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90 Days & Beyond

To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Intervals ... Cardio

Something that was brought up in the VEF 90 Day Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/283303582021306/) was if I still recommended Intervals following the Resistance Training Workouts.....Uh Yeah!!!! But it's worth repeating, & I should have said something since no one loves 'em ;-) 
Intervals can be done following a resistance training workout or on days in between your resistance workouts. What are intervals? Some technical info on Intervals followed by suggestions for Intervals:
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is anaerobic training that allows you to cut cardio duration without sacrificing the cardiovascular benefits. HIIT primarily focuses on anaerobic pathways with numerous HIIT ratios that can be utilized such as a 1:1 (e.g., 30 sec of work to 30 sec of active recovery beginner Interval), a 2:1 (e.g., 20 sec of work to 10 sec of active recovery Tabata or 60 sec of work to 30 sec of active recovery intermediate Interval), or a 3:1 (e.g., 45 sec of work to 15 sec of active recovery advance Interval). The beauty of HIIT is that it not only cuts your workout duration, but in a lot of ways is way more effective than longer duration endurance cardio, especially when it comes to fat burning. But, to be effectively performing HIIT you have to be intensely working out in the "work" phase.
During exercise, higher levels of intensity cause an increase in respiration to allow larger volumes of air to move into and out of the lungs to facilitate increased delivery of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide. Simple, basic, you work harder resulting in you breathing harder. And as with everything, this simple process has a name...minute ventilation or Ve. There are two deflection points in the otherwise linear increase in Ve and that is VT1 and VT2. When you are exercising below VT1 you are able to carry on a conversation fairly normally. This is not very intense exercise and below VT1 is where a lot of long duration, steady state, endurance running/exercising is. At or just above VT1 is where carrying on a conversation is a little more difficult and speaking is slightly uncomfortable. Exercise just below VT2 represents the highest intensity an individual can sustain for approximately 20-30 minutes. Speaking is very broken and choppy just below VT2 and not at all at or above VT2. Intensely working at VT2 and above is where HIIT should be on the "work" phase. Active rest should be between VT1 and VT2 allowing your body to recover from the work phase without lowering your heart rate too much.
Recent research shows that the cardiovascular adaptations that occur with HIIT are similar, and in some cases superior, to those that occur with continuous endurance training (Helgerud et al. 2007; Wisloff, Ellingsen & Kemi 2009).
Interval Ideas
Intervals are most effective if you pick two moves each interval session to stick with and focus on the intensity of each of those two moves each round. Pick two moves for your "A" workout and two separate moves for your "B" workout that compliment what you did in the respective resistance workouts is ideal. Need some suggestions for your interval moves? See below for just some moves you could use....
Jumping Jacks
Jump Rope
Run Stairs
Knee Highs
Butt Kicks
Toe Taps
Box Jumps
Kick Boxing
Super Burpees
Mountain Climbers
Mountain Jumpers
Plank Moguls
Reverse Plank Moguls
Rock Star Jumps
Jumping Squats
180 Squat Jumps

Day 17

Day 17 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

So week 1 is excitement and determination for lasting change. Followed by week 2 which is trying to stay motivated in the face of excitement that has disappeared and life that has fallen down around your ears from the prior weeks push to place you anywhere on the list. Week 3 is integrated balance between week 1 and week 2. Week 4 ahead will be less thinking and more natural doing. Habits have formed again and workouts and clean eating are natural instead of forced. Week 4 is where your stride in a new lifestyle is less chore and more who you are. Less stress and even more balance. Some hit this in week 3...for me it's usual 4...for others it's week 5. Hang in there....perseverance leads to habits!

Day 17 Reporting:
*Workout....done .... sorta....just not the way I had wanted it, but that's life! I had wanted to do my resistance workout and intervals. What happened instead is I took kiddos outside to do some yard work chores in the cool of the morning which took longer than expected (because, you know, kids). It was a lot of squatting and deadlifts in the work of the yard (most definitely a lot of glute work...they burned). It was a lot of memories made with the kiddos, and beauty in the work and the great outdoors. At the end, in realizing the day was now sideways, I initially was discouraged...then decided that was nutz....it was a day I would have wanted if not for all the "lists". In putting away the gardening tools, I threw in a set of bodyweight squats and jumping lunges (ouch after all the yard quad and glute work). I felt I salvaged some of my workout, and then stretched with the kiddos! Life happens in moments presented, and perspective happens in how we deal with all the twists and turns of it all!!!!
*Yoga....on a roll!!! Did 30 minutes of standing practice (inner thighs needed some love).
*Eating....still having the issues w/whatever this new fresh autoimmune hell is....ate clean, just not enough calories...I'll get there!
*Sleep....6 hours....

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 16

Day 16 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

If I demonstrate nothing else from this 90 day posting, I hope that it's to show you how doable this all is, that you can change your eating/fitness habits by taking one day at a time, one week at a time, one revelation at a time. Not by hitting your habits goals in the first week, but over the 12 weeks by tackling one demon at a time. Working the habits into a better system as you discover what does and doesn't work around your life. How just every little bit is progress, and not giving up just because of a bad day or week. That finding your balance is as key to good health as is working out like a beast or eating every shred of broccoli collected from the store (or garden). This is a process, an ongoing journey with an ever moving goal/destination line. We never arrive at a final destination unless we're dead or no longer growing!

Day 16 Reporting:
*Run...skipped run and did my intervals from yesterday instead (10 minutes of 40x20 Burpees...cause I'm insane, that's why).
*Yoga....did 30 minutes of a full yoga practice concentrated on shoulders, back, hips.
*Eating....at 100% clean, but struggling with the caloric intake and meal size (having some autoimmune issues regarding pulmonary (which is why I didn't run today) and digestive (appetite...not metabolic related but autoimmune stuffs)....I'm trying to just focus on the right foods and timing until this issue dissipates.
*Sleep...6 1/2 hours...getting enough sleep is definitely helping with everything else that seems a struggle (inflammation)....at least I've got this going for me atm.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

July Triple A Workout

The July workout is Arse/Abs/Arms....A Triple "A" Metabolic Sizzler! It can be modified for beginners by not using weights for all of the moves and can be taken up a notch for advance beasts by increasing weights/maximum reps/all 4 rounds in as little time as possible....with good form in all cases!

July ‘16 Workout
Christina Gibson, ACE-CPT

A Workout: TriSets = 2-4 Times Through

DB Curtsy Lunges to Curls each leg 10-12 Reps
Set Up: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed forward in line with your knees, dumbbells held down by your side (shoulders engaged), palms facing outer thighs.
Action: Bring your right leg behind and to the left of your left leg (as if you are curtsying), bending both knees, but never past the ankles. Right heel will be up, left foot will be weighted in your heel. Push off with your right leg back to standing as you curl both dumbbells from the elbow toward your shoulders. Return dumbbells back to thighs while curtsying on the right leg (bringing left leg back and behind).
You are working: Glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, inner thighs (adductors), biceps, triceps

DB High Squats to Press 10-12 Reps
Set Up: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed forward in line with your knees, dumbbells held just above shoulders, palms front facing.
Action: Lead with your hips/glutes back as you lower your body down into your heels (not forward into your knees) as you were lowering yourself to sit in a chair, and until your thighs are as close as possible to being parallel with the floor. Using your glutes, quads, and hamstrings, push yourself back up to standing as you raise the dumbbells up and over head, slowly lowering them back above shoulders to starting position. Be sure to keep your back straight without overly rounding or sinking forward your lower back (exaggerating your lumber curve). Weight of all Squat movement should be in your glutes and heels. Repeat movement for desired number of repetitions.
You are working: Glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, shoulders, biceps

KB Swings 40-50 seconds
Set Up: Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell between your legs with both hands.
Action: Push your hips back with the weight just clearing your pelvis (traveling between your legs to just behind you), back should remain flat through all motions of movement, thrust your hips forward as you swing the weight up to chest at shoulder level. The thrust momentum is what drives the weight between your legs to your shoulders (your arms/shoulders should not be doing the action, just holding the weight). Continue hip hinging and thrusting for the duration of set time.
You are working: Core, hips, glutes

First 3 moves should be done 2-4 times through. Then rest 60-90 seconds before doing second 3 moves 2-4 times through.

Single Leg Deadlift Reach 10-12 Reps each leg
Set Up: Stand on right leg (foot, back in the heel) with good posture, knees soft, back neutral, and shoulders back, with left foot behind toes down.
Action: Slowly hinge from hips (back remains straight, core engaged) until torso is parallel with the floor, lower just slightly past parallel as you reach forward. Weight should be fully in your right glute muscles (and heel of your right foot). Squeezing your glutes, raise back up to standing on your right foot. Repeat all desired repetitions on your right leg before doing same on the left leg.
You are working: Glutes, hamstrings

DB T-Ups 8-10 Reps each side
Set Up: Get into the top of a Push Up Plank, keeping abs braced (not sunk into shoulders), body in a straight line from knees to neck/shoulders, and hands either on the mat or on a dumbbell (if you put too much pressure on dumbbell, then just keep them beside your hands for use).
Action: Shift your weight to your right hand (with or without a dumbbell) and slowly raise your left arm (with dumbbell in your left hand) until it is straight overhead do not lead with your hips, but allow them to follow your spine until both hips are stacked (lead movement from your core, specifically obliques), body should remain in alignment). Lower your right arm and repeat with the left arm. Alternate lifting your arms for the desired number of repetitions.
You are working: Chest, arms, core

Forearm Belly Blasters 30-40 seconds
Set Up: Lie belly down on your mat, curl your toes, contract your glutes and quads, come up into Forearm Plank position (plank with your elbows under your shoulders and forearms extended in front of you like a sphinx). Keep abs braced (not sunk into shoulders), body in a straight line from knees to neck/shoulders.
Action: Keep your back straight and your hips still, contracting your core lift your hips & glutes in the air off your forearms and hold for 5-10 seconds. Lower back down into Forearm Plank position, and repeat for the desired number of repetitions or time.
You are working: Core, chest, arms, and hamstrings


B Workout: Circuit = 2-4 Times Through

DB Deadlift to Row 10-12 Reps
Set Up: Stand with feet hip width apart with knees soft but not bent, core braced, good posture, holding two dumbbells one  in each hand (shoulders engaged), palms facing thighs.
Action: Push your hips back as your shoulders come toward the floor (back straight) until your torso is parallel to the floor, weights in front of shins. Keeping your elbows close to your body, pull both of the dumbbells up to the side of your body (elbows up and by torso), squeezing your shoulder blades together at the top of the movement (dumbbells should be at peck level). Return dumbbells back down to front of shins (slowly, not just letting your arms drop the weights), squeeze the glutes as you draw your torso back to standing. Repeat movement for desired number of repetitions.
You are working: Lats, shoulders, arms, glutes, hamstrings

DB Step Up to Reverse Lunge 10-12 Reps each leg
Set up: Stand with feet together in front of a workout bench or step ladder or step or sturdy chair with dumbbells held at your sides (shoulders not pulled down but in place), core braced (good posture).
Action: Step right foot up onto the surface used (full foot, stepping into the heel of right foot activating glutes), drawing left leg off the floor to tap with ball of foot (toes) onto bench, then stepping left foot back to floor (into heel), and bringing right foot down and behind into a Reverse Lunge. Repeat same side by fluidly bringing right foot back up to raised surface out of the Reverse Lunge. Once the right side is completed the desired number of repetitions, repeat on the left side.
You are working: Quadriceps, glutes, core, shoulders

Burpee Thrusters 30-50 seconds
Set Up: Begin in a standing position (good posture, core braced) with feet together and arms by your sides.
Action: Squat into your heels (contracting glutes, not forward into knees), bringing buttocks lower than knees, lean forward placing hands under wrists and thrusting feet back coming into top of Push Up Plank (wrist below shoulders). Jump legs forward underneath hips/shoulders (think frog), then jump to upright as high as you can then back to standing. The movements should be fluid and fast, moving between each position repeatedly until set amount of repetitions or time is completed, while keeping your body aligned throughout the movements.
You are working: Legs, core

SB Jacknives to Declined Push Ups 8-10 Reps
Set Up: Get into a 3 point stance onto a stability ball by placing one lower leg (lower shin and top of foot) onto a stability ball and arms in Push Plank position (wrists under shoulders), then bracing body and placing other leg (lower shin and top of foot) onto the stability ball. Your body should be braced at the core and in a straight line from ankles to neck/shoulders.
Action: Contract your core while drawing your hips toward the ceiling and drawing your knees into chest. Return to the starting plank position and then lower your upper body down into the bottom of a Push Up, once lowered to hover above the mat, push back up to starting position. Your abs should be braced and pulled into spine for all positions of this move. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
You are working: Core, chest, arms

SB Plank Hold 30-40 seconds
Set Up: Get into a 3 point stance onto a stability ball by placing one lower leg (lower shin and top of foot) onto a stability ball and arms in Push Plank position (wrists under shoulders), then bracing body and placing other leg (lower shin and top of foot) onto the stability ball. Your body should be braced at the core and in a straight line from ankles to neck/shoulders.
Action: Contract and brace your core to spine, make sure you are not sunk into your shoulders, that your body is in a straight line for the entire hold from ankle to neck/shoulder. Hold and breathe for the set time before coming down from the stability ball.
You are working: Core, chest, arms

All 5 moves 2-4 times through. 

Day 15

Day 15 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

Week 3 on deck! So I found my "balance" last week. Got a little lax while juggling drama and finding my zen, but it's found. Now this week will be about keeping my balance while finding my stride in getting in my workouts, yoga, 90/10 eating.

Day 15 Body Comp Progress:
*I measure & track all the site measurements (neck/biceps/etc.), but will only post the below particulars that demonstrate overall body comp changes*
Bust: no change (3 inches to goal)
Belly Button Waist: no change (3 inches to goal)
Mommy Belly: no change (3.5 inches to goal)
Hips: no change (3.25 inches to goal)
Upper Thighs: no change (3.25 inches to goal)
Pounds: up another 1 pound (36 pounds to goal) .... & this is where I can best demonstrate how correctly changing your body comp is better than scale losing. I know how to lose pounds and could have lost 10 last week (the wrong way), but if I had done that versus body comp (metabolically) losing fat while gaining muscle, then I would have not lost any inches (might have even gained them), and also once I reached my goal pounds then not be close to the size in inches I want to be for the weight (plus would have a lot of lose skin ... no thank you!).....Back in 2010 when I got down to a size 4 (almost at my goal size), I was 170 pounds....it was only at this point I reached an equilibrium between muscle gained/fat lost and began losing the pounds down to 136 (and a size 2). Just be patient with the process and remind yourself that the scale is not an accurate measure of your muscle/fat ratio & therefore not where your focus needs to reside!!!!

Keep in mind that 1) When you lose one week, you might not the next...holding same is good as long as you have weeks of loss in between; 2) When you have lax weeks, or for women hormonal weeks (ovulation/menstrual), you will either hold same as previous week or go up slightly....but the following week will go down a little to a lot depending on habits of the week following lax eating/hormones.

Day 15 Reporting:
*Workout DONE...Had to "fit it in" but got it done. It was one of those harried days when too much rollover of to-do list items plus normal Monday list and could have easily had a million excuses as to why the day would not permit a workout....but nope, not gonna let that be the case this week! I squeezed in a resistance workout between groceries and putting up groceries. It was a doozie too (designing the July workout and flushed out A...posted below). It was a quick 20 minutes sweat fest. Pushing Intervals to tomorrow (had cold stuff to put away), but got the hard part done and was very grateful for it!
*Yoga DONE. That's right, I did it ;-) full 30 min practice with focus on back and neck. Boy did I need it!!! I hope to carve out time to type up some of these awesome fantastic practices for you to be doing!!!
*Eating....much cleaner today...hit my caloric intake and almost got in all the meals in the right time frames. Didn't hit all my veggie servings, but almost hit my 70 grams of average fiber (oh yeah, it's important).
*Sleep...managed to get in 7 full hours. I'm on a roll!!!!

A Workout: TriSets = 2-4 Times Through
  • DB Curtsy Lunges to Curls each leg 10-12 Reps
  • DB High Squats to Press 10-12 Reps
  • KB Swings 40-50 seconds

  • Single Leg Deadlift Reach 10-12 Reps each leg
  • DB T-Ups 8-10 Reps each side
  • Forearm Belly Blasters 30-40 seconds
B Workout: Circuit = 2-4 Times Through
  • DB Deadlift to Row 10-12 Reps
  • DB Step Up to Reverse Lunge 10-12 Reps each leg
  • Burpee Thrusters 30-50 seconds
  • SB Jacknives to Declined Push Ups 8-10 Reps
  • SB Plank Hold 30-40 seconds

Monday, June 27, 2016

Day 13 & 14

Day 13 & 14 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

Sunday is reflection. It is my "day off" of workouts/running/yoga so my body can completely rest and recover, but not a day off to just sit around an be completely inactive. It is the only day of the week to relax from long to-do lists and just "be". Be still, reflect, assess, plan changes for what worked last week and what didn't. The successes I want to continue to make and the failures I want to continue to work through and change. Take stock on how I feel (fully) from head to toe, inside and out and determine what my reality is versus what I want it to be actively excluding the toxic interference that shouldn't have any bearing on my thoughts/actions (internal/external).

Things I need to continue to focus on making happen this next week: 1) Sleep continues to be a thorn in my side and still has got to be a priority! 2) Eating every 3-4 hours every day & making sure my veggies are maxed out remains on the list. 3) Maintaining balance in my days so I'm not overwhelmed by the long, long lists of to-dos!!!!!

Day 13 Reporting:
*Run....didn't do. Thought I would just take this whole week off from any distance running and start back on Tuesday. Joints have calmed down and I want to keep it that way. My Runs are for my mental happiness more than from a physical need standpoint. They will continue to be or not be depending on my body each week.
*Yoga....well now, here's where my heart is in it, but my body is not....Heart/Mind/Body need to get together and just do this until it is once again is my joyful habit. No yoga today even though I said I would all day long :-/
*Eating was okay. Had some happy indulgences, but not too crazy. It's happy to have a little wiggle room.
*Sleep...got 8 hours...oh joy, oh joy...just need to do this past the weekend!

Day 14 Reporting:
*Worked in the garden...so definitely engaged my glutes/quads with all the weeding, etc. So good NEAT activity for the day!
*Eating....maybe a little too indulgent...no binging or gorging, just not sticking to the 90/10 rule today, so going to correct in week 3!
*Sleep....long nap plus 7 hours at night....I just might start to feel rested again ;-)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Day 12

Day 12 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

So far so good! This week has been completely different than last. Life was very difficult this week, but in finding balance, it didn't destroy me or my journey!!!! My body is starting to show signs of acceptance and forgiveness. I'm not fully out of the woods of inflamed madness, but I can tell I am well on my way. My joints are screaming a lot less at me, and all the overwhelming pain, muscle spasms, and involuntary muscle tremors are at a minimum to gone. Pfew, I just might start feeling "normal" again in my own body after months and months of not! This is what's going to keep me motivated well beyond "results" of weight loss!!!

The best course to a lifestyle change is not total deprivation. Planned personal indulgences 3-4 times a week while eating 85-90% clean the rest of the week is ideal for balance. If I don't have to stay on a 100% for 100% of the time forever, then believe me I won't!!! For the info on indulgences and the like: Eating Supportively Page & the embedded links.

Day 12 Reporting:
*Workout: Full resistance/interval workout done (workout A/30 min, 10 min 40/20 intervals of Toe Taps/Box Jumps/Burpees)
*Yoga: 20 min full practice w/focus on back/legs (twists & hip openers)
*Eating: was much more balanced today and caloric!
*Sleep: 8 full hours...just to keep this up!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Day 11

Day 11 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

This was an almost perfect day! There is no such thing as "perfect" anything. What I mean to say is that the day was filled with joy and balance. The four kiddos were all in sync. All the work put into them to heal dysfunctional patterns, teach them how to think for themselves, be responsible, act functionally, express themselves appropriately, be joyful was all experienced. There was harmony in the house to an almost unreal level. It was happy, and very awe....some! In addition, I was getting my have to's done sans stress and remained in balance with perspective. It was a fantastic day!!!

I realized too (on a different level) that stress about anything to the degrees I've experienced them ongoing was what was 'killing' me (in every way). The best my body has felt in months were the past two days. I haven't been this pain free in longer than I can remember. I know I'm going to sound crazy (and that may be), but as long as you're on this journey with me for 90 days, you definitely get to experience all the back 'n' forth of a person on a journey. That's the thing really, I continue to figure out stuffs while doing. There is no sitting around waiting for yourself to have it all planned out and it then all work out as you've planned it to work. You do, figure out, change it around while you do, repeat. Life is messy and so too is any journey (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relationship). So, here is the crazy: Yes, I need to do an extreme elimination diet, but I also need to be stress free. Yes, I need to get my body metabolically firing through nutrition and exercise, but I need to stay pain free (not inflamed, not stressed). Yes, I need to keep me on the list daily, but I also need to be flexible without giving up on the days "life" happens unexpectedly. To that end, I'm going to try a week of 90/10 metabolic eating as opposed to the full on elimination diet. This is my recommendation to folks wanting to get fit/healthy. Doing this will get my body firing on all cylinders and keep my stress levels down. It won't rid my body of foods possibly triggering inflammatory issues in my system (but neither will high stress levels regardless of what I'm eating). My thought/approach is this: 1) eliminate the foods possibly causing me issues 90-100% of each week, but allowing one or more "eliminated foods" 0-10% each week as indulgences (thing w/testing which foods trigger inflammatory responses is you can't have them at all for weeks to months); 2) try for 100% elimination diet when I'm at a place it won't induce high stress levels and my body has calmed down enough for it to make a difference. I may change my mind and go back to my "f" all and just do everything at once approach (from last week) after next week....it's going to just depend on how I'm feeling. If I'm still this pain free, then yes this 90/10 is the right approach. If the pain and tremors, etc., are back to the levels of before, then I'll most likely go back to 100% deprivation approach. I'm only going to be beholden to how my body is doing, not to how crazy I appear with all the on/off changes.

Day 11 Reporting:
*Run: did intervals today instead of a whole run...did sprints with the kiddos...it was good for the day, the kids, and me!
*Yoga: did stretches with kiddos after sprints...again it was what fit the day and balance overall.
*Eating: LOL started the 90/10 so had two "elimination no no's" as 2 of my 4 indulgences for the week. By indulgence, it's nothing more than servings of a food that's not the best for you, not a gorge fest. Key for me is going to be strategic in indulgences and tread carefully....
*Sleep: I got 7 hours (6 uninterrupted) ... I was up after an hour, then back to sleep. Starting to actually feel rested, so little by little I'll get there....

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Day 10

Day 10 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

No excuses! Last week for me was jumping in and making it work regardless regarding me on the list (workouts, etc.). It was about taking control of what needs to be done at the same time tackling the have to lists. This week appears to be old crises and trying to (once again) find balance in it all while still getting my lifestyle back on track. Balance is tricky and doesn't mean that everything works out or gets done or is all what you want in a daily routine. Balance is very much a state of mind. Last week I had drive and the just "do it" (all) mentality. This week, I'm trying to figure out how to balance the have tos, with the unresolved crises, with relaxed spontaneity that life requires (especially with kids). It's always darkest before the storm and the rainbow to follow (so to speak). Finally, I reached the necessary perspective shift that I desperately needed to not sink my ship ongoing. By the way, this is an ever fleeting mindset, one to be protected and cultivated (much like enough sleep). I'm here (in balance) and going to try and stay here while achieving external balance (workouts, etc.)!

"This" healthy (nutrition/sleep/workouts/balance) lifestyle change only works if the perspective and your whole self changes as a part of it. My best advice for anyone is to ebb and flow with life with awareness. Know that some weeks are not going to seem "perfect" as to the lifestyle you are striving for, but are successful if what you achieve is understanding, balance, and the ability to live in a healthy lifestyle without a daily fight for it (with yourself or others). Going through the motions isn't a life or going to be lasting!

Day 10 Reporting;
Workout: I exercised, but not in my set workout routine. Kids had stuff, house had stuff, and I was struggling to put me on the list while those fires seemed most urgent. I failed at forcing my standard resistance/interval workout into the day, because I didn't have balance. It wasn't until the "stuffs" got addressed that I once again found my laugh, free spirit, and spontaneity. It wasn't until I saw the good and progress of all the efforts with the kids that I felt I was okay, they were okay, and life was going to be okay. It would seem no matter how much we moms give, it's never enough, but last night I saw that what I was giving was better than enough. I can be on the list now without the struggle or fight. I found balance!
Yoga: I stretched, but didn't do a full yoga practice. Yesterday was very much finding zen and laughter so I could truly practice yoga. In the past months/year, I lost my ability to breathe deeply. Last night I found my breath and connected with it and laughed lots....it was the therapy I needed.
Eating: Steered clear of all the can't haves and didn't resent any of it ;-) I was shy two servings of veggies and a couple hundred calories, but eating is mostly on track. It's not a hardship like last week, and my body is doing much better as a result!
Sleep: Put kids down, was bone tired, and was in bed for rest by 9 pm. I didn't go to sleep though until later....I instead got something better for me than sleep which was my laugh, my free spirit to enjoy life even in the storms. I'm actually going to be okay! I then slept without my subconscious gnawing on problems all night....I got peaceful rest! Number of hours was 6.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Day 9

Day 9 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

Knowing our bodies is key in changing our lifestyles. Knowing when we are giving in because of circumstances, emotions, laziness, what have you, and when we are just being responsible stewards of our bodies, is vital to success. Given the pain and inflammation issues I had Fri-Sun and given the emotional upheaval of yesterday and only mild reduction in pain. I took my 3rd day in a row off from physical activity. It was what I needed to be able to push in my workout routines again and not continue having the mass levels of pains. My body has calmed down and I now know I can get back to it ... not overdoing, just starting back at the level I'm capable of now and working towards where I used to be! Picking up w/my workout day tomorrow and looking forward to it!!! Know your limits and gently, consistently push them further along.

Day 9 Reporting:
*Run was skipped.
*Yoga should have but didn't...
*Eating didn't eat anything I shouldn't, but didn't eat enough calories or veggies or as often as I should...Will do better!
*Sleep managed 7 hours....

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Day 8

Day 8 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

2nd week of my 12/13 week challenge. I have always journaled and always had accountability partner(s) in my past challenges, but I have never journaled to this degree or publicly. LOL it definitely keeps me disciplined to stick with it (especially when I don't wanna), and, oddly enough, me hating the deprivation so badly. Guess sharing the pain in a written, noncodependent, functional, not acting out towards others way is the best course for me....albeit it a little taxing and vulnerable at times. That all said, yesterday sucked big hairy monkey balls! It was an emotional toxic mess (leftover baggage from previous relationships). It was a good reminder of why I no longer allow that in my "circle". It's damaging to me on every level, and having allowed it for so long (majority of my life) is why I'm in the health crisis I'm in now. I now know better, and will do better! I went down the rabbit hole temporarily and had every  no no food on my list (except soy...yaye no soy)! It wasn't a horrible binge, just a smattering (which when doing an elimination diet is bad, bad...metabolically it's not bad as long as it's not a binge, just indulgence sparsely and it's followed the next day with clean eating). The best thing is, that bad day and bad choices isn't going to wreck my journey (metabolically it was fine & emotionally it was a temporary blip & elimination diet wise a great reminder of why I need to keep all things toxic in check in my life)! I'm back at it today and excited to hunker down having been reminded why that's not how I want to live or treat myself ever again!!! Set backs happen, how we recover from them dictates how we've grown.

Mondays are my weigh/measure day to see how I'm progressing. Back in 2009 when I started out losing weight the "right" way, I would weigh/measure on Fridays, but decided after a time that doing this after the weekend was a better way to keep my mind in a good place to stay on track (kept me accountable). Remember that the scale is just to gauge how much your caloric intake needs to be daily. Your measurements are what determine fat loss!!!! When your body is in the process of exchanging muscle 'n' fat, you lose inches but temporarily might gain or just not lose pounds. The pounds will come down once this exchange is offset with more muscle than fat! For the how to's on tracking your body comp changes see: http://veryeffective.blogspot.com/p/measuring-results.html 

As everyone has a different starting point and goal needs for their body both in size/shape as well as fitness abilities/needs, I continue to think it's best to show results reflecting how progress works without going into an ego display of how my body looks or performs compared to you/yours. I'm not in competition with you or anyone, nor should you be in competition with anyone. Compete with yourself by seeing what you can do each time in improvement of your overall fitness abilities (times, weights, form, etc.), and only compete with yourself regarding reaching your size goals that's best for your body (not what a magazine tells you to look like, or how I or anyone else looks). Everyone's journey is their unique journey; everyone's body is unique and will not perform/look/act/react like anyone else's body! However, there are some standards that are universal and to that end, I share information to help you understand the machine that is your body.

Day 8 Body Comp Progress:
*I measure & track all the site measurements (neck/biceps/etc.), but will only post the below particulars that demonstrate overall body comp changes*
Bust: down 1 inch (3 inches to goal)
Belly Button Waist: down 2 inches (3 inches to goal)
Mommy Belly (for the young 20 somethings w/no kiddos, that's the pooch below belly button and above hips): down 3 inches (3.5 inches to goal)
Hips: down 2 inches (3.25 inches to goal)
Upper Thighs: down 1 inch (3.25 inches to goal)
Pounds: up 1 pound (35 pounds to goal) .... & this is where I can best demonstrate how correctly changing your body comp is better than scale losing. I know how to lose pounds and could have lost 10 last week (the wrong way), but if I had done that versus body comp (metabolically) losing fat while gaining muscle, then I would have not lost any inches (might have even gained them), and also once I reached my goal pounds then not be close to the size in inches I want to be for the weight (plus would have a lot of lose skin ... no thank you!).....Back in 2010 when I got down to a size 4 (almost at my goal size), I was 170 pounds....it was only at this point I reached an equilibrium between muscle gained/fat lost and began losing the pounds down to 136 (and a size 2). Just be patient with the process and remind yourself that the scale is not an accurate measure of your muscle/fat ratio & therefore not where your focus needs to reside!!!!

Day 8 Reporting:
*Workout ... nope/nada unless you count the numerous verbal gator rolls with another person :-/
*Yoga .... so many kinds of didn't happen...yesterday was so far removed from zen anything!!!
*Eating .... yeah about that .... see above ... Day 9 back on track!
*Sleep .... can you hear the laughter .... eeeked out 5 hours ..... 

Monday, June 20, 2016

No Knees Workout

If your knees are an issue, you can still get a great leg workout in without using them. Strengthening (as well as stretching) your quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves will help protect your knee, so don't forgo working out just because you can't do squats, lunges, and the like.

A Workout: Supersets = 2-4 Times Through

  • Seated Quad Raises (in a chair w/left leg at 90 degree bend/foot firmly on floor..not working this leg...right leg bent at more 80 degree bend, toes toward ceiling, back straight, contract and draw right leg up and toward you (think knee to ceiling not chest)...if you're not feeling in quad but in crease of hip then readjust...use a weight by holding over quad (top of thigh muscles) with both hands) 10-12 Reps both legs
  • Deadlifts (w/legs soft not bent and definitely not locked....this is for your butt, so if you're feeling it more in your back then it's wrong....ask me for help ;-) ) 10-12 Reps
  • KB Swings (this is a hip hinge not a squat hinge mess that most make it....don't use your knees) 40-50 seconds

  • Straddle Shoulder Presses (all of these "straddles" are on the floor with legs open to a v, toes up, knees soft not locked/not bent...takes the "cheat" out of the arm work) 8-10 Reps
  • Straddle Curls 8-10 Reps
  • Straddle Tricep Extensions 8-10 Reps

B Workout: Circuit = 2-4 Times Through

  • Push Ups 6-10 Reps
  • Forearm Plank Holds 20-40 seconds each side

  • DB Bent Over Rows 8-12 Reps
  • DB or KB Russian Twists 20-40 seconds

  • Forearm Side Plank 20-40 seconds each side
  • SB Passes 8-10 passes

Day 6 & 7

Day 6 & 7 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

Day 7 for me is supposed to be my workout day off and a time for reflection of the past week success/fails, and plans for an improved week ahead. I switched my Day 3/7 around this week was not a day off from working out, but still one of reflection. I jumped all in on Monday. That's kinda how I do. I'm a planner, but I am also very spontaneous, no patience, all in or all out kinda gal! So, it is totally like me to wake up and decide 'today is the day I'm going to change my life'. It was a hectic week having not prepared for such an undertaking, but it was what I needed to dive into and stick to such a hard nutritional overhaul. Since my body was still just coming out of a painful bout of everything, I wasn't feeling zesty or anywhere close to full strength. After just one week of this challenge and routine (even with all the extra load of blogging three blogs, etc.), I am already seeing improvement that made it all worth it! Thankful for the joy that is coming back into my soul...thankful for the reduction of pain!!! That's not to say, however, that there wasn't struggles...there were struggles and especially since Friday pain and an ick attitude...this is a day by day self correction balancing what I want, what is good for me, and what I "have" to do. I'll get there...little steps at a time towards balance!

Things I need to focus on making happen this next week: 1) Sleep has got to be a priority! My body isn't going to stay at any kind of push or pull if I don't get 7-8 hours every night!! 2) Eating every 3-4 hours every day & making sure my veggies are maxed out. 3) Finding joy in each moment regardless of the moment.

Day 6 Reporting:
*Workout mostly done (skipped intervals today....did 3 sets of B workout & then trigger point rolled to reduce pain). Got in NEAT with kids' walk & bike ride & a busy day.
*Yoga didn't happen as such, but I did stretch and foam (tennis ball) roll my back/neck/legs.
*Eating wasn't caloric enough, but I managed to steer away from what I wasn't supposed to have, which was a victory given one of the foursome kiddos had a birthday party (hamburgers, cake, cinnamon rolls, corn, etc....didn't eat any of it and mostly didn't resent having to make it all).
*Sleep was 7 hours ... would have actually been 8, but kids and dogs waking me up knocked it down.

Day 7 Reporting:
*Was supposed to go running, but decided my body needed the rest, so took the day off and did Bible study to help get me back to center (mentally & physically).
*Eating was like Saturday (survival around kids' food). I didn't get all my caloric intake in or all my veggies, but ate only what I was supposed to and nothing I wasn't so it was what it was.
*Sleep was not good....week ahead stress had me anxious, so squeaked out 5 hours...not what's going to set me up for a great week....going to get this right somehow!!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Day 5

Day 5 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

So first week almost in the bag (so to speak). I've told my clients through the years not to tackle the mountain all at once, which is still my recommendation when trying to course correct your lifestyle. Taking on too much at one time ends up more times than not in defeat. I completely didn't follow my own advice for two specific reasons: 1) I was failing at doing it incrementally over the past months because my personality is usually all in or all out (that's just me...but that's most definitely not everyone). Luke warm is never a good place for me to stay, because I'm too goal oriented and way too impatient. Me "sorta doing" anything means that I don't stick with it, and will forgo tending to it as soon as something that needs my urgent attention comes along (kids, life, stress crisis, you name it). 2) My health had gotten to the point that I needed to be all in, or just get buried in the avalanche.

Know too, that I have done this, studied this, know fully what my body is capable of so doing what I know to work and doing it all at once for me is different than someone tackling all my "how tos" and taking on too much change at once. Also, my changes aren't drastic from my current lifestyle...it's just down to the extremes I have to change for my health. When I say to "start where you are" and go to where you want to go, I mean make the first necessary changes and then incrementally go from there. For example: If you eat out the majority of your weeks now, get very little fiber & veggies, then start by simply eating out less until you can get to where it's an indulgence and not your standard caloric intake. Instead of mastering the 5-6 servings of veggies a day, first start by getting in 3-4 and working from there. Don't set yourself up to fail by dramatically changing everything to the maximum of your ultimate lifestyle goal. Do it in phases. In part, I am doing that with caffeine and dairy. Phase I & II of this challenge (for me) allows that, but by Phase III I want it eliminated (again for my health needs, not my recommendation for just standard healthy eating). Make sense?

For the most part this week, my attitude has been one of fierce reckoning and just doing this thing, until today. It's much more doable when you're overhauling and depriving, if you're also seeing results and feeling better. I am feeling better than past weeks, but today the muscle tremors & spasms and joint pain are really taking their toll and sinking my drive. The deprivation doesn't seem worth it (even though I know deep down it is). The morning was just (my) normal, it wasn't until late morning that it got overwhelmingly hard. It's stems mostly from lack of rest, so I decided instead of eating a plate full of fries & juicy burger loaded with condiments (did I mention I also can't have condiments & dressing....what bs) and drinking a bottle of wine (I so would love nothing more atm) that I would instead rest. Sometimes rest is all your body needs to reset (fingers crossed, cause the wine is just downstairs & I could be at a drive thru in 10 min). I'm going to snuggle my little loves, read a book, anything to distract me temporarily from the pain (except all the things I want to do to numb it). The list will get carried over to tomorrow (it never goes anywhere....ugh). Rest my hip that is preventing me from walking normally and sleep long tonight. Tomorrow is a new day! Remember that the detox side of this will be over soon and remind myself of what my body feels like when I'm eating clean and not inflamed...Know that I'm halfway through this first yucky transitional phase and that by not giving in to temporary tantrum or emotional angst that will only set me back to the beginning and I'd just have to go through all of this ick again.....that I will stay the course!

Day 5 Reporting (run/yoga done early and well before my body betrayed me):
*Run done! Little by little I'm progressing towards where I once was.....
*Yoga done...first full fledge practice this week and I so desperately needed it. Staying on track with this is going to help my body rid toxins and stress and inflammation!
*Hit caloric intake but not veggie/fruit count, have kept the no no foods out, still doing caffeine and not until the sleep thing gets consistent will I wean down to gone.
*Sleep was 7 hours again!!! Slowly but surely (not Shirley) ;-)

Friday, June 17, 2016

Day 4

Day 4 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

Journaling is important for all kinds of reasons:

  • Planning: By writing down your days thoughts, feelings, struggles, habits, you can at the same time plan what needs to change, shift, happen for you to best meet your health needs/goals.
  • Emotional Well Being: Journaling ends up allowing your subconscious mind to come to light and have a conversation with your conscious mind. It allows all those deep seeded issues to get worked out. "We" are what ends up derailing ourselves by past yuck, if we don't work through them.
  • Resolution: By purging your brain of your thoughts, feelings, experiences, you are able to reach a resolution and not continue to gnaw on them all the time. You give your fears, concerns, struggles a voice and a release. Doing so can provide closure even where there is none and even when the solution is long from fruition.
  • Accountability: By writing down your actions, foods, workouts, etc., you are more likely to continue doing the good lifestyle habits versus falling trapped in "I wasn't so off", "maybe tomorrow will be better" mindset. 

*Workout done in my allotted 30 min (Workout A 3 times through w/my 8 year daughter who btw is a beast! ....jump rope & dance party Intervals). Ended up having to be extremely flexible and disciplined today because workout didn't happen until 7:30 pm ... I very, very much did not want to do it by the time a window opened up for me to do it, but made myself and in that had a great time with my girly girl!!! Additionally, took the four kiddos to the park (before it got hot outside) for their walk/run so lots of extra movement for me today...which is good because I was not very NEAT the past two days with all the desk work (Are You Neat Post).
*Yoga stretching at the park with the kids after their walk/run....so it was good for more than just me today!
*My increments of eating was much better yesterday than today. I need to get my meals/snacks in every 3 hours...much better for my metabolism and my brain (skipping meals because there isn't time, etc., has got to stop). Hit my calories and my veggie intake...mmmm greens! My body is starting to adjust to the lack of "wanted" foods...my mind will soon follow!!
*Put kids to bed, talked through the day with my partner in life, and crashed an hour later. T.V. is a luxury that almost doesn't exist and I am totally fine with that. Staying connected with my "circle" of peeps grounds me in reality and keeps my perspective sound. What I don't need more of in my life is garbage that doesn't grow me, gives me a false sense of reality, or allows me to suppress my needs through escape. Got 7 hours in finally this week. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Day 3

Day 3 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

Well Day 3 sucks! This was an upside down day from start to finish. Dogs had me up at 4:11 am (ggggrrrrrr), so got them taken care of, set my alarm for 5:30 am to get another hour sleep. No dice, the little jerks had me back up at 5:15 am. My body was ticked, my head was fuzzy, and so I sat outside to try to focus. Rather than doing anything I was "supposed" to be doing, I sat and stared at my phone until 6 am. Sat down at my desk and the next thing I knew it was 8 am (aaaarrrrrggggg). I had not only not done my workout/yoga, but now the kids' breakfast was late (sigh). I was supposed to take them to the park post breakfast (& before school) and do a run/walk with them for their physical well being. The weather was cloudy & muggy and we were behind schedule. My usual is to cut anything I need (including eating, showering, the like) just to get the house and kids stuff done.  It's only 3rd day into this, so I can't give up, but aaaarrrrgggg! Got kids fed and while they ate and did their morning routine of chores, etc., I sat back down at my desk because I needed to take control of at least one thing before I felt overwhelmed by everything. I worked on various things and reordered the day. Flexibility is key in all things!!! Life moves, you gotta move with it.

This is how I regrouped myself to get in front of the runaway and fast moving train of the day: First, I postponed kids run for the next day. Explained to them that this was one of those days and instead of chasing the day, we would just move things around. Let them play for a bit before starting school which allowed both them and me to reset with different expectations. Got them settled in school and I decided that what would keep me best on track is to not just push through a set anything today, but rather move days around this week. In the past, I would have muscled through, still gotten the lists done. Been able to say "at least I touched everything I was supposed to" even though I wouldn't have gotten through what needed to be completed....leaving me feeling defeated, scattered, and set up a really bad day following. Instead, I decided that I would switch my day off day & day 3 day of events giving me the room to breathe. Sunday is my Day 7 which is a workout day off. I am making Day 3 my workout day off this week, working out Thurs/Sat and running Fri/Sun. This way it all gets done, just not in the order I wanted. Done is done though. Sometimes the best thing for staying on track is to realize our plan/intention of schedule just won't work and then figuring out what will work, what will keep us on track. Runaway trains don't have to run you over if you just step aside and get out of it's way...out of your way. There is no such thing as perfect anything. Letting go of doing something that doesn't make sense and won't work and will just knock you down from continuing forward!

Day 3 Reporting:
*Workout day off.
*Yoga day off.
*Thank goodness I had premade food in the fridge because without that I would not have been able to eat well today at all. I managed to squeak through my nutrition today with no backslides. Hit my calories and didn't consume anything I shouldn't.  Not bad for such and upside down day! That's what I'm calling my success for the day in a day full of so many fails!
*Got 5 hours sleep in all. Body is paying greatly for the lack of necessary sleep. Am going to have to figure out how to get 7-8 or a nap or something!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Accountability & Support

Deep thoughts on the pros/cons of posting progress pics & all my numbers, etc. I've gone back and forth since I started this blog in 2011 about how much of me was good to share. Not from a place of ego or shame, but from a place of what best encourages and supports who I'm trying help (and why I'm trying to help). My thoughts have been this: I've followed other weight loss success stories, trainers, and the like, and the theme is always of how gloriously fabulous they look and do. That's not encouraging to most people. To me, posting a pic of my fabulousness is not what my personality is nor do I feel it helps you in any way. My purpose has been, and continues to be, to educate on the how/why of fitness, movement, nutrition, and to encourage, support, and assist you on your journey to the best you. My decision to share this 90 days "me" thing is that I'm currently not doing one-on-ones or groups, but when I was and was talking with people as they went on their journey to fit and healthy, the thing they needed most beyond the education and coaching was 1) to be understood; 2) to know that I wasn't judging them, but very much have struggled through the same (or similar) thoughts/feelings/issues/etc. Me sharing this 90 days journal of sorts, is to share the thoughts, feelings, strategies so you have both the education as well as knowing that you are not alone. We are all uniquely weird in a beautiful, wonderful way. At the same time, regardless of the mountain of the struggle of anyone's situation, the thoughts, feelings, etc., are the same (or similar). This isn't meant to be a "look at how wonderful I am and all I can do", but rather "I get that this is hard and let's do this hard together". Even in the harsh of what I say at times (tough love), especially on my Living Blog, isn't from a place of judgment. It's my perspective through my hardships, struggles, research, therapy, and life experiences. Your ship is yours to sail, and I honestly have no judgment in the fight of your life or your struggles. My opinions are of my life and my choices, and sharing them are to offer you possible answers or points to ponder in case they help you in yours.

Back to the pondering. It is important to have accountability for any real change (weight loss, elimination diets for health, nutritional lifestyle changes, life altering anythings). Accountability partner(s) are vital because, well, it keeps you going and makes you accountable when your drive fails you. It also gives you a cheering section of support (if you choose your partner well that is). Part of the accountability factor is not only tracking your progress in behavior changes (workouts, eating, actions, etc.) but also your progress in results (measurements, produced outcomes, etc.). Reporting such (checking in) with your accountability partner(s) is vital to this. Journaling is also an awesome tool, but that's a different thought for another time. For this 90 days, you are my accountability partners. In the past I have used friends and/or folks who are on the same journey as my partners. This go around, I am using this blog for a dual purpose....to keep me accountable and to share, in hopes it helps you on your journey. Hence my pondering on how much yada yada, etc. My instinct is to stay true to what I've done since 2011 in making it strictly the how to's and why's and support and encouragement and leave the bikini pics out of the mix.

If/when you start your 90 days to a healthier lifestyle (and you), and you want an accountability partner or group of partners (in a no judgment, but strictly supportive way), then you too can use this blog by leaving comments to my posts on your days 1-90 in a similar fashion of the structure I've established (we don't need your stats or your pics to support you on your habits or your struggles). I've also created a Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/283303582021306/) for such a purpose where I can also offer help, information, or support. When I get the site up and going (future, future) that I mentioned Monday, I will also have a community there for such assistance, but no need to wait 'til then ... let's live in the now and support each other now!

Day 2

Day 2 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

So the 4 1/2 hours sleep I started Day 2 with was not happy or any kinds of feel good at 5 am, but strong willed determination and whining dogs with the threat of peeing on the floor does wanders for painfully moving through the motions of the morning as if I had had a full night's sleep. Still trying to get in the habits and mindset by going through the motions at times and forcing at other times to put my basic health needs on the list of the day. Time is always short and the to-do list is always long, but dead isn't going to get anything done, so time for health is vital. Modeling this for children is just as vital, so they have the healthy habits without having to struggle through obtaining them later in life (and for all their life). Children do what they see done by those around them. Reminding myself that time for me taking care of my health is as much a gift to the kiddos as all the other rest of the day I do directly for them. I mean come on, they get to have me in their lives longer for one ;-) and for another (and more importantly), they absorb the importance of taking care of themselves.

Time and lists! Yeah so my approach is to fit "my stuff" in within reasonable and doable time slots rather than focused so much on doing all of "my stuff" and letting time get out of hand and lists not getting done which will then just set me up to fail, give up, and once again take "me" off the lists. From a metabolic standpoint, this approach really fires up the furnace when I have to push through a workout within a certain amount of time! It also takes the thinking out of what I'm doing and possibly talking myself out of anything I just don't want to do (such as intervals or that last set of push ups). My time allotments right now are 30 min for a workout or run & 30 min for yoga. So an hour each day broken up around kids' breakfast prep with everything done by 8:30 am. including shower (sounds crazy but showers aren't even a given some days). The rest of the time between 5 am & 7 am is when I get to spend time writing and studying. Kids are up at some point during that time, but it's their time to themselves before their day begins as everything gets really busy with school, chores, and the to-do lists after breakfast, which is why for me it's necessary to tackle it all before the madness happens.

Day 2 Reporting:
*Run done....lack of sleep headache and the desire to stay at my desk was a strong force willing me not to go outside, but I did and it made all the difference! I love the smells of honeysuckle and the sounds of birds chirping. It was less a run and more of a jog/walk in intervals due to me being so far from my best fitness shape/abilities, but rather than feeling defeated, I was filled with gratitude for my body allowing this therapy in nature! (time spent 30 min....goal is to get back to where I used to be by progressing further each time and accomplishing more distance within those 30 min).
*Yoga on the deck was just what I needed to mitigate sleep deficit and balance myself for the day!!! A hawk flew overhead and a chickadee chirped on the roof and I once again felt connected to my body and my soul. Course, I killed three ants and one mosquito so I'm sure that wasn't very yoga like, but bugs are not my zen place.
*My meals were much more metabolically supportive today and I hit my caloric intake. I haven't had gluten, corn, sugar, alcohol, soy for a week and while I'm still very inflamed and pain ridden from autoimmune flare up, it's not as bad as it was the past weeks so I know I'm slowly climbing back to a place with much less pain. I've reduced my caffeine to one (sometimes two) cups a day and over the next few weeks will dwindle it down to nothing (very sad, sad face). The only dairy I'm consuming is the greek yogurt and whey protein which I will keep for now, but other than that am dairy free. Party on indeed! I was two servings shy of my veggie intake today, so making sure I do better ongoing.
*I managed to get 5 1/2 hours of sleep Day 2 which was very necessary for me not to spiral in the pain. I need to do better and get the 7 hours minimum everyday or my body is going to make things really difficult. Yaye to sleep!!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day 1

Day 1 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

So not pleased with where I am so far from the goals I had once reached and maintained for so long...UGH! But such is life, and bemoaning the reality is not going to get me back to where my health needs to be, or my goals reached (again). So, took all my measurements (because those are what's important to knowing if my body composition of fat/muscle exchange is going where it needs to go....Body Composition). Weighed on the scale for the sole purpose of knowing how many calories I need to be consuming (protein/carbs/fats). Tried not to get discouraged. It's not as bad a starting point as where I was in 2009, so I'll take it, deal with it, and work with it.

Next assessed my goals:
*Get back to my fittest in 2011 in measurements/clothes sizes/weight/fitness abilities!
*For my health issues (not my recommendation for someone just wanting to get fit/healthy/lose weight, just my personal extreme to get my autoimmune to calm down & prepare for surgery): remove gluten, sugar (except for honey w/vinegar & fruits), corn, dairy (except for post workout whey shakes and the occasional greek yogurt for personal indulgences (I know, right, living high on the hog with that one), alcohol (sad face), caffeine (sadder face), soy (no biggie as I never added that back into my diet (score).
*For my sanity get back to a 6 day a week yoga practice (and never leave it again)! Did I mention, I homeschool 4 kids year round, so sanity is very crucial!!!
*Consistently get 7-8 hours sleep each night (necessary to heal my body and to reach my fitness/weight loss goals).

*Resistance & Interval Workout Mon/Wed/Fri before making kiddos' breakfast. This is the best metabolic and efficient way to reach my fitness/weight loss goals (check out the links and info on Workout Tidbits Page.
*Run Tues/Thurs/Sat (to escape noise & demands from kiddos and get some fresh air) before making kiddos' breakfast. I'm not running to lose weight (or because it's best for my knees) as intervals are far more effective. I'm running because I need the outside and alone time and a way to get my frustrations out (being active is something that helps me release the beast and let go of the built up/stuffed down emotions...it's my therapy).
*Yoga Practice when kiddos' are eating said prepared breakfast 6 days a week (or it won't get done).
*Plan & Log all my food to keep me focused and accountable (I still use SparkPeople as it's free and easy to use). Eat 5-6 servings of veggies a day & 3-4 servings of fruits.
*Since my wake up time is 5am (dogs must go out then & there has been no reasoning with them on the time, plus it's the only way I can get in all the of the non-kid "me" stuff), I need to be in bed by 9:30 pm, but for now going to aim for 10 pm every night (kids' bedtime is 8:30 pm, but I'm usually not free of chores/kids 'til 9ish and need something transitional from the work of the day before going to bed even though I'm dead tired well before then.
*Remind myself daily that this is going to be okay and one day I will be able to sparsely add back in better personal indulgences as long as my health is at 100% by eating clean 90% of the time.

Day 1 Reporting:
*Workout done (really, really didn't want to do the intervals, but made myself anyway). HOORAH! (Workout B 3 times through ... 10  min intervals of toe taps/box jumps...time spent for entire workout 30 min)
*The twist yoga practice I had planned didn't happen (humph), but all my Monday "to-do's" got done so at least I'm starting Tuesday without carry over tasks to add to my overwhelming Tuesday list. I will do better at putting me on the list.
*My caloric intake for Day 1 was 300 calories too low, so I'll need to do a better job Day 2! (time spent logging food for the day 10 min)
*I only got 4 1/2 hours sleep Day 1 (oye), this has been typical....body is angry so definitely need to do better!!!

Some info for you:
*For how I arrive at nutritional breakdowns (daily caloric/protein, carbs, fats, etc.), and for a bunch of other eating supportively information and recipes link be sure to click over to Eating Supportively Page.
*Below is the workout I am doing this month (you should change your workouts every 4 weeks & I'll continue to post mine for you), for those of you who did this workout last month when I posted it on Facebook, you can select a different one from Free Monthly Workouts Page. For those of you with knee or other ailments, I will work up a workout just for you in the upcoming days to prevent knee involvement.
*I will try to start posting (w/pics yoga practices), but in the meantime http://veryeffective.blogspot.com/2012/12/free-streaming-yoga-videos.html.

A Workout: Supersets = 2-4 Times Through
  • SB Chest Presses 10-12 Reps
  • SB Tri Pull Overs 10-12 Reps each leg

  • SB Leg Curls 10-12 Reps
  • SB Passes 10-12 Reps

  • Forearm Plank Hold 30-40 seconds
  • Super Planks 10-12 Reps

B Workout: Circuit = 2-4 Times Through

  • DB Goblet Squats 10-12 Reps
  • DB Curl to Presses 8-10 Reps
  • Skiers 30-50 seconds
  • Moving Plank 30-40 seconds
  • Russian Twists 30-40 seconds each side

Monday, June 13, 2016

There To Here ... The Funk To Start

I've done it every which way: failed fad diets; success in the right way (metabolic fit lifestyle), failure in maintaining when life got insane, giving up and giving in, acceptance, dread, motivation but imbalance, etc. Trust me, when I say that "I've been there and done that", I have. I continue to fail because I continue to try. I will succeed because I refuse to quit. Temporarily I will get defeated, but I never stay there long.

Since I succeeded in 2009/2010 to start a journey that changed my life and continues to do so, I know what it takes to achieve my fitness goals. It wasn't easy, but it was very doable. Because I've been there, I know I can get there again. I also know, I don't want to start over! It sucks! I hate it! I resent what got me sidetracked, and that I allowed that toxic bs to sidetrack me. Being pissed won't change anything, but it is important to feel all those feelings, because stuffing them is just as toxic as eating cake all day, if not more so. Great! So I feel it...what do I do with the anger, sadness, resentment, frustration, self-blame, disappointment, fear, anxiety, laziness don't want tos, etc.? Step One: Identify the feelings, thoughts, and what causes them. Remove what can be removed, change what can be changed, work through and accept what can't be changed, and move forward into balance. Not easy, but doable! Not fun, but well worth it!

I have been on many roller coasters in past 43 years of life. Spent the majority of those years in dysfunctional, emotionally abusive, and toxic relationships. Have overcome and figured out a ton of what's what and the like. I've let go of a lot, but still have more to let go. The past few years in particular have been the gambit of everything and voila here I am. I'm fighting through an avalanche of health issues (autoimmune explosions, possible Lyme Disease, possible cancer, upcoming surgery) and I'm struggling on all fronts (physical, emotional, relationships, financial). My past (codependent) self would just hunker down and push through it all at all costs (my costs...it's always been at my health expense) to get everything "fixed", but my health. Well that clearly isn't the solution since my health seems to be the loudest crisis at the moment. Well chuck it! I have two young children so giving up isn't the option...even though that's where the funk will take you. I've spent months doggie paddling to keep from drowning in the muck and quagmire. I'm not ready to "start starting over" again, but alas I must, ready or wanting be damned.

So I'm going to start by not overthinking the steps, just taking each step as it's needed and necessary and working through the mental emotional hang ups as they come up. I'd like to get all nice and prepared and life be stable and "time" not be so scarce, but that's never going to happen. I have to instead just jump in and get started! So jump in I am. First step: Assess where I am and compute what I need to change/do to get to where I need/want to go. Status, Goals, Go!

I will be posting my 90 days as I go. Today is Day 1 and I will post on that later. In the meantime, if you want to know how to assess your status and set your goals, etc., check out:


90 Days & Beyond

To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not write" on any of my blogs for the majority of that time was necessary for me to get to where I needed to land on my physical, mental, emotional, spiritual feet. The depth of my understanding gained has been worth the obstacles. The full impact of which I am still trying to absorb fully. While I would like to jump right into where I left off, I am instead going to veer differently than previously planned for a time before getting there. Across all of my blogs (fitness, living, scripture), I am going to share my 90 days journey and ask that you follow me on your own. 90 days to a healthier life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Start where you are and see where you land!

90 Days Fitness/Nutrition Plan I am beginning my 90 days today, not because I am ready, but because I know I will never have the ability or time without just doing it. But, you can begin yours tomorrow, next week, or when you can set your mind to begin, fully ready or not. This will be different than Challenges in the past as I will be posting about my specific plan, struggles, workouts, nutrition, thoughts, feelings, goals, successes, failures, etc. I have not done this to much degree in the past because I didn't want to make this site about "me", but about shared information. My overall online goal & destination is to build a different forum for conversation, support, workout videos (beginner, intermediate, advance, resistance, intervals, yoga, basic stretching, functional movement corrections, trigger points, etc.), fitness and nutrition education and know how, and integrate it with functional living information. I am going to do this 90 days before getting to the work of building that forum. My hope is that by sharing my 90 days with you, it will encourage and assist your 90 days, your overall journey. Join me where you are and surprise yourself on where you can go, what you can achieve, and how you can change your health!!!

Check out my other 90 day challenges at http://veryeffectiveliving.blogspot.com/ and http://veryeffectivescripture.blogspot.com/

Follow my Facebook Page for further encouragement at https://www.facebook.com/Very-Effective-Fitness-501193266624220/