Update & Clarification
***This should no longer be an issue as I have since changed the site again and updated issues.....Site Format Change, Issues & Feedback ... If you are new to this site, WELCOME! If the Home Page does not display the Pages pulldown option on the left side of the screen below the Site title (Very Effective Fitness Training) or a sliding menu on the right side with these options: About Me, Blog Archive, Favorite Links, Books For Your Journey, g+1, Subscribe (this is to subscribe to receive e-mail updates from my site)...then click on the "Subscribe" slide out option (different than my "Subscribe" to e-mail) that does appear almost always in this instance for you to select the RSS Feed (just by clicking on either of the two options provided takes you to a Google site that if you then click on the "back" arrow takes you to my Home Page again, but now with all of the bells and whistles ;-) ....also you can check out Site Format Change Issues & Feedback for screen shots and further instructions). Also, be sure to take advantage of the SEARCH BOX in top right corner....pulls up any Post with the content you are needing without you having to guess where to look!
Posts of Inspiration & Encouragement: (Found throughout the Blog, below are just a few quick links)
Discerning Good From Bad Fad
Choose Your Path
Don't Give Up!!!
You Are Worth The Effort...
Challenge = Gift
Happy Place
Why A Free Blog
Do It For Love
Your Children Are Watching! --- With Pin
Sad But True
Entitlement = Led Astray
What's Holding You Back?
Stages Of Understanding
Choose Strength Over Defeat!
One Decision At A Time
You Will Succeed
Clean It Up x 5
Where Is Your Head?
Letting Go To Move On
Surprise Yourself
Journey To Success
Where Is The Finish Line?
A Great Reminder.....
To Do's, Have To's & The Remainder
Keep A Short List
Monday Encouragement
Case Of Mondays?
Hump Day Inspiration
Inside & Out
Perspective On Forgiveness
Week Of Reflection
Food Rewards
The Currency Of Knowledge
Rough-n- Rushed Times
You Are The Star
Only Take The Lessons With You
Planting Seeds
You Are Valuable
Just Take The Next Right Step Ahead
Scriptural & Spiritual Inspiration: (Found throughout the Blog, below are just a few quick links) + Check Out: Very Effective Knowledge In Scripture
Surviving the Holidays and Everyday Stress
Time Labors Where?
Amen! (2)
Needs Met....Always!
Love & Comfort
Things To Remember
In All You Do....The Golden Rule!
Brotherly Love Equally
Study = Knowledge
Why Bible Challenge On Fitness Site?
Thankful For Problems
Tribulations And Defeat
Better Time Spent
Gifts & Correction
The More You Know
The Refiner
Forgive To Be Forgiven
The Touch Of God
It Was Only A Quarter
Make God Your Focal Point
Meant For Daily Intake
It's Your Road
Prepared To Answer
Be Kind...Don't Judge...Be You!
Awesome Books For Your Journey:
The Gifts of Imperfection
Immune System Recovery
Quotes, PINS, Etc.: (Found throughout the Blog, below are just a few quick links)
Kick Start
Thought For The Day
Thoughts To Keep In Mind
Visualize Where You Want To Go
Steps To Progress
Easy Come Easy Go
This Challenge & Beyond
Self Respect
You Have It In YOU!
Grow From Mistakes
Each Moment Is A Fresh Start....
Temporary Defeat
You Matter!
Some Inspirational Perspective
Your Ever Changing Best
Monday Inspiration
Some Friday Inspiration
Girl Power!
It Takes Work....
Find Your Strong
How Fit?
Don't Give Up
No Excuses....Just Do It Already!!!
Excuses or Opportunity....Which Will You Take?
Just This Simple
Your Journey
Words To Live By
Let Go
Just Keep On 'Swimming'....
So True....
June Inspiration!
March Promise
November Focus
Mid-Week Laugh ;-)
Quotes For The Day
How Was Your Week?
Warhawk Matt Scott In Nike 'No Excuses' Commercial
Buck Up You Got This!
Persist For Strength
Each Day = New Opportunities
Decide = Act
It's Not You It's Me
Lovely Logics
Do It Anyway
Be Better
Your Outstanding Freedom Is Your Choice
Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!
Out there things can happen and frequently do to people as brainy and footsy as you. And when things start to happen, don't worry. Don't stew. Just go right along. You'll start happening too.
Except when you don't. Because, sometimes, you won't. I'm sorry to say so but, sadly, it's true that Bang-ups and Hang-ups can happen to you. You can get all hung up in a prickle-ly perch. And your gang will fly on. You'll be left in a Lurch.
You'll come down from the Lurch with an unpleasant bump. And the chances are, then, that you'll be in a Slump. And when you're in a Slump, you're not in for much fun. Un-slumping yourself is not easily done.
NO! That's not for you! Somehow you'll escape all that waiting and staying. You'll find the bright places where Boom Bands are playing.
On and on you will hike. And I know you'll hike far and face up to your problems whatever they are.
You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left.
And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)
Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way!
Why Sunflowers?
Sunflowers are the happiest of flowers with their gifts of radiant warmth and their meanings which include loyalty and longevity. They are unique in their ability to provide energy in the form of nourishment and vibrance, an attribute which mirrors the sun and the energy provided by its heat and light. Just as the sunflower reflects so many of the sun's positive characteristics so too can your body if given the proper care.
Invest in yourself today & let me help you achieve your fitness goals with Very Effective & Efficient Fitness Training! Contact me today to set up an Initial FREE Consultation & Assessment!
Christina Gibson, ACE-CPT
(615) 944-8181
Columbia, Tennessee

Thank You!
***This should no longer be an issue as I have since changed the site again and updated issues.....Site Format Change, Issues & Feedback ... If you are new to this site, WELCOME! If the Home Page does not display the Pages pulldown option on the left side of the screen below the Site title (Very Effective Fitness Training) or a sliding menu on the right side with these options: About Me, Blog Archive, Favorite Links, Books For Your Journey, g+1, Subscribe (this is to subscribe to receive e-mail updates from my site)...then click on the "Subscribe" slide out option (different than my "Subscribe" to e-mail) that does appear almost always in this instance for you to select the RSS Feed (just by clicking on either of the two options provided takes you to a Google site that if you then click on the "back" arrow takes you to my Home Page again, but now with all of the bells and whistles ;-) ....also you can check out Site Format Change Issues & Feedback for screen shots and further instructions). Also, be sure to take advantage of the SEARCH BOX in top right corner....pulls up any Post with the content you are needing without you having to guess where to look!
Posts of Inspiration & Encouragement: (Found throughout the Blog, below are just a few quick links)
Discerning Good From Bad Fad
Choose Your Path
Don't Give Up!!!
You Are Worth The Effort...
Challenge = Gift
Happy Place
Why A Free Blog
Do It For Love
Your Children Are Watching! --- With Pin
Sad But True
Entitlement = Led Astray
What's Holding You Back?
Stages Of Understanding
Choose Strength Over Defeat!
One Decision At A Time
You Will Succeed
Clean It Up x 5
Where Is Your Head?
Letting Go To Move On
Surprise Yourself
Journey To Success
Where Is The Finish Line?
A Great Reminder.....
To Do's, Have To's & The Remainder
Keep A Short List
Monday Encouragement
Case Of Mondays?
Hump Day Inspiration
Inside & Out
Perspective On Forgiveness
Week Of Reflection
Food Rewards
The Currency Of Knowledge
Rough-n- Rushed Times
You Are The Star
Only Take The Lessons With You
Planting Seeds
You Are Valuable
Just Take The Next Right Step Ahead
Scriptural & Spiritual Inspiration: (Found throughout the Blog, below are just a few quick links) + Check Out: Very Effective Knowledge In Scripture
Surviving the Holidays and Everyday Stress
Time Labors Where?
Amen! (2)
Needs Met....Always!
Love & Comfort
Things To Remember
In All You Do....The Golden Rule!
Brotherly Love Equally
Study = Knowledge
Why Bible Challenge On Fitness Site?
Thankful For Problems
Tribulations And Defeat
Better Time Spent
Gifts & Correction
The More You Know
The Refiner
Forgive To Be Forgiven
The Touch Of God
It Was Only A Quarter
Make God Your Focal Point
Meant For Daily Intake
It's Your Road
Prepared To Answer
Be Kind...Don't Judge...Be You!
Awesome Books For Your Journey:
- The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Clair Davies, NCTMB
- The Immune System Recovery Plan by Dr. Susan Blum
- Moving Toward Balance by Rodney Yee
- King James Version Bible
- Boundaries by Cloud & Townsend
- Boundaries With Kids by Cloud & Townsend
- The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
- Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
- The Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner, PhD
- The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
- The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
- The Fifth Agreement by Don Miguel & Don Jose Ruiz
- You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L Hay
The Gifts of Imperfection
Immune System Recovery
Quotes, PINS, Etc.: (Found throughout the Blog, below are just a few quick links)
Kick Start
Thought For The Day
Thoughts To Keep In Mind
Visualize Where You Want To Go
Steps To Progress
Easy Come Easy Go
This Challenge & Beyond
Self Respect
You Have It In YOU!
Grow From Mistakes
Each Moment Is A Fresh Start....
Temporary Defeat
You Matter!
Some Inspirational Perspective
Your Ever Changing Best
Monday Inspiration
Some Friday Inspiration
Girl Power!
It Takes Work....
Find Your Strong
How Fit?
Don't Give Up
No Excuses....Just Do It Already!!!
Excuses or Opportunity....Which Will You Take?
Just This Simple
Your Journey
Words To Live By
Let Go
Just Keep On 'Swimming'....
So True....
June Inspiration!
March Promise
November Focus
Mid-Week Laugh ;-)
Quotes For The Day
How Was Your Week?
Warhawk Matt Scott In Nike 'No Excuses' Commercial
Buck Up You Got This!
Persist For Strength
Each Day = New Opportunities
Decide = Act
It's Not You It's Me
Lovely Logics
Do It Anyway
Be Better
Your Outstanding Freedom Is Your Choice
You Will Succeed
Excerpts from Oh, The Places You'll Go by Dr. SeussCongratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away!
Out there things can happen and frequently do to people as brainy and footsy as you. And when things start to happen, don't worry. Don't stew. Just go right along. You'll start happening too.
Except when you don't. Because, sometimes, you won't. I'm sorry to say so but, sadly, it's true that Bang-ups and Hang-ups can happen to you. You can get all hung up in a prickle-ly perch. And your gang will fly on. You'll be left in a Lurch.
You'll come down from the Lurch with an unpleasant bump. And the chances are, then, that you'll be in a Slump. And when you're in a Slump, you're not in for much fun. Un-slumping yourself is not easily done.
NO! That's not for you! Somehow you'll escape all that waiting and staying. You'll find the bright places where Boom Bands are playing.
On and on you will hike. And I know you'll hike far and face up to your problems whatever they are.
You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left.
And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)
Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way!
Why Sunflowers?
Sunflowers are the happiest of flowers with their gifts of radiant warmth and their meanings which include loyalty and longevity. They are unique in their ability to provide energy in the form of nourishment and vibrance, an attribute which mirrors the sun and the energy provided by its heat and light. Just as the sunflower reflects so many of the sun's positive characteristics so too can your body if given the proper care.
Invest in yourself today & let me help you achieve your fitness goals with Very Effective & Efficient Fitness Training! Contact me today to set up an Initial FREE Consultation & Assessment!
Christina Gibson, ACE-CPT
(615) 944-8181
Columbia, Tennessee

Thank You!