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90 Days & Beyond

To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Friday, August 31, 2012

Time? Labors? Where?

This Labor Day Holiday, take time to reflect on exactly where your time and your labors are spent.  Seems silly to some, but actually writing down where your time goes throughout the week can be a real eye opener.  It can show you what you truly value....and if where your time is mostly spent is not what in your heart of hearts you value, then do something about that.  An example that was used recently is the statement folks make about God being their priority, yet they spend more time on Facebook and watching television than they do reading God's Word; thereby God is not their true priority but what is replacing their time with God is their actual priority.  Another aspect of "valued" time is true regarding folks statements of not having time to plan healthy meals or workouts, yet they have time to pin, post, and salivate over what is now being referred to as food porn (recipes and treats recipes and pictures) or sitting around with other activities.  I personally, currently struggle with the balance of time with my kiddos and my ever growing stack of responsibilities and other commitments, so this Labor Day I will be mapping out a better way to delve out to everyone (including myself) and have that stress free time with my children that they deserve!  How could your priorities be better addressed?



Thursday, August 30, 2012

Challenge = Gift

From a friend's Facebook post:

"Our challenges are gifts.  They mean we are ready to move ahead to new awarenesses, to a new sense of our personhood.  Challenges force us to think creatively and outside the box; they force us to turn to others, they demand that we change.  Without challenges, we'd stagnate, enjoying life little, offering life nothing."

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Need A New Grain?

Technically a seed, Amaranth is worth a try.  It is related to spinach and Swiss chard, so it is packed with antioxidants and just like Quinoa it packs all the amino acids so it is also a great complete protein choice.  With either Amaranth or Quinoa you are meeting both your protein and carbohydrate needs as well as packing in great sources of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and fiber. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Consistent Rest

From the September 2012 Fitness Magazine:

"Your night-owl ways aren't just making you tired come Monday morning; they're also making you fat.  For every hour of 'social jet lag' --the amount your sleep schedule varies between the weekend and workdays--your risk for being overweight or obese rises about 33 percent."

Also....Importance Of Sleep

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Currency of Knowledge

From someone's Facebook post:

"Knowledge is like money, why collect it and never use it?"

Friday, August 24, 2012

4 Week Challenge Tracks

As mentioned in yesterday's post, this 4 Week Challenge is going to offer 3 different tracks you can choose from to participate: Fitness Track, Weight Loss Track, Nutrition Track.  Following is how each would work.  I suggest only picking one to focus on for 4 weeks and then another for a different 4 weeks.  That is of course not to suggest that you do not eat healthy and supportive if you choose the Fitness Track, or that you do not do your workouts if you choose the Nutrition Track, just that the intense focus and goal setting is geared toward the track you choose. 

Fitness Track
If you are at a place in your journey that you feel a 4 week focus on fitness goals would best benefit you, then the Fitness Track is definitely the track you should choose.  First, you need to pick either 3 fitness goals to achieve or 1 main goal focus with 3 goal markers for achieving your 1 main goal.  However you decide to go, you will need to not only establish  your goals, but also the plan for which you will go about accomplishing those very goals.


1) If you want to go the 3 goals direction, it might look something like this:  1st goal=Strength Gains (way to achieve could be taking the workout you would do for 4 weeks and plan out reps with progressive increases over the 4 weeks, breaks in between sets, increase of sets from 2 to 3 to 4, and progressive weights increases during reps with strength and muscle hypertrophy in mind).  2nd goal=Intensity of Workouts (way to achieve could be doing a timed workout by either doing a timed Pyramid Workout, Stacked Tabata Workout, Circuit Workout, or simply striving to complete all sets/reps within a designated time each workout).  3rd goal=Intensity of Intervals (could be achieved by always doing one extremely intense move such as rock star jumps, 180 squat jumps, tuck jumps, box jumps, etc, and one slightly less intense move such as knee highs, mountain climbers, burpees, etc., and alternating them each active work round for a 40x20 for 15 min interval set; pushing each time for more and more number of reps and higher intensity).  Other types of goals you could go for are simply completing your workouts three times a week with no excuses; OR flexibility goals of in between workout day stretches of 20 min or more 3-5 times each and every week; OR running goals, etc., list is endless.

2) If you want to go the 1 main goal direction, it might look something like this:  Main Goal=Full On "Triceps" Push Ups.....the 3 goal markers if you are starting out with kneeling push ups could be 1st=negative push ups down, palm release hands, plant knees and push up part knees & part feet for the first 4 workouts then moving to 2nd=negative push ups down, palm release hands, push up feet only working on core stability for next 4 workouts then moving to 3rd=Full On Push Ups for final 4 workouts working on core stability.  Another example could be ... Main Goal=Chin Ups....the 3 goal markers could be 1st=chair assisted negative chin ups for first 4 workouts then moving to 2nd=chair assisted chin ups for next 4 workouts then moving to 3rd=Unassisted Chin Ups for final 4 workouts.  The list can be endless here as well such as the various plank holds, various active planks, running, cycling, swimming, plyometerics, etc.

Weight Loss Track
If you are at a place in your journey that you feel a 4 week focus on weight loss goals, specifically fat loss goals would best benefit you, then the Weight Loss Track is definitely the track you should choose. First, you need to honestly assess what has been your hang ups in the past.  Second, you need to weigh and measure yourself the first day of the Challenge and then weekly thereafter up and until the final day of the Challenge (reference Measuring Results).  Third, you need to plan the three main areas that dramatically affect fat loss:  1st=Workouts...plan them and stick with them for 4 weeks with no excuses (reference Workout Tidbits).  2nd=Nutrition...plan your meals, especially your PIs.  Eat clean 90% of the time (which will require you to actually stick to your preplanned meals and PIs 100% of the time with no UPIs...reference Eating Supportively).  3rd=Rest....without adequate sleep consistently and recovery days from workouts you will not have the fat loss success you are seeking.  Establish a consistent bedtime and wake up time and stick with it for 4 weeks.  Be sure you are working out with a day of recovery rest in between and at least one full day off each 7 days (not a day of sitting on the couch and not moving...this is stipulated for all the folks out there who workout 3 days a week, plus run, plus do yoga, etc....they need a full day of none of those activities).

Nutrition Track
If you are at a place in your journey that you feel a 4 week focus on nutrition goals would best benefit you, then the Nutrition Track is definitely the track you should choose. First, you need to assess what your focus should be these 4 weeks.  In other words, what are your big obstacles?  Is it too many PIs, too many UPIs, is it planning meals, is it eating supportively at all, is it not getting in enough produce, is it not getting in enough calories, etc., etc., etc.  Pick 5 issues to master these 4 weeks and plan your approach and how you are going to go about doing it the entire 4 weeks with no excuses.  If kicking sugar is one of your 5, then I'd limit sugar intake to fruit only.  If one of your 5 is to eat 10 produce each and every day, then preplanning your meals is going to be key.  If one of your 5 is to eat 90% clean and hitting all of your nutritional markers, then again preplanning is going to be key.  Be sure to reference Eating Supportively.

Whichever track you choose, planning is going to be paramount to your success!  I'll say it again....if you fail to plan, you plan to fail....not the first time you will hear me repeat these sage words.  This is 4 weeks of intense focus on what might be the very hindrance to your fitness and/or weight loss success.  It's 4 weeks.....you can do it for at least 4 weeks!  Here's a hint....if you do it for 4 weeks by the end of the Challenge it will be a HABIT and you will realize you don't have to focus on it so much anymore ;-) 

Determine your track, determine your plan of attack, WORK YOUR PLAN for 4 WEEKS!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

4 Week Challenge Assessment

This 4 Week Challenge is going to offer 3 different tracks you can choose from to participate: Fitness Track, Weight Loss Track, Nutrition Track.  Now that you have had a couple of days to reflect on your journey, you are ready to assess your goals and which track is best for you.  In order to assess which track is best for you, you simply need to ask yourself what would you most like to intensely focus on for 4 weeks and rigidly discipline yourself to accomplish.  In 4 weeks with eagle focus, you can accomplish sooo much!  If you are trying to do it all (fitness goals, weight loss goals, and nutrition goals) it can be too much and nothing gets accomplished, so pick one focus and stay focused for 4 weeks.  I will unveil the different track challenges tomorrow.....It is going to be totally AWESOME!!!! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

4 Week Challenge

Awesome 4 Week Challenge!

Definitely going to apply the KISS (keep it simple silly) philosophy to this ;-)  I strongly suggest that if you have not been doing any kind of anything and/or have fallen so far off the "wagon" that you forgot how to work it, that you do the 2 Week Habits Exchange Challenge before doing this 4 Week Challenge.  Doing so will maximize your effectiveness and results.  That said, this Challenge will therefore not have an "official" start/end date so as to make it accessible to folks as they are ready to do it.  I, myself, will be doing this Challenge starting Sunday, August 26th and ending on Saturday, September 22nd.  If you want to do the 4 week Challenge with me, great!  If you need to wait and follow it once you are ready to maximize the benefits of it, great...just see all posts on it when you are ready...they'll be waiting for you at Current Fitness Challenge.

Before I post the details of the 4 Week Challenge, I want you to first reflect on where you are on your fitness journey.  What has worked, what hasn't worked, where are you now?  How is your life balance?  What is "challenging" you currently to stay on top of your nutrition and fitness needs/goals?  Knowing the answers to these questions will help you realistically assess and obtain your goals within this 4 week challenge.

Reflect on....Assess where you are and where you want to go from here.....More to come.....

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Letting Go To Move On

More times than not you cannot move forward until you move on.....by LETTING GO!  Couple of things with actually 'letting go'.  First, you have to legitimately forgive yourself or others in order to let go of whatever.  True forgiveness doesn't mean you forget, but does mean you don't hold on to the emotion of whatever it is.  To hold on is only punishing you over and over again.  Whether it is yourself or someone else, you are torturing yourself for something from the past in the present again and again.  Is doing so solving or resolving anything?  NO!  Is harboring such negative emotion bettering your present or future?  NO!  Is holding on with such a firm grasp actively harming your emotional well being and physical health?  YES!  Let go and feel lighter emotionally and physically!!!  From a Christian standpoint, if Christ can forgive us, all of us, then who are we to think we are unforgiveable?  Once you ask Christ for forgiveness, it's done, over, don't ask Him again and don't punish yourself over and over again.  Move forward into the future!  Revel in the present!  And Don't REPEAT your mistakes, missteps, or whatever.....And if you fall, we're human, forgive, try harder, move forward!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How Much Should You Weigh?

In answering the question of how much you should weigh, you first need to know your frame size.  Here are a couple of handy websites to help you figure out a good goal weight for your body:

Frame Size Calculator

How Much Should I Weigh Calculator

Monday, August 13, 2012

Al Dente

From the July/August 2012 issue of Women's Health:

"The pasta prep that could help you feel full longer.  When cooked so that it's still firm (al dente), pasta has a lower glycemic index--meaning it doesn't raise your blood sugar as much as macaroni that was boiled longer.  As a result, the sugars release into the bloodstream more slowly, which may make you feel more satiated."

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Only Have 10 Minutes?

This week has been insane between the many engagements with work and the kids being back in school.  So, I had to cut some corners yesterday to get in everything and one of the corners cut was my workout ;-) The usual excuse of "I didn't have time to workout" just won't cut it folks .... 'cause if you have 10 minutes, then you have time to workout and sweat!!!!  Below is the 10 minute workout I did yesterday that got my blood pumping and sweat flowing ;-)  Give it a try when you just have 10 minutes to spare!!!

10 Minute Tabata Workout

Warm Up with 10 Burpee Jacks with Push Ups, then set a timer or your Workout Muse to 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest for 20 rounds.

1st Round       10-12 Push Ups
2nd Round      10-12 Y Squats
3rd Round       10-12 Push Ups
4th Round       10-12 Y Squats
5th Round       10-12 Push Ups
6th Round       10-12 Y Squats
7th Round       10-12 Reverse Lunge Kick on Right Leg
8th Round       10-12 Reverse Lunge Kick on Left Leg
9th Round       Fast Mountain Climbers
10th Round     10-12 Reverse Lunge Kick on Right Leg
11th Round     10-12 Reverse Lunge Kick on Left Leg
12th Round     Fast Mountain Climbers
13th Round     10-12 Reverse Lunge Kick on Right Leg
14th Round     10-12 Reverse Lunge Kick on Left Leg
15th Round     Fast Mountain Climbers
16th Round     Forearm Plank Hold
17th Round     Burpees
18th Round     Forearm Plank Hold
19th Round     Burpees
20th Round     Forearm Plank Hold

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Where Is YOUR Head?

Did you know that your thoughts dictate your actions?  Seems pretty basic.  So if you know that, why are you not applying it?  Here's what I mean.....If you are looking through magazines, blogs, PINS, etc., searching out yummy desserts and recipes are you really doing yourself any favors here?  Your body and actions are going to follow whatever you are mentally focused on.  Same holds true with your "can't" vocabulary.  If you tell yourself you "can't" do something, you most likely won't be able to so why are you limiting yourself?  If however, you say I am going to try to do something or that you are going to do something, you most likely will!  Figure out what you truly want in life and what your next set of goals are, and that's what you should go about focusing on so you can obtain them!!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Two Week Follow Up

Knowing what to do and actually doing it do not always go hand in hand.  Just look at the personnel in a doctor's office and/or hospital.  We are all just human and beyond the everyday stresses of life and busy bustle, we get bored.  This blog is all about implementing life style changes and not quick fixes, diets, and the rest, but even changing your habits for the long haul can get cumbersome and boring.  Being aware that goals are constantly important to maintain, especially once we achieve what we feel are our "ultimate goals" and consider ourselves on "maintenance"....BEWARE OF COMPLACENCY!

If you started a two week Challenge...YAY!  If not, I highly recommend it to kick start your mindset in the right direction!  These past two weeks were just what I needed to get my head fully back in the right direction!  I was drowning in stress and turning my focus on the right balance everyday was just what I needed to recenter and get back on track!  Was I perfect in all I did, NO....no one is or can be perfect....but trying to do your perfect best each and every day is worth striving for and keeps you out of a lot of pitfalls!!!! 

What were my bottom-line results?  I am only posting this because I know it will be helpful to some of you to know what "rewards" you get from just a few changes....My two weeks habits exchange challenge was to get back into a daily yoga practice and to knock out cocktail hour ;-)  I was mostly 100% on this but did miss a couple of days of yoga and had wine with dinner one evening.  Aside from the trade in aspect of the two weeks challenge, I got back to preplanning my meals, getting in all of my workouts, daily Bible study, etc., it was great to get back to what truly reduces my stress levels.  Was it easy to juggle it all, not at first, but making it a priority did in fact make it easier and even with more time demands from work and kids starting back to school, it is just part of the daily routine.  In just fourteen days, I lost 8 pounds and 4 inches off my waistline....note to all those that think calorie restriction is the way to lose weight..I lost 8 pounds eating between 1800-2200 calories each and every day!  Eating Supportively

Now that my head is in the right place, I have reset my goals for a 4 week mini challenge....details to follow.....Hope you are ready ;-)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Should You Go Gluten Free?

From Fitness magazine online:

"Gluten is often blamed for weight gain, bloating and stomach struggles, but is it really all that bad? Read on to see if you need to eliminate it from your diet before hopping on the bread-banning bandwagon.  By Leslie Goldman

Should You Be G-Free?

What do celebs like Zooey Deschanel, Emmy Rossum, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Chelsea Clinton have in common? They all follow gluten-free diets, thanks to severe wheat allergies that, if left untreated, can result in bloating, diarrhea, fatigue, malnourishment and even infertility and osteoporosis.

"Going g-free" has been trendy for a few years now, with proponents claiming that ditching wheat can melt away pounds, elevate sports performance and evaporate mental fogginess. The industry has exploded, mushrooming 27 percent since 2009 and surpassing $6 billion in sales in 2011, according to Mintel research. "Gluten-free is the new low-carb," says Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, RD, author of The SuperFoodsRx Diet (Rodale) ?and a nutrition advisor at Golden Door Fitness Resort and Spa in San Marcos, Calif. But unless you are one of the 1 percent of Americans who truly suffer from actual Celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder where the body attacks itself in the presence of gluten - a protein component found in wheat, rye and barley - or the 5 to 8 percent who are gluten-intolerant, eradicating gluten from your diet will not help you lose weight or boost energy. In fact, "many gluten-free products are packed with sugar and fat," Bazilian warns."

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Cycle Check

How to set up your bike for a smoother ride:

1) When standing beside the bike, the seat height should be at or just below your hip.

2) The distance from your seat and the handlebar should be just far enough that you can relax your elbows.

3) Your handlebar should be at the highest position that feels comfortable without stressing your neck or lower back.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New Month...New Groove!

It's August!!!  Hot, sticky, and 31 days of opportunity!!!  If you haven't started a two week challenge...jump on in and give it a whirl ;-)  If you are in the midst of a two week challenge, keep up the good work and reflect on what changes have occurred! 

The August Free Workout is the same as July since it is a good, do anywhere workout.  With August being just as busy and crazy active as July I figured it would be a good one for folks to try if they didn't yet in July.  Reminder that the Trinity workout is on Saturday, August 18th if you would like to come out and try the workout with me.  I will be offering more than just a free workout. If you would just like to come and watch a workout, and get a feel for how they work, and then talk with me after about any questions you have, I would love to see you there!