular elements that are to be performed during the workout session. For these reasons is why you want to do Spiderman Crawls or Squats or Lunges or Jumping Jacks or a handful of exercise specific dynamic moves before workouts as opposed to static stretches…..Save the Static stretches for your cool downs and in between workout days.

Cool Down Stretches **
  • Standing Quad Stretch
  • Standing Hamstring Stretches
  • Arm Stretches (Shoulder Pull & Tricep Stretch)
  • Shoulder Stretches (Eagle Arms & Table/Upward Plank)
  • Forward Bends (Standing & Seated)
**Proper Cool Down:  The cool down post workout should be of approximately the same duration and intensity as the warm-up (i.e., five to 10 minutes of low to moderate intensity activity). As opposed to the warm up, the cool down is an excellent time for stretching of your worked muscles. The cool down is directed primarily toward preventing the tendency for blood to pool in the extremities, which may occur when exercise ends. An active cool down also helps remove metabolic waste from the muscles so that it can be metabolized by other tissues as well as reduce the potential for muscle soreness and stiffness.

 Beginner Workout w/Move Explanations:
  • Chair or Bodyweight Squats 8-10 Reps
  • Wall Press Ups 8-10 Reps
  • Wall or Assisted Kneeling Push Ups 8-10 Reps
  • Split Squats 6-8 Reps each side
  • Bird Dogs 6-8 Reps alternating each side
  • Forearm Plank Hold for 15-25 seconds

Complete Circuit 2-4 times through with 30-90 seconds rest between each circuit for best results.  Followed by intervals as explained below ***.

Chair or Bodyweight Squats:
Starting Position: Stand in front of a chair with your feet just greater than shoulder-width apart.
Action: With your abs braced and glutes squeezed, start the movement at the hip joint, push your hips backward, and "sit back into a chair."  Make your hips go back as far as possible and keep your knees in a straight line.  Squat to chair level, but don't sit down.  Push with your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps to return to start position.
Be Sure to: Keep your lower back tensed in a neutral position. Don’t let your lower back round.
You are working: Glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps
Body Benefit: Lower body strength

Wall Press Ups:
Starting Position: Stand with your back against a wall. Your feet should be 6 inches away from the wall and your butt, upper back, and head should all be in contact with the wall at all times in the exercise.
Action: Stick your hands up overhead. Try to keep your shoulders, elbows, and wrists in contact with the wall at all times. Slide your arms down the wall and tuck your elbows into your sides. This should bring your shoulder blades down and together. You should feel a strong contraction in the muscles between your shoulder blades as well as the shoulder muscles. From the bottom position, try to slowly slide your arms up until they are straight and in a “stick-em up” position.
Be sure to: Keep everything in contact with the wall. Try to improve your range of motion in this exercise each week.
You are working: Shoulders, upper body, back
Body Benefit: Shoulder mobility and postural control

Wall or Assisted Kneeling Push Ups:
Starting Position: Keep the abs braced and the body in a straight line from knees to shoulders. Place hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, thumbs coming to armpit. Knees stay on the floor (above kneecap). (If on the wall, then place hands on the wall slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and stand in a straight line far enough from the wall that your arms can push to full extension while keeping your feet flat on the floor.)
Action: Slowly lower yourself down until you are 2 inches off the ground (or wall). Push through your chest, shoulders and triceps to return to the start position.
Be sure to: Keep your body in a straight line at all times.
You are working: Chest, arms, core
Body Benefit: Upper body strength
Split Squats:
Starting Position: Stand with your feet “lunge” distance apart one foot offset in front of the other, both toes facing forward.
Action: Slowly lower yourself to the ground by bending your back knee. Right before you reach the floor, extend your BACK leg and squeeze your glutes.  Repeat for all of the repetitions on one side and then repeat with the other leg. 
Be sure to: Keep your back straight, shoulders back, and face forward with your body aligned, back leg is the working leg.
You are working: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes
Body Benefit: Lower body strength
Bird Dogs:
Starting Position: Kneel on a mat and place your hands on the mat under your shoulders, knees under hips. You should be on “all fours” like a dog.
Action: Raise your right hand and left leg simultaneously while keeping your abs braced. Point your right arm straight out from your shoulder and your left leg straight out from your hip. Your pelvis should not rotate (if someone placed a ball in the small of your back, it shouldn’t fall off.)
Be sure to: Keep your back flat like a table. Hold for 5 seconds then slowly lower without rotating your pelvis.  Repeat by alternating each side.
You are working: Abs, hamstrings, glutes, chest
Body Benefit: Core strength and balance
Forearm Plank Hold:
Starting Position: Lie on your stomach on a mat. Raise your body in a straight line and rest your bodyweight on your elbows and toes so that your body hovers over the mat.
Action: Keep your back straight and your hips up. Hold your abs tight but breathe normally.
Be sure to: Hold this position for the recommended amount of time
You are working: Core
Body benefit: Core strength and balance
***Intervals =  30 seconds of work & 30 seconds of active rest for 10 Complete Rounds.  Interval “Work” Moves can be Jumping Jacks, Jump Rope, Butt Kicks, Knee Highs (Running In Place).  Interval “Active Rest” Moves can be walking in place or Butt Kicks.  Active rest should allow your body to recover from the work phase without lowering your heart rate too much.  Most effective is to pick two work moves and alternate them each round. 
Intermediate/Advance Workout: (2 Workouts to alternate between...e-mail me with any questions regarding the moves ;-) Have fun!)

Supersets Workout A = 2-4 Sets Each

      *Low DB/KB Sumo Squats 10-12 Reps
      *Spiderman Push Ups 6-8 Reps each side

      *1 Leg Reaching Lunges 6-8 Reps each side
      *MB Reverse Crunches 12-15 Reps
      *DB Presses 8-10 Reps
      *T-Ups 8-10 Reps alternating each side
Complete each Superset 2-4 times through with 30-90 seconds rest between Supersets for best results. Followed by intervals (40x20 for 15 Rounds).
Supersets Workout B = 2-4 Sets Each

      *Low DB Squats 10-12 Reps
      *DB Upright Rows 8-10 Reps each side

      *DB Forward Lunges 10-12 Reps each side
      *SB Mt Climbers 12-15 Reps alternating each leg 

      *MB or DB Good Mornings 10-12 Reps
      *Forearm SB Plank Hold for 45 seconds

Complete each Superset 2-4 times through with 30-90 seconds rest between Supersets for best results. Followed by intervals (40x20 for 15 Rounds).