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90 Days & Beyond

To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Place

Those participating in the Current Fitness Challenge, how is it going?  Give up on Push Ups? or 8-10 Servings of Produce? or Yoga?  How are your workouts coming along?  Even with struggles, it shouldn't be an all or nothing proposition here....Life is not perfect and neither will anything you do in life (especially not your fitness journey) be perfect, so get over it and move forward!!!!  Celebrate your victories, learn from your setbacks, and move forward into your future!!!!!!  Tomorrow starts a new mini-Challenge, but it also starts a new month ... so, use that new, fresh start to overcome your obstacles, tackle your challenges, and be who you are meant to be!  Use today to reflect on what changes you need to make in your life to make your life easier.  Sometimes the smallest change in your behavior, outlook, interaction, to-do list, day, whatever it is, produces the biggest turn around in your journey. 

Do this, close your eyes and think of your happiest, most peaceful moment.  Whether it be a moment with a person, a perfect day in your life, a vacation, whatever it is.....Now, what about that "happy place" was so happy?  What about that event was your bliss?  Let's face it, vacations are few and far between for most of us, and perfect days maybe fewer and farther between....Figuring out how to bring our 'happy places' into our daily lives is key to living well, happy, nurtured, and balanced!  Need help with this exercise?

Example of what I am talking about.  My truest and happiest self (and quite frankly as a result, most productive self) is when I am alone with nature and my Bible in the early morning hours.  Outside with a cup of hot tea in the crisp morning air just before sunrise listening to the birds chirping while communing with God in His Word is the best and happiest I ever am in life!  What about family, or the beach, or whatever???...Well to me, that time enhances the flavor and moments in all of the rest of my life.  If I start my day outside in God's Word, I then savor the moments all the more with my family, am more productive in my day, and negativity doesn't reach my center.  Everyone has to find what makes that for them, and all the rest will be in balance!

Find your happy place and find your balance!

Pop Points, Pop Points

Need some points?  Well obviously, it's best to earn them through the Challenges because that is what is going to best gain you results and good habits, but if you are need of a boost in points, or just morale.....

*For every day you have eaten 8-10 servings of produce between 5/18/12 and today 5/31/12, give yourself 10 points for each day.

*For every day you have eaten over 12 servings of produce between 5/18/12 and today 5/31/12, give yourself 20 points for each day.

*For every day you have eaten over 60 grams of fiber between 5/18/12 and today 5/31/12, give yourself 50 points for each day.

*For every day you have not gone over 25 grams of sugar between 5/18/12 and today 5/31/12, give yourself 75 points for each day.

*For every day you preplanned your day, hit your nutritional ranges, and adhered to your preplanned meals for that day between 5/18/12 and today 5/31/12, give yourself 100 points for each day.

*For every day you worked out between 5/1/12 and 5/31/12, give yourself 25 points for each workout.

*For every day you more than 45 minutes of Yoga between 5/1/12 and 5/31/12, give yourself 25 points for each session.

*For every day you ran more than 3 miles between 5/1/12 and 5/31/12, give yourself 25 points for each run.

*For every day you did 50 or more push ups (any stage) between 5/1/12 and 5/31/12, give yourself 25 points for each day.

*Max total possible points for this entire "Pop Points" post is 5,370.  If you are able to collect more than 2,500 points, then give yourself an additional 1,000 points making your total max possible points 6,370.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tennis or Golfer's Elbow?

Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is inflammation in your lateral (outside) epicondyle and is an overuse or repetitive trauma injury of the wrist extensor muscle tendons.  Acute pain will occur on the outside of your elbow when you extend your arm as well as in your wrist with extension or gripping movements.

Golfer's Elbow (medial epicondylitis) is inflammation in your medial (inside) epicondyle and is an overuse or repetitive trauma injury of the wrist flexor muscle tendons.  Acute pain will occur on the inside of your elbow when you flex your arm as well as when you grasp something causing you to have a weak grip.

Pain for both will diminish with rest, but will get worse if not addressed.  If you have night or early morning pain/burning in your wrist, loss of grip strength to the point of dropping objects, numbness or tingling in the palm, thumb, index, and middle fingers, then you might rather have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Thoughts to Keep In Mind

Thoughts to keep in mind as we embark on this holiday weekend so you hopefully will think before you sabotage all of your wonderful efforts thus far!!!  Enjoy your family, rest from work, and most importantly remember why we have this holiday weekend before us....

3rd Bonus Challenge

Now that you are tracking, increasing your produce intake, and reducing your sugar intake this Bonus Challenge should be an easy one to collect points.  If you get between 30-50 grams of Fiber in a day then give yourself 25 points for every day you hit that range from today through June 28th (total possible points 875).  If you get over 60 grams of Fiber in a day then give yourself 50 points (total possible points 1,750).  Munch on ;-)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Workout Calories

If you use the Mifflin-St. Jeor equation to compute your RMR (resting metabolic rate) and TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and workout 3-5 days per week, then you are utilizing the TDEE calculator of 1.550 which represents 870 calories burned each day due to your workouts.  Then it is important to know because if you take time away from your workouts (let say you take a week off for whatever reason) then you need to know you are getting approximately 870 calories more than you need due to the lack of physical activity, so be sure and back that out of your daily caloric intake. 

Don't have a clue to what I was just referring?  You can find the calculators and further explanation below as well as at Eating Supportively:

Nutritional Targets: So what are these targets? Well, it can be different depending on who you ask. Let's start with some basics: Protein contains 4 calories per gram and it is recommended that approximately 10-35% of your daily calories come from protein. Carbohydrates also contain 4 calories per gram and comes from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and it is recommended that approximately 45-65% of your daily calories come from carbohydrates. Fats contain 9 calories per gram and it is recommended that approximately 20-35% of your daily calories come from fat (less than 10% from saturated fats and the majority from polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats).

The next piece of the puzzle is determining your specific resting metabolic rate (RMR) which represents the number of calories it takes to fuel your body (ventilation, blood circulation, temperature regulation, digestion, etc.). The Mifflin-St. Jeor equation is the most accurate estimation of RMR and is outlined below. Some info you need to know to complete the formula are your weight in kilograms (1kg=2.2 lbs and you can easily convert by dividing pounds by 2.2), your height in centimeters (1 inch=2.54 cm and you can easily convert by multiplying inches by 2.54).

For men: RMR = 9.99 x wt(kg) + 6.25 x ht(cm) - 4.92 x age(yrs) + 5
For women: RMR = 9.99 x wt(kg) + 6.25 x ht(cm) - 4.92 x age(yrs) - 161

The RMR value derived from the predication equation is then multiplied by the appropriate activity correction factor below to determine your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). Note that this equation is more accurate for obese than non-obese individuals.

*Sedentary (little or no exercise): 1.200
*Lightly active (light exercise/sports one to three days per week): 1.375
*Moderately active (moderate exercise/sports six to seven days per week): 1.550 (if you workout with me this is the calculator you would use)
*Very active (hard exercise/sports six to seven days per week): 1.725
*Extra active (very hard exercise/sports and physical job): 1.900

For a moderately active 38 year old 140 lb 5'6" female then;
weight in kg = 64 (140/2.2)
height in cm = 168 (66 x 2.54)
RMR = 1,341 ((9.99 x 64) + (6.25 x 168) - (4.92 x 38) - 161)
TDEE = 2,079 (1,341 x 1.550)

The Dietary Guidelines recommend that those trying to lose weight aim for a 500 calorie deficit per day, achieved through decreased calorie intake and/or increased physical activity. Even for fat loss you would take the above derived number and decrease it by 500 for your total daily caloric total. From there you can break out the particular nutritional targets: protein, carbohydrates, and fat based on the previously provided information.

If your TDEE is 2,079 then your total daily caloric intake should be 1,579 (2,079 - 500) then;
Protein would be 474 calories and 118 grams (1,579 x 30% / 4)
Carbohydrates would be 711 calories and 178 grams (1,579 x 45% / 4)
Fats would be 395 calories and 44 grams (1,579 x 25% / 9)

Be sure to reevaluate your nutritional targets about every 5 to 10 pounds lost.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sugar & Veggie Challenge

The 4th Mini Challenge of the Current Fitness Challenge is all about Sugar Reduction & Increased Veggie Intake!!!   5/18/12 - 5/31/12

Reduce Your Sugar Intake by reducing how many simple carbs, alcohol, and processed foods you consume.  If you currently consume a high number of sugar grams in a day and they are coming from simple carbs, alcohol, or processed foods, then give yourself a point for every sugar gram you are able to eliminate from your diet between 5/18/12 - 5/31/12 (max total possible points 1,000).  Don't have a problem with sugar?  Sure about that?  Check out your breads, everything you consume that isn't a whole food (meat, veggies, fruits) for how many sugar grams are in one serving...you'll be surprised at how many you are actually consuming in a day!  For those who have their sugar intake in check, as well as those past 5/31/12 sugar reduction mini challenge, give yourself 25 points each day you do not consume more than 25g of sugar (total possible points 1,050).  You will be relieved to know that the sugar in fruit will not be counted as part of this Challenge!  This is because I do not want you cutting fruit from your 8-10 servings of produce a day.  I do however, want your fruit intake to be no more than 4 servings a day....Which leads me to the other element of this mini Challenge....

Increase Your Veggie Intake, Increase Your Produce Consumption!  You should be getting between 8-10 servings of produce each and every day at a minimum (that was at a MINIMUM)!!!  More than half of that consumption should be from VEGETABLES!!!  So to help with that healthy habit, you will get a whopping 15 points for each serving of vegetables you consume in a day between 5/18/12 - 5/31/12 (total possible points 1,260).  For every serving of vegetables you consume each day between 6/1/12 - 6/28/12 give yourself 30 points (total possible points 6,720).

1 Fruit Serving Size is Equal to:1 medium whole fruit (e.g., apple, banana,, orange)
1/2 cup small fruit (e.g., berries, grapes)
1 cup chopped large (e.g., melons)
1/4 cup dried fruit

1 Vegetable Serving Size is Equal to:
1 cup cooked or raw
2 cups leafy greens
1/2 cup beans/legumes

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Find Your Strong

Strong is what happens when you run out of weak! 
Find your strong and achieve your goals!!!



This Fri/Sat, May 18th/19th is the next weigh/measure day if you are participating in the Current Fitness Challenge.  If you are officially participating, don't forget to e-mail me your numbers. 

I haven't been reminding you, but no one past the first mini-Challenge has remembered to e-mail me their points totals.  Be sure this weekend to e-mail me your cumulative points totals and going forward e-mail me at the end of every mini-Challenge (so every two weeks) your total points for that particular mini-Challenge as well as your total cumulative points at that time.  Let me know of any questions!  We are at the halfway point so hang in there!!!  Finish these last 6 weeks STRONG!

It is the Trinity Free Monthly Workouts this Saturday, May 19th.  Hope to see you at 8 am!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Perspective On Forgiveness

From a friend on Facebook:

"When we harbor negative emotions toward others or toward ourselves, or when we intentionally create pain for others, we poison our own physical and spiritual systems. By far the strongest poison to the human spirit is the inability to forgive oneself or another person. It disables a person's emotional resources. The challenge is to refine our capacity to love others as well as ourselves and to develop the power of forgiveness. " ~ Caroline Myss ~

Journey to Success

It's been said many times, but this path you are on is unique to you and is Your Journey.  Who would have thought starting out to lose weight, get fit, get healthy, whatever it is you started out doing and wound up here would be so much more than any one goal.  For me, losing weight and getting fit and healthy were just a start of a path that was way more rooted in change than just my body composition or health.....This path was hard and still continues, but has been healing and has foundationally changed my life direction.  What has your journey thus far been for you?  This is not a small thing, self discovery...as it will change your perspective.  However, small or large, it will alter your trajectory. 

You are actively moving forward into a healthier future!  Healthier mentally and physically!  To be content with where you are and acknowledge both where you were and where you are going is all part of the process to getting you further down your path.  To acknowledge that you are great where you are and have succeeded greatly, is just that a celebration of where you are.  To say it is not where you want to stay is neither a negative statement on where you are or giving up on where you want to go.  On this journey you find yourself it is ever moving and not ultimately about who you were yesterday or who you wish you were today/tomorrow, but in how and who you are evolving into moment by moment.  Embrace you every day, and acknowledge the good with the bad.  Be happy with where you are in the present and you will arrive with much more ease at your destinations in the future.

"Don't waste your time thinking about who you ought to be; just be content with who you are becoming."  ~Anonymous

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Entitlement = Led Astray

It's the feeling of entitlement that leads us astray!!!  We are not entitled to comfort, relaxation, or work-free lives!  Think about that....If you lived each day fulfilling your responsibilities and obligations without the mindset of "getting a break" or deserving time away from responsibilities and obligations, would you be as stressed out?  Would you be as frustrated?  More importantly, would you be as off track fitness and/or nutrition wise??  Are not a lot of bad eating, any bad habits really, just a result of "a vacation from our lives" mindset (aka responsibilities and obligations)???  Why?  Who said we were entitled to anything but hard work? 

Enjoy your life by not fighting it!  What happened to the satisfaction in a job well done, a days hard work, a gift of good behavior from our children following our examples??  Our children mirror our behavior, so consider what the reflection is teaching them....Your Children Are Watching!

I am by no means suggesting you not have enjoyment or downtime, but rather you step outside of feeling it is owed you.  Happy breaks come throughout each and every day, enjoy them in the satisfaction of truly earning them instead of yearning for them!

In that same regard, stop thinking of eating well as a chore or drudgery, or exercise as punishment.  Food is the nourishment your body needs to sustain life.  That's it.  Very simply, food is fuel.  Where did we get so sidetracked to think that it was a sport or a well deserved treat?  You are not a dog.  Reward yourself with something other than food!  'Back in the day' when food had to be grown or hunted or you didn't eat, there was plenty of physical activity.  Exercise today is necessary to replace our very 'relaxed' and easy lives (seriously, think just as far back as the settlers and complain about your day?).  The conveniences of modern day has left us needing to replace the lack of daily physical activity in an artificial way....EXERCISE.  Your body requires it!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Life is Growth

Everyone's struggles are their struggles and a hardship to them.  What might seem silly to you and so elementary a problem compared to yours doesn't mitigate the pain it is causing that person.  Don't judge their crisis or how they are handling it....Instead, learn how you can handle your issues better by how you observe them handling theirs poorly or how they are handling theirs well.  Life is growth.  Grow, mend, and help each other out! 

Grow From Mistakes

Mistakes happen.  Set backs happen.  Learn, grow, move forward!  Mistakes are only a bad deal if you use them as reasons to quit. 

Week of Reflection

There was no Post on Friday due to my schedule.  I was then going to Post the weekly mini-Bonus Challenge on Saturday, but decided to let this week be a week of Reflection instead of adding another ball in the air for you to focus on and juggle.  So try to keep all the balls in the air you have thus far in addition to the many responsibilities of your life, but try to also assess and reflect this week on where you are on your journey.  How are you doing?  How is your Balance?  All this week will be Posts of Reflection. 

If you are having a tough time, get in line.  Struggles are a part of life, just as they are a part of your fitness journey.  Learn from your hardships and/or your mistakes and move forward.  Anytime growing up I would lament that something wasn't fair, my Dad's retort was always "who ever said life was fair?"  Truer words were never spoken.  Life isn't fair!  Shit happens!  Get over it.....because you are only hurting yourself by holding on to what isn't fair in your life!!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Not Getting Results????

So, if you have been following my blog, or someone else's advice, or even my personal instruction or classes, but are not getting results, then ask yourself these questions:

1)   Are you working out effectively three times a week?  In order to answer this question you first have to know what an effective workout is....If you are working out with me, then you have an effective workout, but are you doing it three times a week intensely?  If you are not working out with me and your answer is that you are working out all of the time and running the treadmill into the ground, then you are not working out effectively.  An effective workout does not entail hours worth of cardio or hours lifting weights.  Tons of cardio are not going to get you where you want to go and neither will tons of weight lifting.  To be effective, you have to balance your workouts just as you do your nutrition and your stress (i.e., your life)!  An effective workout consists of 15-30 minutes full body strength resistance training (NO ISOLATION MOVES ALLOWED...in other words, STEP AWAY FROM THE MACHINES) and 15 minutes of high (that was HIGH) intensity interval training three times a week.  It truly is that simple.  If you are spending more than three hours a week on this, you are wasting your time and most likely hurting your progress by not allowing your muscles the time to rest, repair, and build.  Sure you want to be toned...because it 1) eliminates that jiggle and 2) it increases and maintains your metabolism.  If you are a woman, you don't have to worry about bulking up because you are not built that way, and because you have to work beyond what is effective to accomplish that due to your structure.  We are talking toned and healthy....we are talking firm and strong!  Go for the "Looking Good Naked" philosphy instead of the "Looking Good in Clothes" (hint, if you look good naked, you will look good in clothes....the converse is not always true!)!!!  Greater Muscle Mass = Higher Metabolism

2)   What are you eating?  How much of it are you eating?  If the answer is that you eat well and not that much, then that is why you are not getting results.  Say what?  First, if you are not tracking what you are eating, you have no clue exactly what and how much you are consuming.  Not really???  Even after doing this consistently since February 2009, I still am amazed the days I don't track and then go back and plug in as to how many more or less calories I actually consumed and how that was broken down by protein/fats/carbs/fiber.  Track what you eat is first and foremost.  Be sure to log those cooking oils, sprays, condiments, sauces, and dressings as those add up big time!  As do any bites, licks, tastes you have throughout the day (shoot of course for none but track what BLTs you do have).  Second, would be that if you want to look like an unhealthy waif with lots of loose skin and be perfectly miserable by depriving yourself all of the foods your body needs, then by all means eat less than what your body actually needs to function and build muscle (again, muscle is one of the key factors of what drives your metabolism).  If, however, you want to look healthy, tone, trim, and firm, then eat for crying out loud.....Eat what your body needs to function, and eat what your body needs to recover and build muscle.  Eating Supportively 

3)   Are you getting enough recovery and sleep?  This is actually as important as the workouts themselves.  You need to recover adequately in between workouts because without recovery you actually are just tearing down your muscle and never allowing it to repair and build!  So, you might as well just skip working out!  Overworking your muscles is as bad for your progress as undereating!!!  Sleep is huge for more reasons than I am willing to address here, but know that without consistent sleep (ideally, 7-8 hours) each night, your body will hinder the work you are putting into your results elsewhere, so try and go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning.  I have two small children, so yes I know this is difficult.....just do your best for your sanity and your body!

Skinny or Fit? You Decide...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Is Tendinitis Your 'Achilles'?

Got pain in your heel?  Let's see if it could be Achilles Tendinitis....

Signs & Symptoms of Achilles Tendinitis are pain in your heel about 2 to 6 cm above the tendon insertion into the heel.  Usually this pain is in the morning first thing and sharp or burning pain that increases with more vigorous activity.  Weak calves can be the cause as can high arches, flat feet, poor footwear, poor flexibility, lateral ankle instability, or errors in training along with leg length discrepancies, age, or prior injuries.  Running uphill increases the load on your calves and Achilles, so if you do a lot of running be sure you are properly warming up and stretching your calves. 

If you have Achilles Tendinitis you can control the pain and inflammation by "ice" (ice, compression, elevation) as well as doing calf raises and stretching.  Beyond that, be sure you are utilizing proper training techniques, proper footwear, and are at the proper weight for your height.  Know that if you do not mend and instead push through the pain you could be risking an Achilles rupture.  Just as with overtraining, overstretching is just as bad and can cause irritation to the musculotendinous unit.  Aim for restoring proper length to the calf muscles to decrease symptoms without overexertion.

Excellent calf stretches are:

*Standing lunge with the back foot heel pressed into the floor for at least 6 breaths;
*Standing lunge with the back foot heel pressed into the floor and back knee bent (this takes the stretch further into your heel) for at least 6 breaths;
*Standing on a step with one heel hanging off for at least 6 breaths.

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Great Reminder....

From a Chain E-Mail:

A NYC Taxi driver wrote:

I arrived at the address and honked the horn. After waiting a few minutes I honked again. Since this was going to be my last ride of my shift I thought about just driving away, but instead I put the car in park and walked up to the door and knocked.. 'Just a minute', answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor.

After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 90's stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940's movie.

By her side was a small nylon suitcase. The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets.

There were no clocks on the walls, no knickknacks or utensils on the counters. In the corner was a cardboard
box filled with photos and glassware.

'Would you carry my bag out to the car?' she said. I took the suitcase to the cab, then returned to assist the woman.

She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the curb.

She kept thanking me for my kindness. 'It's nothing', I told her.. 'I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother to be treated.'

'Oh, you're such a good boy, she said. When we got in the cab, she gave me an address and then asked, 'Could you drive
through downtown?'

'It's not the shortest way,' I answered quickly..

'Oh, I don't mind,' she said. 'I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice.

I looked in the rear-view mirror. Her eyes were glistening. 'I don't have any family left,' she continued in a soft voice..'The doctor says I don't have very long.' I quietly reached over and shut off the meter.

'What route would you like me to take?' I asked.

For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator.

We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.

Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.

As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon, she suddenly said, 'I'm tired.Let's go now'.
We drove in silence to the address she had given me. It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico.

Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move.
They must have been expecting her.

I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair.

'How much do I owe you?' She asked, reaching into her purse.

'Nothing,' I said

'You have to make a living,' she answered.

'There are other passengers,' I responded.

Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug.She held onto me tightly.

'You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,' she said. 'Thank you.'

I squeezed her hand, and then walked into the dim morning light.. Behind me, a door shut.It was the sound of the closing of a life..

I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly lost in thought. For the rest of that day,I could hardly talk.What if that woman had gotten an angry driver,or one who was impatient to end his shift? What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away?

On a quick review, I don't think that I have done anything more important in my life.

We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments.

But great moments often catch us unaware-beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.

Time is short, Wake Up and LIVE!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Push Up Challenge

The 3rd Mini Challenge of the Current Fitness Challenge is PUSH UPs!!!  5/4/12 - 5/17/12  For the Love of Push Ups! 

Phase 1:  For every stage of Push Ups you advance give yourself 15 points.  Meaning that if you are on the Wall now with push ups and progress to Negative push ups, you would earn 30 points (from Wall to Kneeling would be 15 points plus Kneeling to Negatives would be another 15 points for a total of 30 points).  The stages of push ups we will use for this particular challenge in order will be:  Wall, Kneeling, Negative, Full, Inclined, Progressions (3 counts down, hold for 3 counts, up in 3 counts), Declined, Stability Ball Declined, Phase 2.  In order for you to consider yourself ready to advance a stage you need to do a minimum of 10 good form versions of the stage you currently find yourself (total possible points 120).

If you can already do all of these particular push up forms (10 of each), then you get to give yourself 50 points and move on to Phase 2 of this Challenge.  (total possible points 50)

Phase 2:  In addition to your workouts (in other words your workout push ups do not count towards this), set a timer to 15 minutes and in that timeframe with as many breaks as your body requires, count how many push ups you can do in full form (triceps push ups, arms by your side/elbows pulled in full plank form down and up push ups).  If you hummingbird speed through these you will actually not work all of the necessary muscles....so you have to go slow and controlled for these to count.  If your body is flailing and you are not performing in good form, then it doesn't count.  You can only count a good form push up!  You will have a total of two sessions a week you can attempt this from 5/4-5/17 so get cracking if you are in Phase 2 because you will get a whopping 10 points for each push up you can do in each 15 minute session (max total possible points 4,000).

Phase 3:  From 5/18/12 - 6/28/12  If you spent the 14 days of this mini challenge in Phase 1, keep on progressing because you will get 10 points for each stage you advance (total possible points 80).  If/when you find yourself in Phase 2, you will get a total of 50 points for each set of 50 push ups you do every week in addition to your workout push ups (again, workout push ups do not count towards this total) with a maximum of 2 sets a week of these 50.  Same form rules as Phase 2 above, good triceps push up form and only good form counts.  Can't get to 50?  You can still get points: 25 push ups will get you 25 points and between 26-39 push ups will get you 30 points and between 40-49 push ups will get you 40 points.  (total possible points 600)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

For the Love of Push Ups!

If you are new to working out, or even if you are not so new, and are struggling with push ups, hang in there as they do get easier!  Like with Burpees, Push Ups are a love hate relationship for sure ;-) but are very much worth all of your efforts!  They are possibly one of the best exercises you can do for so many reasons.  Sure they work your chest and triceps, but they also work your upper back, shoulder, and my favorite...your core!

You are better off starting where you are and working into it with good form, than rushing to what looks like the correct form using the incorrect muscle groups to struggle through the move.  Start with perfecting your Plank, which will force you to tighten and stabilize your Quads, retract your shoulders, and hold in your WHOLE CORE (this does not mean holding your breath).  You should never hold your breath as it raises your blood pressure!  Work on the wall if a kneeling push up is not yet accessible to you.  Start with good/proper form (elbows in, lowering in even "good Plank back" form as if I am pulling your elbows back as you go down in a straight line (not leading with your head, neck, chest, or gut)) on the Wall, then to Kneeling (on your knees), then to Negatives (from Plank lower (with control) down to the floor, pause, and return to Plank from the floor), Full on Push Ups, Inclined Push Ups, Declined Push Ups, Walking Push Ups, Diamond Push Ups, Spiderman Push Ups, and the list goes on and on. 

Know that there are three stages of learning something:  1) Cognitive Stage of Learning (understanding the skill),  2) Associative Stage of Learning (mastering the basics of the skill), and finally 3) Autonomous Stage of Learning (performing the skill naturally and effectively).  See also my previous post on Stages Of Understanding.  Push Ups are an excellent example of each of these stages.  The way we find ourselves reacting to the stage of our Push Ups can be a good AhHa moment on how we handle other life issues....Didn't know I was going there did you? ;-)  Think about, it might assist more than just your Push Up form!!!

Extra, Extra

Extra Pop Points:

*If between 4/19-4/30 you strength trained 4 or more times for at least 30 minutes intensely, give yourself 25 points.

*If you read the 4/27/12 points Post and decided you were going to do it best you could, then give yourself 30 points.  If you threw your hands up in defeat and decided it wasn't worth the effort, deduct 30 points.

*If you have tried at least one new healthy thing to eat from 4/6-4/30, then give yourself a pat on the back and 15 points.

*If you have struggled at all since 4/6/12 and decided you were going to keep on going doing your best everyday regardless of the obstacles......YAY HOORAY for you!!!!!  Give yourself 35 points and a high five!!  If you haven't struggled but have remained on track since 4/6, give yourself a high five and 20 points....Really, if you are on track you are already racking up the points...now stay on track!!!

--Just posted one additional clarification "Comment" to the 4/27/12 Post-- ^^^If you have questions, be sure and let me know so I can answer them!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ligaments & Tendons

Ligaments and tendons are soft collagenous tissues.  Ligaments connect bone to bone and Tendons connect muscles to bone.  They both play a significant role in your musculoskeletal biomechanics.  Injuring one of them can be more than just a pain, so here is some basic info to help you understand what might be going on with either if injured.

First, know there is a difference in a sprain and a strain.  As defined by the ACE Personal Trainer Manual: A sprain is a traumatic joint twist that results in stretching or tearing of the stabilizing connective tissues and mainly involves ligaments causing discoloration, swelling, and pain.  A strain is a stretch, tear, or rip in the muscle or adjacent tissue such as the fascia or tendon.

"Ligament sprains often, but not always, occur with trauma, such as a fall, or during contact sports.  The most common joints for sprains include the ankle, knee, thumb/finger, and shoulder.  If a sprain occurs, the client may report hearing a 'popping' sound followed by immediate pain, swelling, instability, decreased range of motion, and a loss of function."  (ACE Personal Trainer Manual & Anderson, Hall, & Martin, 2008)  For minimal tenderness & minimal swelling it is considered a minimal impairment and indicative of only microscopic tearing of collagen fibers.  If moderate tenderness, swelling, and decreased range of motion, then you can expect moderate impairment due to complete tears of some but not all collagen fibers in the ligament.  You will know if you have a severe impairment if you have significant swelling, tenderness, and instability indicative of a complete tear or rupture of the ligament.  In the case of a severe impairment, you might need surgical reconstruction.

"Muscle strains are injuries in which the muscle works beyond its capacity, resulting in microscopic tears of the muscle fibers.  In mild strains, the client may report tightness or tension.  In more severe cases, the client may report feeling a sudden 'tear' or 'pop' that leads to immediate pain and weakness in the muscle.  In addition, swelling, discoloration, and loss of function often occur after the injury (Anderson, Hall, & Martin, 2008).  Strains are frequent in the lower extremity and primarily occur in major muscle groups such as the hamstrings, groin, and calf."  ACE Personal Trainer Manual

Try to avoid sprains and strains by proper and thoughtful movements, not overstretching beyond your bodies limitations, and by not overusing your muscles and joints.  Workout Tidbits

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Workout, Stretches, & Update

Is it only Tuesday, because it feels like it should be Friday ;-)  What a week already...and What a way to kick off May!!  Really though it is a good reminder at how even with huge struggles and moments wondering "wtf already", that journeys never end and our lessens are never over in fitness or in life.  Hang in there if you are struggling, because with every struggle a blessing comes...but only if you overcome and not give up!!!  If you saw last week's post on the mini planning challenge, and had a "are you kidding me" response, bare with me and know there is a method to my madness and it will be to your great benefit to give it a try!  Your ah ha moment will come, and you will realize that I am not totally crazy ;-)  Check out that day's post again and in the comments section as I am posting some questions that have come up and some additional info to help you out with the points system if you are participating fully in this Current Fitness Challenge

Also, I have posted the May Free Monthly Workouts, so check it out & mark your calendars for May 19th at 8 am at Trinity....Hope to see you there!!!  If you notice the Cool Down this month, you will see I am trying to give you more of a Yoga benefit, so feel free to add this to your Yoga routine if you need some change in your Salutations and other Practices....

                                            Cool Down Stretches
                                                     *Downward Dog Leg Pumps 5 each leg                
                                                     *Standing Forward Bend IT Twist each side
                                            *Standing Hamstring Stretches
                                            *High Lunge Over Shoulder each leg
                                            *One Leg Downward Dog Twist each leg
                                            *Pigeon Pose to Half Frog Pose Variation each leg
                                            *Upper Body Thread the Needle each side
                                            *Simple Hero Pose with Eagle Arms each position
                                            *Seated Arm Stretches (Shoulder Pull / Tricep Stretch)
                                            *Child's Pose