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To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Monday, May 18, 2015

Keep Your Good Habits

So the 6 Week Spring Clean Your Habits Challenge is done, but the good habits you've obtained shouldn't be forgotten or in the past! If you completed the Challenge....Whoo Hoo & YAYE! If you didn't get to participate these last 6 weeks, well you have 6 weeks yet ahead of you to get right on it ;-) All the info you need is located on the Current Fitness Challenge

  • Week 6 = 5/11-5/17 Home Stretch!  Really give this last week everything you've got and don't ease up on any of the good habits you have thus far made!!!  Weigh and Measure on 5/17/15 and compare changes from Day 1.  
  • Have further to go to reach your ultimate GOALS?  Continue on with your good/clean/active habits and you will most certainly get there!  Want to maintain your achieved success?  You guessed it....continue on with your good/clean/active habits and you will most certainly stay there!  What you are doing is NOT a diet or a temporary "fix".... you are living with good health/fitness habits which should never deprive you from a full and happy life, so why stop?

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