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To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Friday, November 30, 2012

Rough n Rushed Times...

If you are finding yourself rushed on time, tight on cash, low on patience, then you are not alone.  This time of year can be stressful for many reasons....some expected, some unexpected and not so obvious.  The important thing to keep in mind is balance and life are ever moving, always changing, and always flowing.  Not to belittle any strife you find yourself in the middle of, but 'go with the flow' and it won't be as bad.  I am not one of these folks posting inane advice having never been in the middle of rough spots....most of you who read this blog do not know me or what shoes I have walked in and out of, but try to trust me when I say, I've been there and done that and lived through most of it the hard way.  In all I have experienced, I have discovered time and again that not trying to hold on to fill in the blank and taking each moment as it comes always leaves me less battered and stressed than if I try to fight every situation and control every moment.....cause you can't anyway and trying to just makes it all worse, so let go and breathe, let go and move forward, let go and feel where you are, take it in, embrace the happiness that is there however buried it may be.  Living your life does not have to wait on any one thing to fall into place or happen.  Life is going on at all times, you just have to embrace it where you are in each and every precious, passing moment.  Don't wait to enjoy yourself for you to reach your goal weight, have a perfectly clean house, be caught up on everything, or whatever it is that is holding you back from happiness.  Happiness is available at all times, but you have to be willing to let go of your tight grip and control over something you in fact do not really even have control over in the first place....it's an illusion that you or I will ever fully get to where we think our ideal situation awaits us because that is always changing as our circumstances change.  Move towards your goals ... all of them ... while being happy, while embracing life, while being present in your day.  Each moment we inhale life and exhale stress is a blessing!  Be Merry in the Spirit for which this Season is truly about and in that gain sanity and lose stress!!!



Thursday, November 29, 2012

Peel Off Pounds?

From December 2012 Women's Health:

"Apples may be the key to eating what you want without gaining a bushel.  Scientists at the University of Iowa found that a compound known as ursolic acid that is found in apples and other fruits increased metabolism--revvving muscle mass and upped levels of brown fat (which burns other fat) in lab mice.  The findings could eventually lead to a supplement potent enough to have the same effect in humans.  In the meantime, chomp away--apples can also suppress your appetite and help whittle your core."

--Elsewhere I have read that apples aide in reduction of muscle atrophy ;-)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Friendly Bacteria

From November 2012 Yoga Journal

"The friendly bacteria--known as probiotics--that live in your gastrointestinal tract are key players in your immune system, says Shekhar K. Challa, MD, a gastroenterologist in Topeka, Kansas, and the author of Probiotics for Dummies.  In addition to producing enzymes and proteins that kill harmful bacteria that enter your body, probiotics colonize the limited amount of real estate on your intestinal walls, leaving little room for the bad guys.  Ideally, good flora dominate your gut's ecosystem, but Challah warns that the balance can be upset by stress, illness, acid-reducing medications, antibiotics, and the consumption of too much refined sugar, animal fat, coffee, and alcohol.

One way to increase your body's population of beneficial bacteria is by eating them; good food sources include yogurt (as long as the label says "live cultures"), cheese, kefir, and unpasteurized (that is, refrigerated) sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, tempeh, and kombucha.  If you're dealing with a health condition, Challa says you can get more impact by taking supplements (see below).  Even if you're healthy, he says, 'a daily dose of probiotics, via food and supplements, will help keep your good bacteria in control, which is crucial for digestive and immune health."'  ~Karen Asp

[Studies have shown that taking probiotic supplements may prevent or relieve gastrointestinal ailments like traveler's diarrhea, prevent upper respiratory infections, and provide relief for urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and allergies.  Challa recommends choosing a supplement with multiple bacterial strains (at least five) and with encapsulation (to increase the chances it survives your stomach acids) and taking 5 to 10 billion CFUs (colony-forming units) daily.  To increase its viability, choose a brand that contains prebiotic fiber.] ~Karen Asp

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Yoga For Everything

This week's Challenge will come as no surprise to those who know me well as I will tell you frequently that Yoga (stretching & breathing) is the cure for just about anything and everything.  If you have never tried any form of Yoga, then take this week as an opportunity to give it a go.  If you are not a fan, then it could be you just haven't found the right fit form for you yet so give a different practice a chance this week.  If you love Yoga but have fallen away from it, then get back to the mat!   Have no clue where to begin?  Give me a shout and I'll help you to the mat ... cagib1@charter.net   ;-)

Basic Stretch Routine
Need Some Yoga Help?
Can't Do Yoga?
Yoga Journal

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Info & Reminder

Just a quick reminder that we will not have the usual monthly workout at Trinity on Saturday....Trinity Update

I hope everyone has a Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving with their families next week!!!  I will not be posting next week so wanted to be sure and go ahead and tell you that I am thankful for many things in my life, not the least of which are my family, friends, health, and everyone who follows my site and is on their own fitness journeys right along with me (on mine)! 

Need some mental help next week?  Inspiration & Encouragement

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Acid-Alkaline Balance

Excerpt from Yoga Your Home Practice Companion by Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center:

Acid is produced in our body for a number of different reasons and generally speaking, the acid-alkaline levels are very precisely controlled by complex biochemical mechanisms.  The metabolism of our food and our lifestyle choices can produce a great deal of acid.  Whenever we exercise, or even move, our body produces acid.  When we get stressed, our acid levels rise.  Foods such as animal products, refined grains, fats, and sugar are acid-forming, as are alcohol, coffee, black tea, peanuts, walnuts, preservatives, and hard cheeses.

Too much acid in the body leads to acidosis, which is when acid is deposited in our tissues.  This can lead to a multitude of diseases--gout, rheumatism, gall and kidney stones, arteriosclerosis, and heart disease.  Migraines and cancers have also been linked to high levels of acidity.  And it gets worse.  To counteract high levels of acid, the body may take alkaline salts, such as calcium, from the bones.  This can lead to osteoporosis.

To combat acidosis, do your yoga practice.  Yoga is renowned for being a stress-busting tool.  In addition, you should aim for 80 percent of your food and drink to be alkaline-forming. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

To Thine Own Word Be True

Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas in a month....this is the time of year where friends and family come together and the stress of boundaryless relationships happen!  This week's challenge is to preempt such needless stress by the simple (and practice driven) task of being true to your word.  What does this mean?  It means not having to say you are sorry for saying something you didn't mean. It means not having to feel bad for talking behind someone's back.  It means being intentional with the words that come out of your mouth.  It means the dialogue in your thoughts and speech are true to what is in your heart.  Does this mean you will always be accepted or "nice"....NO, but it does mean that you are kind and honest.  It does mean that you are true to your beliefs and adhere to the Golden Rule.  Think it's easy...you'd be wrong, but with practice it does become habit and in that it becomes easy.  So, for this week before Thanksgiving, practice your honest, boundaryfull, true to your word approach to all of your relationships as it will make these Holidays (and your every day life) much simpler ones!!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Trinity Update

I am not going to hold the November Free Monthly Workout at Trinity.  If you were planning on attending and are not an existing client, please send me an e-mail to schedule a Free Consultation & Assessment (cagib1@charter.net).  If you are in need of either a workout or stretching routine, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page at Free Monthly Workouts and check out the numerous links to just that!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Body Care

This is going to seem silly to some, but a big challenge to a large population is simply taking time for body maintenance ... and I'm not even talking about exercise.  Take this week to add a few minutes each day to tend to some neglected body keeping....Nails, Hair, Eyebrows, Feet, etc.  Getting in the habit of applying lotion every day or tending to cuticles.  Whatever it is that gets neglected or is hard for you to make time for....make it a daily habit this week.  You'd be surprised at what a difference this minor change will make to your self-esteem and how you feel about your body.  It actually makes the fitness and nutrition part of things easier....Give a try!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Love & Comfort

As I was reading the daily devotion this morning to the family, I thought it would make for a perfect post today.... paraphrased from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young:

You can live as close to God as you choose.  He sets up no barriers between Him and you; neither does He tear down any barriers that you erect.

People tend to think their circumstances determine the quality of their lives.  So they pour their energy into trying to control those situations.  They feel happy when things are going well, and sad or frustrated when things don't turn out as they'd hoped.  They rarely question this correlation between their circumstances and feelings.  Yet it is possible to be content in any and every situation.

Put more energy into trusting God and enjoying His Presence.  Don't let your well-being depend on your circumstances.  Instead, connect your joy to God's precious promises:

God is with you and will watch over you wherever you go.  He will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches.  Nothing in all creation will be able to separate you from God's Love.

Philippians 4:12
Genesis 28:15
Philippians 4:19
Romans 8:38-39

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Stretch It Out

If you need some help with cool down stretches and/or in between workout day stretches, try the below series:

Monday, January 30, 2012

Basic Stretch Routine

Whether you have been participating in the current 21 Day Yoga Challenge or not....Or whether you have a regular Yoga practice or not. Stretching in between workouts is an excellent way to protect your muscles and joints. Here is a a basic stretch routine you can do as either a cool down post workout or in between workouts:

Reclined Leg Stretch Series each leg
Upper leg extended toward ceiling, with back body on the ground for 6 breaths
Upper leg extended toward ceiling with head & upper back curling up into a sit up for 3 breaths
Upper leg out to the side with back body on the ground for 6 breaths
Upper leg across body with back body on the ground for 3 breaths

Lower Body Thread the Needle each leg for 6 breaths

Happy Baby for 6 breaths

Upper Body Thread the Needle each arm for 6 breaths

Downward Facing Dog for 12 breaths

Pigeon Pose each leg for 6 breaths

Revolved Side Angle for 3 breaths each side

Half Splits Twist (IT Band Stretch) for 3 breaths each side
From a Low Lunge Position w/back leg down and front leg straight (in half splits) place
same hand as back leg down on mat between legs (aside upper, inside straight shin) & twist
over straight leg.

Frog Pose Variation for 3 breaths each leg

Downward Facing Dog for 12 breaths

Standing Forward Bend for 12 breaths

Standing Forward Bend for 12 breaths
Forward Fold Center/Right/Left
Twist Right/Left
Switch which leg is in front of crossed legs
Forward Fold Center/Right/Left
Twist Right/Left

Simple Heros Pose with Eagle Arms 6 breaths each arm
Right Under Left Arm, Pull Elbows up and hands out
Left Under Right Arm, Pull Elbows up and hands out

Childs Pose for 12 breaths

Unfamiliar with some of these stretches? E-mail me (cagib1@charter.net) and I will send you a WORD doc containing pictures of the poses.