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90 Days & Beyond

To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Children Only Fitness & Form Class

Coming in June 2015 is a Children Only Fitness & Form Class every Tuesday at 10:15am at the VEF Studio veryeffectivefitness.com .... Hope to see your kiddos there! Adult All Fitness Class precedes the Children's Class at 9:00am, so no excuses for you not to both get your workouts in and done for the day!

Children Fitness & Form Class  This class is structured for children of all ages (but primarily those ages 4-16). It is designed to teach them proper movement in squats, push ups, lunges, etc., as well as stretching to protect their bodies as they develop. This is an excellent class to get kiddos active, but primarily to protect their joints & muscles in any of their sports endeavors.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Good Workout to Get Started/Rebooted

Have been away from the workouts for a bit?  Below is a good workout to get you started, restarted, rebooted, GOING.  Want some other suggestions?  Be sure to check out Free Monthly Workouts page and all the links or visit me at the VEF Studio (details at veryeffectivefitness.com).

Complete 2-4 complete Circuits of Round 1 with 30 seconds for each move followed by 15 seconds of rest between moves.  Once you have completed all of Round 1 (2-4 times through), rest for 60-90 seconds, then Complete 2-4 Circuits of Round 2 with 30 seconds for each move followed by 15 seconds of rest between moves.

Round 1 Circuit 30x15Mountain Climbers (fast or slow)Prisoner SquatsForearm Plank HoldLeft Leg Reverse Lunges (or split squat)Right Leg Reverse Lunges (or split squat)Wall Squat with Arms against the wall to form a "W" (w/elbows in line w/shoulders)

Round 2 Circuit 30x15Calf RaisesShin RaisesStability Ball PassesLeft Side Plank HoldRight Side Plank HoldWall Squats with Arms against the wall to form a "W" (w/elbows in line w/shoulders)

Follow with Tabatas, Intervals, or just Cool Down Stretching.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Raw vs Steamed Spinach

from Oxygen April 2013 issue:

Which packs more nutrients?  As  you probably know, spinach is an excellent source of nutrients.  However, a naturally occurring compound in raw spinach called oxalic acid (sometimes referred to as oxalate) interferes with the absorption of some minerals found in spinach, including iron and calcium.  Cooking the spinach helps to break down this compound.  One cup of cooked spinach contains 6.5 milligrams of iron and 245 milligrams of calcium.  On the contrary, one cup of raw spinach only has 0.8 milligrams of iron and 30 milligrams of calcium.  Steaming is also a better cooking method than boiling, as it helps to preserve water-soluble vitamins that can be lost through the boiling process.  All you need is a maximum of five minutes over medium heat to steam a pound of fresh spinach.

Other Tidbit:  Research shows that spinach helps relax arteries and lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Detox & Cleanse

from http://www.naturalnews.com/026910_apple_vinegar_cider.html Detox and Cleanse With Raw Apple Cider Vinegar:

"The cleansing properties of apple cider vinegar have been utilized for centuries. Eastern medicine teaches us that apple cider vinegar can help stimulate circulation and aid detoxification in the liver. Ancient cultures often used apple cider vinegar to purify the blood. Today we are exposed to more toxins than ever before, so it's become even more important that we take care of our bodies by detoxing with natural medicinal foods like apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is rich in natural minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Supplying these nutrients to the body is crucial during a time of detoxification, when all the systems in the body go into overdrive to purge out toxic material. The unique acids in apple cider vinegar can bind to toxins and help the body eliminate them more effectively. They are also equip to fight bacteria, fungus and Candida.

Another way apple cider vinegar aids detoxification is by breaking up mucus throughout the body and cleansing the lymph nodes to allow for better lymph circulation. A healthy lymphatic system can remove toxins from the cells in the body while improving immune system response.

Taking apple cider vinegar before meals aids digestion and improves gastric health, helping the body remove toxic waste more efficiently. When foods are digested thoroughly and waste eliminated quickly, the body is nourished and toxins are removed before they have time to do damage.

Remember, to get real results you must choose a real product. The ideal
apple cider vinegar is in raw liquid form. It should be unprocessed and unfiltered, with plenty of "mother" in it. Any other kind of apple cider vinegar will be far less effective and may provide no benefits at all. In fact, some cheap imitations are simply white distilled vinegar with caramel coloring added!

apple cider vinegar in small doses throughout the day. Many people like to take 1-3 teaspoons in a glass of water before meals to aid digestion. Others enjoy adding it to hot water with honey to drink as a tea. You can also use apple cider vinegar to make tasty and nutritious sauces and salad dressings.

A hot bath prepared with a cup of apple cider vinegar and a cup of Epsom salts will draw toxins out through the skin and help jumpstart the cleansing process. This can also help relieve joint pain as well as skin conditions like eczema and acne.

While apple cider vinegar can play an important role in detoxification, it will be far more effective when combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle that includes these habits:

- Eat a balanced diet that consists of unprocessed, natural foods that will provide the body with the nutrition it needs to purify itself.

- Include some raw, uncooked foods in your diet since these supply important enzymes that will help you 

- Choose organic foods to help reduce your exposure to toxins. Keep in mind processed foods of all kinds should be avoided, even if they are labeled organic.

- Exercise regularly to improve the health of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, both of which work to cleanse and purify the body.

- Reduce toxin exposure by using natural household cleaners and beauty products.

- Drink only filtered water to avoid potential toxin exposure. Getting plenty of pure water will also aid natural detoxification processes."

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Friendly Bacteria

From November 2012 Yoga Journal

"The friendly bacteria--known as probiotics--that live in your gastrointestinal tract are key players in your immune system, says Shekhar K. Challa, MD, a gastroenterologist in Topeka, Kansas, and the author of Probiotics for Dummies.  In addition to producing enzymes and proteins that kill harmful bacteria that enter your body, probiotics colonize the limited amount of real estate on your intestinal walls, leaving little room for the bad guys.  Ideally, good flora dominate your gut's ecosystem, but Challah warns that the balance can be upset by stress, illness, acid-reducing medications, antibiotics, and the consumption of too much refined sugar, animal fat, coffee, and alcohol.

One way to increase your body's population of beneficial bacteria is by eating them; good food sources include yogurt (as long as the label says "live cultures"), cheese, kefir, and unpasteurized (that is, refrigerated) sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, tempeh, and kombucha.  If you're dealing with a health condition, Challa says you can get more impact by taking supplements (see below).  Even if you're healthy, he says, 'a daily dose of probiotics, via food and supplements, will help keep your good bacteria in control, which is crucial for digestive and immune health."'  ~Karen Asp

[Studies have shown that taking probiotic supplements may prevent or relieve gastrointestinal ailments like traveler's diarrhea, prevent upper respiratory infections, and provide relief for urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and allergies.  Challa recommends choosing a supplement with multiple bacterial strains (at least five) and with encapsulation (to increase the chances it survives your stomach acids) and taking 5 to 10 billion CFUs (colony-forming units) daily.  To increase its viability, choose a brand that contains prebiotic fiber.] ~Karen Asp

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


from Fitness April 2013 issue:
"Technically, spices are vegetables in concentrated form," says Wendy Bazilian, R.D.  "Like veggies, they contain thousands of healthy phytonutrient compounds, including antioxidants."  But spices are calorie-free and require no prep.
Rosemary health perks:  While grilling and sautéing require little to no added fat, cooking at high temps produces compounds called heterocyclic amines, which are harmful free radicals that may cause cancer, explains Hannah El-Amin, R.D., a dietitian at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago.  Luckily, marinating meat in a mixture made with rosemary before firing it up prevents the formation of heterocyclic amines by as much as 84 percent, a study at Kansas State University found.
Cinnamon health perks:  A seesawing blood sugar level can drive hunger and cravings; the antioxidant compounds in cinnamon help prevent those spikes and dips by improving the way your cells metabolize glucose, El-Amin says.  What's more, research shows that eating half a teaspoon of cinnamon daily reduces risk factors for diabetes and heart disease within six weeks.
Curry Powder health perks:  The starring role in this blend of herbs and spices belongs toturmeric, which contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory "that's 50 times more potent than vitamin C or E," says Bharat Aggarwal, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and the author of Healing Spices.  In fact, one study shows that curcumin inhibits the growth of certain breast cancer cells, and other research suggests it may also protect against stomach and colon cancer.
Oregano health perks:  "I think of dried oregano leaves as miniature salad greens," Bazilian says. One teaspoon contains not only six micrograms of bone-building vitamin K but also the same amount of antioxidants as three cups of spinach.  And preliminary research indicates that oregano can help fend off stomach flu. "Bacteria often hitch a ride on the food we eat, and oregano may keep them from multiplying and making us sick," Bazilian says.
Cayenne Pepper health perks:  Talk about red hot: Capsaicin, the compound that gives cayenne its burn, also "helps crank up your body's thermostat, firing up your metabolism and helping you burn extra calories and fat," Bazilian says.  In a study at Purdue University, people who added half a teaspoon to their meal ate 70 fewer calories at their next meal and craved fatty, salty foods less.
Ginger health perks:  Besides helping to settle an upset stomach, this peppery spice can also lessen workout induced soreness:  People who consumed one teaspoon of ground ginger daily for 11 days experienced a 25 percent reduction in exercise-related muscle pain compared with those taking a placebo, one study shows.  (Gingerol, a chemical in ginger, is thought to reduce inflammation and block nerve pathways that process pain.)  And Thai researchers recently found that middle-aged women who took a daily ginger supplement for two months exhibited a greater attention span and scored higher on memory tests than women who took a placebo.
Cumin health perks:  One tablespoon of these aromatic seeds fulfills 22 percent of your daily requirement for iron, a mineral that helps keep your energy level high and your immune system in flu-fighting shape.  And according to preliminary research, cumin may also boost your brainpower:  In an animal study, consuming cumin extract was shown to improve performance on memory tests.
Nutmeg health perks:  Despite having a hint of sweetness, this spice may help prevent cavities.  "Your mouth is a hotbed of bacteria, and nutmeg fights the germs with antibacterial compounds," Bazilian says.  Chief among them is macelignan, which reduces plaque formation by 50 percent and eradicates cavity-producing microbes, according to Italian researchers.  Additionally, nutmeg is rich in protective anti-inflammatory compounds that can lower your risk of cancer by stifling tumor growth, Aggarwal says.
Keep it spicy!  Just like fresh produce, spices pack less of a punch--for your taste buds and your health--over time.  Here's how to make sure yours have plenty of kick.  Read the fine print.  Most spices have a "best by" date on the bottle.  If they don't, write the date of purchase on the cap.  Toss dried herbs and ground spices after two years and whole spices after three.  Keep your cool.  Moisture and heat can suck the life out of your spices fast, so store them in a dark, relatively cool and dry place (that is, not above your stove), Limor Baum, R.D., says.  Whole up.  When possible, purchase whole spices, like black peppercorns and cumin seeds, and grind them yourself as needed with a mortar and pestle or a spice or coffee grinder.  Show off.  Keeping your spices organized can prevent you from leaning too heavily on salt.  Clean out your junk drawer and fit it with an in-drawer rack (find one at containerstore.com) 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Keep Your Good Habits

So the 6 Week Spring Clean Your Habits Challenge is done, but the good habits you've obtained shouldn't be forgotten or in the past! If you completed the Challenge....Whoo Hoo & YAYE! If you didn't get to participate these last 6 weeks, well you have 6 weeks yet ahead of you to get right on it ;-) All the info you need is located on the Current Fitness Challenge

  • Week 6 = 5/11-5/17 Home Stretch!  Really give this last week everything you've got and don't ease up on any of the good habits you have thus far made!!!  Weigh and Measure on 5/17/15 and compare changes from Day 1.  
  • Have further to go to reach your ultimate GOALS?  Continue on with your good/clean/active habits and you will most certainly get there!  Want to maintain your achieved success?  You guessed it....continue on with your good/clean/active habits and you will most certainly stay there!  What you are doing is NOT a diet or a temporary "fix".... you are living with good health/fitness habits which should never deprive you from a full and happy life, so why stop?

Friday, May 15, 2015

More Is Not Always Better...

Going to the extremes of anything is not usually the best choice.  The same goes for your vitamin intake.  Make sure you always follow your doctor's advice and recommendations and beyond that adhere to recommended dosages.  Special care must be taken to not consume excessive amounts of fat-soluble A, D, K, and E vitamins that are stored in the body fat as they can impair physical performance and health.  Excess vitamin A and D intake can actually retard growth and permanently damage organs.  But that doesn't mean don't take what you need....Vitamin D is important in promoting calcium absorption for example so make sure you know what you are consuming and what you should consume.  Know too that the best source of any vitamin and mineral is the natural source and that supplements/vitamins should not be your only source of such.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Yes, More on Protein ;-)

Read a blurb from the current issue of Fitness magazine:

"Instant Energy Boost:  When you need a pick-me-up, reach for something with protein.  Scientists at the University of Cambridge found that the nutrient activates orexin cells, which release a stimulant in the brain that's responsible for wakefulness.  What's more, protein neutralizes the effects of sugar, keeping your energy levels stable.  'Even a small amount of protein seems to cancel out the effects of large amounts of glucose,' lead author Denis Burdakov, Ph.D., explains.  So if you normally grab a piece of fruit when you hit an afternoon slump, pair it with a small handful of nuts or hard-boiled egg to power through the rest of your day."

Beyond this, protein, as I have mentioned a few times/ways, aides in the repair of your muscles which is all good and wonderful....but if you are not working out regularly know that just as with too many carbs and fats, protein too turns to fat if you are consuming more calories than you are burning!

Want some other info, be sure to check out all of the info and links on
 Eating Supportively

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Vegetarian Protein Complementarity Chart

--from ACE's Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals

"Vegetarian diets provide several health advantages.  They are low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein and high in fiber, folate, vitamins C and E, carotenoids, and some phytochemicals.  Compared to omnivores, vegetarians have lower rates of obesity, death from cardiovascular disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer. However, if poorly planned, vegetarian diets may include insufficient amounts of protein, iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, and other nutrients (ADA, 2003).

Quality protein intake is crucial for vegetarians.  A main determinant of protein quality is whether a food contains all of the essential amino acids.  Most meat-based products are higher-quality proteins because they have varying amounts of the essential amino acids, while plant proteins other than soy are incomplete proteins because they do not contain all eight to 10 essential amino acids.  However, complementary plant products such as rice and beans together provide all essential amino acids.  Research suggests that most vegetarians consume adequate amounts of complementary plant proteins throughout the day to meet their protein needs.  Thus, the complementary proteins do not need to be consumed in the same meal. (ADA, 2003)."

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ab Facts

A good write up on the "why" situps are not an affective ab enhancement choice from Women's Health.

"You have five lumbar vertebrae, and each one gives you about seven to nine degrees of motion, for a total of 45 degrees," says Mary Kirkland.  That means to truly work your core, you need to stay between zero degrees (like a plank) and 45 degrees (like a crunch).  "From 45 degrees to a full situp, you're engaging your hip flexors, which attach directly to your lumbar spine.  Too many reps will not only make your hip muscles sore, but your lower back will start to hurt too."

Monday, May 11, 2015


There are a lot of reasons why folks say they cannot eat well and/or workout, but aside from a legitimate illness or injury, these are really just excuses.

A lack of time is the most common excuse for not planning/preparing healthy meals and/or for not exercising.  If this is you, make an honest list of where your time goes.  Be sure to include your internet time, (Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, web surfing), phone time, long shower/bath time, television time, reading books/magazines time, etc.  Did you have any of these indulgent activities in abundance?  Be honest, 5 minutes here and there really add up.  If so, you have time to workout and eat well!!!

Ways to consolidate activities, can be clearing your DVR while you workout or stretch; turning your workouts into a fun activity with your kiddos.  My kids love to workout with me as well as do Yoga so this is not only fun time with them, but it is a teaching moment.  They learn first hand from example and experience that healthy choices are fun, doable, and a priority! 
 Your Children Are Watching & Why a Free Blog  Preparing a weeks worth of meals an hour each week is a practice I have done for years, and makes for a much easier week at dinner time.  Heck, I have even prepared dinner and done Burpees in the kitchen waiting for something to boil!  No time, no space, REALLY?

Expense is another common excuse.  If you are doing bodyweight workouts all you need is your body...Seriously!  Workout mats are as little as $8.  Prices of prepackaged processed foods are way more expensive than whole foods (fresh fruits/veggies and/or frozen).  Sure you can spend a lot if you choose to go organic/natural; which is great if you have the funds, but not necessary to get fit and healthy.  Eating healthy is actually cheaper than eating unhealthy...I've done the math!  I live on an extremely tight budget....If I can do this, you can do this!!!

Making yourself, your health a part of your priorities actually frees up time and energy for all the other tasks that you are currently using as excuses for not taking care of yourself.  No joke!  Walking, talking proof here!  You are worth the time!  You are worth a change; however small at the start!  Your family is worth having you around for years and years to come!  Get Inspired and Get Fit!!!!

"If we're growing, we're always going to be out of our comfort zone...deal with it!"  Scott Colby

Friday, May 8, 2015

Practice Makes???

You know the saying "practice makes perfect" but that's not really accurate.  If you are practicing bad form for example, then you will never get good form or good results as a result regardless of how much you practice...it will never be "perfect".  The saying really should be Perfect Practice makes Perfect.  You will only ever get out what you put in, so don't repeat bad behavior, bad mental dialogue, bad form, sloppy workouts, bad eating habits and expect to get anything out of it but bad results.  A good example of bad form would be the squat (Importance of a Proper Squat) or the push up....Folks will rush through those moves workout after workout and wonder why they don't get the results for their efforts....simple answer is you are not working the correct muscles and most likely just stressing your joints.  Same with mindless eating....If you nibble, bite, sample your way through the day not thinking those little tastes here and there amount to anything, you are sadly mistaken.  Results = the Effort you put into it.  Perfect Practice = Perfect Results!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Low Intensity Fact or Fiction

Fact or Fiction:  Does Low-Intensity Exercise Burn the Most Fat?  (from ACE's Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals pg 76)

"A very common misconception in the exercise literature is that low-intensity exercise is the best way to lose body weight and, more specifically, body fat.  This misconception is based on the RER chart (Respiratory Exchange Ratio).  Below an RER value of 0.86, a higher percentage of fat is being burned for fuel.  Thus, it has been thought that by exercising at a low intensity (the lower the intensity of exercise, the lower the RER value), more fat would be burned for fuel and that fat stores would selectively decrease.  This notion does not make sense mathematically and, more importantly, has never been proven in the laboratory. ... It is important to remember that the total number of calories burned is what determines weight loss, regardless of the source of those calories."

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


from Men's Health June 2013 issue:

THREE ... the Number of weekly interval workouts that match the effectiveness of five long cardio sessions when it comes to boosting cardiovascular health.

from my 6/19/12 Post:

How Effective is HIIT?

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is anaerobic training that allows you to cut cardio duration without sacrificing the cardiovascular benefits. HIIT primarily focuses on anaerobic pathways with numerous HIIT ratios that can be utilized such as a 1:1 (e.g., 30 sec of work to 30 sec of active recovery beginner Interval), a 2:1 (e.g., 20 sec of work to 10 sec of active recovery Tabata or 60 sec of work to 30 sec of active recovery intermediate Interval), or a 3:1 (e.g., 45 sec of work to 15 sec of active recovery advance Interval). The beauty of HIIT is that it not only cuts your workout duration, but in a lot of ways is way more effective than longer duration endurance cardio, especially when it comes to fat burning. But, to be effectively performing HIIT you have to be intensely working out in the "work" phase.
During exercise, higher levels of intensity cause an increase in respiration to allow larger volumes of air to move into and out of the lungs to facilitate increased delivery of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide. Simple, basic, you work harder resulting in you breathing harder. And as with everything, this simple process has a name...minute ventilation or Ve. There are two deflection points in the otherwise linear increase in Ve and that is VT1 and VT2. When you are exercising below VT1 you are able to carry on a conversation fairly normally. This is not very intense exercise and below VT1 is where a lot of long duration, steady state, endurance running/exercising is. At or just above VT1 is where carrying on a conversation is a little more difficult and speaking is slightly uncomfortable. Exercise just below VT2 represents the highest intensity an individual can sustain for approximately 20-30 minutes. Speaking is very broken and choppy just below VT2 and not at all at or above VT2. Intensely working at VT2 and above is where HIIT should be on the "work" phase. Active rest should be between VT1 and VT2 allowing your body to recover from the work phase without lowering your heart rate too much.

Recent research shows that the cardiovascular adaptations that occur with HIIT are similar, and in some cases superior, to those that occur with continuous endurance training (Helgerud et al. 2007; Wisloff, Ellingsen & Kemi 2009).

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


The next time you "reward" yourself for good behavior consider this:  Why would you reward yourself for good behavior with bad habits???

Monday, May 4, 2015

Food Rewards

Are you guilty of rewarding your children (or yourself) with food?  I know I am.  Have you considered that you are setting them up for emotional eating issues later in life?  Think about it.  If  you reward your child with a "treat" for good behavior and/or revoke a "treat" for bad behavior, the association your child builds is one of comfort with food.  Not good!  Food is fuel and enjoyable, but should not be so closely associated with feelings of emotional comfort and reward.  As an adult, I'm sure you can see in your own behavior how this has been an ongoing issue, so as a parent you can certainly see how you can help them later in their life by not "rewarding" them now with food. Rewards

Instead, reward them and yourself with time (not things or food).  Play a game, read a book, snuggle, whatever it is, trust me when I say that your children will treasure the moments you spend with them both in the present as well in the future.  Then, you will have associated activity and time with emotion as opposed to food or material things.
 Your Children Are Watching!   Sad but True