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90 Days & Beyond

To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Day 12

Day 12 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

So far so good! This week has been completely different than last. Life was very difficult this week, but in finding balance, it didn't destroy me or my journey!!!! My body is starting to show signs of acceptance and forgiveness. I'm not fully out of the woods of inflamed madness, but I can tell I am well on my way. My joints are screaming a lot less at me, and all the overwhelming pain, muscle spasms, and involuntary muscle tremors are at a minimum to gone. Pfew, I just might start feeling "normal" again in my own body after months and months of not! This is what's going to keep me motivated well beyond "results" of weight loss!!!

The best course to a lifestyle change is not total deprivation. Planned personal indulgences 3-4 times a week while eating 85-90% clean the rest of the week is ideal for balance. If I don't have to stay on a 100% for 100% of the time forever, then believe me I won't!!! For the info on indulgences and the like: Eating Supportively Page & the embedded links.

Day 12 Reporting:
*Workout: Full resistance/interval workout done (workout A/30 min, 10 min 40/20 intervals of Toe Taps/Box Jumps/Burpees)
*Yoga: 20 min full practice w/focus on back/legs (twists & hip openers)
*Eating: was much more balanced today and caloric!
*Sleep: 8 full hours...just to keep this up!

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