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90 Days & Beyond

To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Monday, June 13, 2016

There To Here ... The Funk To Start

I've done it every which way: failed fad diets; success in the right way (metabolic fit lifestyle), failure in maintaining when life got insane, giving up and giving in, acceptance, dread, motivation but imbalance, etc. Trust me, when I say that "I've been there and done that", I have. I continue to fail because I continue to try. I will succeed because I refuse to quit. Temporarily I will get defeated, but I never stay there long.

Since I succeeded in 2009/2010 to start a journey that changed my life and continues to do so, I know what it takes to achieve my fitness goals. It wasn't easy, but it was very doable. Because I've been there, I know I can get there again. I also know, I don't want to start over! It sucks! I hate it! I resent what got me sidetracked, and that I allowed that toxic bs to sidetrack me. Being pissed won't change anything, but it is important to feel all those feelings, because stuffing them is just as toxic as eating cake all day, if not more so. Great! So I feel it...what do I do with the anger, sadness, resentment, frustration, self-blame, disappointment, fear, anxiety, laziness don't want tos, etc.? Step One: Identify the feelings, thoughts, and what causes them. Remove what can be removed, change what can be changed, work through and accept what can't be changed, and move forward into balance. Not easy, but doable! Not fun, but well worth it!

I have been on many roller coasters in past 43 years of life. Spent the majority of those years in dysfunctional, emotionally abusive, and toxic relationships. Have overcome and figured out a ton of what's what and the like. I've let go of a lot, but still have more to let go. The past few years in particular have been the gambit of everything and voila here I am. I'm fighting through an avalanche of health issues (autoimmune explosions, possible Lyme Disease, possible cancer, upcoming surgery) and I'm struggling on all fronts (physical, emotional, relationships, financial). My past (codependent) self would just hunker down and push through it all at all costs (my costs...it's always been at my health expense) to get everything "fixed", but my health. Well that clearly isn't the solution since my health seems to be the loudest crisis at the moment. Well chuck it! I have two young children so giving up isn't the option...even though that's where the funk will take you. I've spent months doggie paddling to keep from drowning in the muck and quagmire. I'm not ready to "start starting over" again, but alas I must, ready or wanting be damned.

So I'm going to start by not overthinking the steps, just taking each step as it's needed and necessary and working through the mental emotional hang ups as they come up. I'd like to get all nice and prepared and life be stable and "time" not be so scarce, but that's never going to happen. I have to instead just jump in and get started! So jump in I am. First step: Assess where I am and compute what I need to change/do to get to where I need/want to go. Status, Goals, Go!

I will be posting my 90 days as I go. Today is Day 1 and I will post on that later. In the meantime, if you want to know how to assess your status and set your goals, etc., check out:


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