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90 Days & Beyond

To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Day 15

Day 15 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

Week 3 on deck! So I found my "balance" last week. Got a little lax while juggling drama and finding my zen, but it's found. Now this week will be about keeping my balance while finding my stride in getting in my workouts, yoga, 90/10 eating.

Day 15 Body Comp Progress:
*I measure & track all the site measurements (neck/biceps/etc.), but will only post the below particulars that demonstrate overall body comp changes*
Bust: no change (3 inches to goal)
Belly Button Waist: no change (3 inches to goal)
Mommy Belly: no change (3.5 inches to goal)
Hips: no change (3.25 inches to goal)
Upper Thighs: no change (3.25 inches to goal)
Pounds: up another 1 pound (36 pounds to goal) .... & this is where I can best demonstrate how correctly changing your body comp is better than scale losing. I know how to lose pounds and could have lost 10 last week (the wrong way), but if I had done that versus body comp (metabolically) losing fat while gaining muscle, then I would have not lost any inches (might have even gained them), and also once I reached my goal pounds then not be close to the size in inches I want to be for the weight (plus would have a lot of lose skin ... no thank you!).....Back in 2010 when I got down to a size 4 (almost at my goal size), I was 170 pounds....it was only at this point I reached an equilibrium between muscle gained/fat lost and began losing the pounds down to 136 (and a size 2). Just be patient with the process and remind yourself that the scale is not an accurate measure of your muscle/fat ratio & therefore not where your focus needs to reside!!!!

Keep in mind that 1) When you lose one week, you might not the next...holding same is good as long as you have weeks of loss in between; 2) When you have lax weeks, or for women hormonal weeks (ovulation/menstrual), you will either hold same as previous week or go up slightly....but the following week will go down a little to a lot depending on habits of the week following lax eating/hormones.

Day 15 Reporting:
*Workout DONE...Had to "fit it in" but got it done. It was one of those harried days when too much rollover of to-do list items plus normal Monday list and could have easily had a million excuses as to why the day would not permit a workout....but nope, not gonna let that be the case this week! I squeezed in a resistance workout between groceries and putting up groceries. It was a doozie too (designing the July workout and flushed out A...posted below). It was a quick 20 minutes sweat fest. Pushing Intervals to tomorrow (had cold stuff to put away), but got the hard part done and was very grateful for it!
*Yoga DONE. That's right, I did it ;-) full 30 min practice with focus on back and neck. Boy did I need it!!! I hope to carve out time to type up some of these awesome fantastic practices for you to be doing!!!
*Eating....much cleaner today...hit my caloric intake and almost got in all the meals in the right time frames. Didn't hit all my veggie servings, but almost hit my 70 grams of average fiber (oh yeah, it's important).
*Sleep...managed to get in 7 full hours. I'm on a roll!!!!

A Workout: TriSets = 2-4 Times Through
  • DB Curtsy Lunges to Curls each leg 10-12 Reps
  • DB High Squats to Press 10-12 Reps
  • KB Swings 40-50 seconds

  • Single Leg Deadlift Reach 10-12 Reps each leg
  • DB T-Ups 8-10 Reps each side
  • Forearm Belly Blasters 30-40 seconds
B Workout: Circuit = 2-4 Times Through
  • DB Deadlift to Row 10-12 Reps
  • DB Step Up to Reverse Lunge 10-12 Reps each leg
  • Burpee Thrusters 30-50 seconds
  • SB Jacknives to Declined Push Ups 8-10 Reps
  • SB Plank Hold 30-40 seconds

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