You don't just clean your house once in a lifetime and it always stays clean! Being fit and healthy is not a once and done process!!! Regardless of what the latest Hollywood hottie does or the "next best" 30 days to all your dreams coming true trend is, being fit and healthy is a day in/day out lifestyle. Success is dependent upon consistency regardless of what you are doing. Very Effective Fitness Training educates you on how to get Fit and Healthy the Consistent, Simple, and Effective way!
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90 Days & Beyond
To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Final Challenge Reminder
It's FINISHED! You are done with this Current Fitness Challenge, but hopefully not done with the good habits you have acquired these past 12 weeks! Tomorrow/Saturday are your final weigh/measure day. If you have been officially participating and want to be considered for prizes, I will need your final weigh/measure numbers as well as your total cumulative points no later than 5 pm CST on Saturday, June 30th. I will announce winners/prizes on Monday, July 2nd.
If you started the Challenge, but dropped out or even if you didn't participate, the mini-challenges are a great way to get and stay focused and develop some of those habits that seem too hard to master.....So, I encourage you to log on to the Current Fitness Challenge page and participate on your own.
If you started the Challenge, but dropped out or even if you didn't participate, the mini-challenges are a great way to get and stay focused and develop some of those habits that seem too hard to master.....So, I encourage you to log on to the Current Fitness Challenge page and participate on your own.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Training Guidelines
Below are some general guidelines from the ACE Fourth Edition Personal Trainer Manual.
Recommended Training Volumes
General Muscle Fitness: 1-2 sets of 8-15 reps
Muscular Endurance: 2-3 sets of greater than or equal to 12 reps
Muscular Hypertrophy: 3-6 sets of 6-12 reps
Muscular Strength: 2-6 sets of less than or equal to 6 reps
Single-Effort Events: 3-5 sets of 1-2 reps
Multiple-Effort Events: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps
Rest Intervals Between Sets
General Fitness: 30-90 seconds
Muscular Endurance: less than or equal to 30 seconds
Muscle Hypertrophy: 30-90 seconds
Muscular Strength: 2-5 minutes
Single-Effort Events: 2-5 minutes
Multiple-Effort Events: 2-5 minutes
*A high-effort set of resistance exercise reduces the muscle's internal energy stores of creatine phosphate (phosphagen energy system). Replenishment of these local energy substrates is relatively rapid, with 50% renewal within the first 30 seconds, 75% renewal within the first minute, and 95% renewal within the first two minutes. For most practical purposes and general muscular conditioning, one-minute rest intervals between successive exercise sets are sufficient.
Recommended Training Volumes
General Muscle Fitness: 1-2 sets of 8-15 reps
Muscular Endurance: 2-3 sets of greater than or equal to 12 reps
Muscular Hypertrophy: 3-6 sets of 6-12 reps
Muscular Strength: 2-6 sets of less than or equal to 6 reps
Single-Effort Events: 3-5 sets of 1-2 reps
Multiple-Effort Events: 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps
Rest Intervals Between Sets
General Fitness: 30-90 seconds
Muscular Endurance: less than or equal to 30 seconds
Muscle Hypertrophy: 30-90 seconds
Muscular Strength: 2-5 minutes
Single-Effort Events: 2-5 minutes
Multiple-Effort Events: 2-5 minutes
*A high-effort set of resistance exercise reduces the muscle's internal energy stores of creatine phosphate (phosphagen energy system). Replenishment of these local energy substrates is relatively rapid, with 50% renewal within the first 30 seconds, 75% renewal within the first minute, and 95% renewal within the first two minutes. For most practical purposes and general muscular conditioning, one-minute rest intervals between successive exercise sets are sufficient.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Runner's v Jumper's Knee
Runner's Knee or Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) is anterior (front) knee pain and is often confused with chondromalacia (which is a softening or wearing away of the cartilage behind the patella resulting in inflammation and pain). PFPS can occur either with overuse, repetitive loading activities causing abnormal stress to the knee joint, or through biomechanical abnormalities altering the tracking of the patella and alignment, or muscle dysfunction and tightness. If you have pain with running, ascending or descending stairs, squatting, or prolonged sitting, or if you have a gradual achy pain that occurs behind or underneath the patella, or knee stiffness for a prolonged period of time, then you might want to look into the possibility of PFPS and treatment.
Jumper's Knee or Infrapatellar Tendinitis is an overuse syndrome characterized by inflammation of the patellar tendon. Typical in sports such as basketball, volleyball, jumping sports producing significant strain in the tendinous tissues. Causes can be poor running style, overtraining, sudden changes in training surface, lower-extremity inflexibility, or muscle imbalance. If you have pain in the distal kneecap into the infrapatellar tendon or pain when running, walking stairs, squatting, prolonged sitting and you do a lot jumping activities, you might want to look at your footwear, training techniques and frequency.
Jumper's Knee or Infrapatellar Tendinitis is an overuse syndrome characterized by inflammation of the patellar tendon. Typical in sports such as basketball, volleyball, jumping sports producing significant strain in the tendinous tissues. Causes can be poor running style, overtraining, sudden changes in training surface, lower-extremity inflexibility, or muscle imbalance. If you have pain in the distal kneecap into the infrapatellar tendon or pain when running, walking stairs, squatting, prolonged sitting and you do a lot jumping activities, you might want to look at your footwear, training techniques and frequency.
Keep A Short List
It's not that you'll ever get through your to-do list as it is an ever growing list, but do try to keep a short list. Huh? A Short List is the ongoing dialogue of emotions and stressors in your daily life.....who frustrated you, who you are mad at, what your spouse did or didn't do that they should have, etc, etc, etc, the overwhelming, complicated triggers in our lives list. Don't hold on to that garbage, because it's only hurting's not changing the idiot that cut you off in traffic, it's hurting you! Keep it short, simple, and sweet. Deal with your mess daily and don't carry the balance over 'til tomorrow!
To Do's Have To's & The Remainder
To Do's Have To's & The Remainder
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Low Intensity Fact or Fiction
Fact or Fiction: Does Low-Intensity Exercise Burn the Most Fat? (from ACE's Essentials of Exercise Science for Fitness Professionals pg 76)
"A very common misconception in the exercise literature is that low-intensity exercise is the best way to lose body weight and, more specifically, body fat. This misconception is based on the RER chart (Respiratory Exchange Ratio). Below an RER value of 0.86, a higher percentage of fat is being burned for fuel. Thus, it has been thought that by exercising at a low intensity (the lower the intensity of exercise, the lower the RER value), more fat would be burned for fuel and that fat stores would selectively decrease. This notion does not make sense mathematically and, more importantly, has never been proven in the laboratory. ... It is important to remember that the total number of calories burned is what determines weight loss, regardless of the source of those calories."
How Effective Is HIIT?
"A very common misconception in the exercise literature is that low-intensity exercise is the best way to lose body weight and, more specifically, body fat. This misconception is based on the RER chart (Respiratory Exchange Ratio). Below an RER value of 0.86, a higher percentage of fat is being burned for fuel. Thus, it has been thought that by exercising at a low intensity (the lower the intensity of exercise, the lower the RER value), more fat would be burned for fuel and that fat stores would selectively decrease. This notion does not make sense mathematically and, more importantly, has never been proven in the laboratory. ... It is important to remember that the total number of calories burned is what determines weight loss, regardless of the source of those calories."
How Effective Is HIIT?
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Apps for Intervals
If you have an iPhone (or BlackBerry) and want a great app for tracking your intervals and circuits, then you can get iWorkout Muse Pro. This is the app I use, so I can attest that it is awesome and quite handy at kicking your butt!
For Android users you can try MyIntervalTimer Pro. I have not used this app, but have heard good things about it. Feel free to leave a comment if you have used this app.
For Android users you can try MyIntervalTimer Pro. I have not used this app, but have heard good things about it. Feel free to leave a comment if you have used this app.
Final Pop Points Bonus
If you have done all of your planned workouts (min of 3 a week) for the past two weeks (6/5/12-6/19/12) then give yourself 200 points.
If you preplanned/tracked your foods at least 10 out of the past 14 days (6/6/12-6/19/12) then give yourself 200 points.
If you have participated in at least 5 of the past 6 mini-challenges then give yourself 500 points.
If you preplanned/tracked your foods at least 10 out of the past 14 days (6/6/12-6/19/12) then give yourself 200 points.
If you have participated in at least 5 of the past 6 mini-challenges then give yourself 500 points.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
How Effective is HIIT?
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is anaerobic training that allows you to cut cardio duration without sacrificing the cardiovascular benefits. HIIT primarily focuses on anaerobic pathways with numerous HIIT ratios that can be utilized such as a 1:1 (e.g., 30 sec of work to 30 sec of active recovery beginner Interval), a 2:1 (e.g., 20 sec of work to 10 sec of active recovery Tabata or 60 sec of work to 30 sec of active recovery intermediate Interval), or a 3:1 (e.g., 45 sec of work to 15 sec of active recovery advance Interval). The beauty of HIIT is that it not only cuts your workout duration, but in a lot of ways is way more effective than longer duration endurance cardio, especially when it comes to fat burning. But, to be effectively performing HIIT you have to be intensely working out in the "work" phase.
During exercise, higher levels of intensity cause an increase in respiration to allow larger volumes of air to move into and out of the lungs to facilitate increased delivery of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide. Simple, basic, you work harder resulting in you breathing harder. And as with everything, this simple process has a name...minute ventilation or Ve. There are two deflection points in the otherwise linear increase in Ve and that is VT1 and VT2. When you are exercising below VT1 you are able to carry on a conversation fairly normally. This is not very intense exercise and below VT1 is where a lot of long duration, steady state, endurance running/exercising is. At or just above VT1 is where carrying on a conversation is a little more difficult and speaking is slightly uncomfortable. Exercise just below VT2 represents the highest intensity an individual can sustain for approximately 20-30 minutes. Speaking is very broken and choppy just below VT2 and not at all at or above VT2. Intensely working at VT2 and above is where HIIT should be on the "work" phase. Active rest should be between VT1 and VT2 allowing your body to recover from the work phase without lowering your heart rate too much.
Recent research shows that the cardiovascular adaptations that occur with HIIT are similar, and in some cases superior, to those that occur with continuous endurance training (Helgerud et al. 2007; Wisloff, Ellingsen & Kemi 2009).
During exercise, higher levels of intensity cause an increase in respiration to allow larger volumes of air to move into and out of the lungs to facilitate increased delivery of oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide. Simple, basic, you work harder resulting in you breathing harder. And as with everything, this simple process has a name...minute ventilation or Ve. There are two deflection points in the otherwise linear increase in Ve and that is VT1 and VT2. When you are exercising below VT1 you are able to carry on a conversation fairly normally. This is not very intense exercise and below VT1 is where a lot of long duration, steady state, endurance running/exercising is. At or just above VT1 is where carrying on a conversation is a little more difficult and speaking is slightly uncomfortable. Exercise just below VT2 represents the highest intensity an individual can sustain for approximately 20-30 minutes. Speaking is very broken and choppy just below VT2 and not at all at or above VT2. Intensely working at VT2 and above is where HIIT should be on the "work" phase. Active rest should be between VT1 and VT2 allowing your body to recover from the work phase without lowering your heart rate too much.
Recent research shows that the cardiovascular adaptations that occur with HIIT are similar, and in some cases superior, to those that occur with continuous endurance training (Helgerud et al. 2007; Wisloff, Ellingsen & Kemi 2009).
Monday, June 18, 2012
Size Really Does Matter
If you are in the habit of checking out the Nutrition Labels before consumption, then you are ahead of the game! If not, this might be the added habit that makes all the difference in your journey!! First things first.....Disregard what the front of any package tells you because it may or may not be true. Look at the actual Nutrition Label & Ingredients to ascertain if the food is for you or not.
1) The Ingredients are listed in order of the most prevalent....So, if enriched flour is listed before any actual grains, then it isn't the "whole grain" source the front of the package would have you believe it is! Same regarding trans fats.....Hydrogenated Oil. In trying to keep sugars at 25 or fewer grams a day, then definitely ditch foods with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, syrup, honey, etc., listed in the first five ingredients. Fat free isn't all it's cracked up to be....your body needs good fats especially to properly function, so cutting out fat from your diet isn't ideal. Further, fat free foods usually have a laundry list of preservatives and unpronounceable ingredients listed in lieu of fat to make it palatable.
2) Know how many servings are in each food you are consuming. Serving Size listed matters....the amounts per serving are just that...PER SERVING, so don't get fooled into thinking a package of anything is only the caloric number listed on the label if it is 2 1/2 or more servings then it is 2 1/2 more calories, etc.
3) Check for balance of protein, fats, sodium, and carbs in each serving listed. For example two or more grams of fiber per serving helps to slow increased blood sugar.
4) Know what constitutes a Calorie: Protein is 4 calories per gram; Carbohydrate is 4 calories per gram, Fat is 9 calories per gram, and Alcohol is 7 calories per gram. Eating Supportively & Alcoholic Beverages
1) The Ingredients are listed in order of the most prevalent....So, if enriched flour is listed before any actual grains, then it isn't the "whole grain" source the front of the package would have you believe it is! Same regarding trans fats.....Hydrogenated Oil. In trying to keep sugars at 25 or fewer grams a day, then definitely ditch foods with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, syrup, honey, etc., listed in the first five ingredients. Fat free isn't all it's cracked up to be....your body needs good fats especially to properly function, so cutting out fat from your diet isn't ideal. Further, fat free foods usually have a laundry list of preservatives and unpronounceable ingredients listed in lieu of fat to make it palatable.
2) Know how many servings are in each food you are consuming. Serving Size listed matters....the amounts per serving are just that...PER SERVING, so don't get fooled into thinking a package of anything is only the caloric number listed on the label if it is 2 1/2 or more servings then it is 2 1/2 more calories, etc.
3) Check for balance of protein, fats, sodium, and carbs in each serving listed. For example two or more grams of fiber per serving helps to slow increased blood sugar.
4) Know what constitutes a Calorie: Protein is 4 calories per gram; Carbohydrate is 4 calories per gram, Fat is 9 calories per gram, and Alcohol is 7 calories per gram. Eating Supportively & Alcoholic Beverages
Friday, June 15, 2012
Eliminate The Bloat
Have any known food allergies or irritations? Whether known or unknown, we have foods in our daily diet that cause us to unnecessarily bloat and/or be inflamed. If you have no idea what foods may or may not be doing this to you, the only way to find out is to eliminate that food from your diet for several weeks completely and then slowly introduce it back into your diet to determine if there is in fact a reaction to it. I am not on the gluten free band wagon, nor do I think it is a good idea to eliminate gluten from your diet completely if you do not have an allergy or intolerance to it (such as with celiac disease), but with the overabundance of gluten, I do think it's a good idea to decrease the amount in which you consume on a daily basis as well as know if you do or do not have a reaction to it (same with dairy and corn). So, with that in mind the 6th & Final Mini Challenge 6/15/12 - 6/28/12 is all about going Gluten Free!
Know going into this mini challenge that gluten is in every freaking thing (from makeup to postage, it is everywhere)!!! Unless you discover you do in fact have a reaction to gluten, for purposes of this challenge, I am not suggesting you cut out your makeup products, etc., only the gluten you consume in your diet for two weeks. For every day you are 100% gluten free (FREE from breads (unless they are gluten free), processed foods, etc., that contain any gluten) then give yourself 1,000 points. If you go mostly gluten free, with the exception of trace amounts as listed in a protein shake for example and no more than 3 servings a day of such, then give yourself 500 points. (total possible points 14,000).
***Note, to determine your body's reaction to gluten, you would have to eliminate gluten completely from your diet for at least three weeks, and then gradually add it back into your diet taking into account your body's reaction as you do. (same process with any food you are trying to determine an allergic or intolerant reaction to)***
Know going into this mini challenge that gluten is in every freaking thing (from makeup to postage, it is everywhere)!!! Unless you discover you do in fact have a reaction to gluten, for purposes of this challenge, I am not suggesting you cut out your makeup products, etc., only the gluten you consume in your diet for two weeks. For every day you are 100% gluten free (FREE from breads (unless they are gluten free), processed foods, etc., that contain any gluten) then give yourself 1,000 points. If you go mostly gluten free, with the exception of trace amounts as listed in a protein shake for example and no more than 3 servings a day of such, then give yourself 500 points. (total possible points 14,000).
***Note, to determine your body's reaction to gluten, you would have to eliminate gluten completely from your diet for at least three weeks, and then gradually add it back into your diet taking into account your body's reaction as you do. (same process with any food you are trying to determine an allergic or intolerant reaction to)***
Thursday, June 14, 2012
We are in the last leg of the Current Fitness Challenge and tomorrow will be posted the 6th and final mini-challenge. June 29th/30th will mark the end of the Challenge and the final weigh/measure day! So find your bootstraps and finish these final two weeks strong!!!
Saturday, June 16th, is the Free Monthly Workout at Trinity at 8 am....Hope to see you there!
"Success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration." ~Thomas Edison
Saturday, June 16th, is the Free Monthly Workout at Trinity at 8 am....Hope to see you there!
"Success is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration." ~Thomas Edison
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Mono Fats, Fake Sugars & Fiber
-Monounsaturated fats such as found in avocados halts the spike in blood sugar that otherwise would signal your body to store fat around your stomach.
-Fake sugars are zero calories, but not zero consequences. Sweeteners, stabilizers, and additives such as found in diet soft drinks actually trigger your appetite due to your body expecting an actual calorie substance that it then does not receive.
-Fiber, fiber, fiber because it keeps your body's insulin levels low, which studies suggest may help shrink fat cells (Oxygen Magazine, Spring 2012).
-Fake sugars are zero calories, but not zero consequences. Sweeteners, stabilizers, and additives such as found in diet soft drinks actually trigger your appetite due to your body expecting an actual calorie substance that it then does not receive.
-Fiber, fiber, fiber because it keeps your body's insulin levels low, which studies suggest may help shrink fat cells (Oxygen Magazine, Spring 2012).
Monday, June 11, 2012
Choose Your Path...
"Who is talking in your head? You make the assumption that it's you. But if you are the one who is talking, then who is listening? ....."
"Your mind is full of knowledge, but how are you using that knowledge? How are you using the word when it comes to describing yourself? When you look at yourself in a mirror, do you like what you see, or do you judge your body and use all those symbols to tell yourself lies? Is it really true that you are too short or too tall, too heavy or too thin? Is it really true that you're not perfect just the way you are?
Can you see all the judgments that you have about yourself? Every judgment is just an opinion -- it's just a point of view -- and that point of view wasn't here when you were born. Everything you think about yourself, is because you learned it. You learned the opinions from Mom, Dad, siblings, and society. They sent all those images of how a body should look; they expressed all those opinions about the way you are, the way your are not, the way you should be. They delivered a message, and you agreed with that message. And now you think so many things about what you are, but are they the truth?" (The Fifth Agreement (pg 30-31) by Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Jose Ruiz)
"The real you is unique and it's beyond everything that you know, because the real you is the truth. ... What you believe about yourself is not real, and it's not important unless you want to create a better story for yourself." (The Fifth Agreement (pg 33) by Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Jose Ruiz)
"Now you know that all the acting you did your whole life was really for nothing because nobody perceives you the way you want to be perceived. You can see that all the drama that happens in your movie isn't really noticed by anybody around you. It's obvious that everybody's attention is focused on their own movie. ... Whatever people think of you is really about the image they have of you, and that image isn't you. ... At this point, it's clear that the people you love the most don't know you, and you don't know them either. The only thing you know about them is what you believe about them." (The Fifth Agreement (pg 51-52) by Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Jose Ruiz)
Bottom-Line is this, you can choose to be miserable and wallering in your perceived problems and obstacles, or you can choose to be the person you want to be regardless of how you feel others will judge you....either way, it's your choice! More than likely you have no real idea what others are thinking of you anyway .... nor do you ever have any control over anyone but yourself!
"Your mind is full of knowledge, but how are you using that knowledge? How are you using the word when it comes to describing yourself? When you look at yourself in a mirror, do you like what you see, or do you judge your body and use all those symbols to tell yourself lies? Is it really true that you are too short or too tall, too heavy or too thin? Is it really true that you're not perfect just the way you are?
Can you see all the judgments that you have about yourself? Every judgment is just an opinion -- it's just a point of view -- and that point of view wasn't here when you were born. Everything you think about yourself, is because you learned it. You learned the opinions from Mom, Dad, siblings, and society. They sent all those images of how a body should look; they expressed all those opinions about the way you are, the way your are not, the way you should be. They delivered a message, and you agreed with that message. And now you think so many things about what you are, but are they the truth?" (The Fifth Agreement (pg 30-31) by Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Jose Ruiz)
"The real you is unique and it's beyond everything that you know, because the real you is the truth. ... What you believe about yourself is not real, and it's not important unless you want to create a better story for yourself." (The Fifth Agreement (pg 33) by Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Jose Ruiz)
"Now you know that all the acting you did your whole life was really for nothing because nobody perceives you the way you want to be perceived. You can see that all the drama that happens in your movie isn't really noticed by anybody around you. It's obvious that everybody's attention is focused on their own movie. ... Whatever people think of you is really about the image they have of you, and that image isn't you. ... At this point, it's clear that the people you love the most don't know you, and you don't know them either. The only thing you know about them is what you believe about them." (The Fifth Agreement (pg 51-52) by Don Miguel Ruiz & Don Jose Ruiz)
Bottom-Line is this, you can choose to be miserable and wallering in your perceived problems and obstacles, or you can choose to be the person you want to be regardless of how you feel others will judge you....either way, it's your choice! More than likely you have no real idea what others are thinking of you anyway .... nor do you ever have any control over anyone but yourself!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Inside & Out
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." ~Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, 1946
Regardless of how you feel about the World Health Organization or the current state of everyone trying to dictate what you should and should not eat and/or do for your health....this quote has a very real and impactful truth, which is--you are only as healthy as you are both physically and mentally healthy! This journey you are on is about more than just your nutrition and's about your mental well-being too! Look inward and take care of all of you!
Some great, helpful reads:
*Boundaries: When To Say Yes How To Say No To Take Control Of Your Life by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
*The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom by Miguel Ruiz
*The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide To Changing The Patterns Of Intimate Relationships by Harriet Lerner
*Codependent No More: How To Stop Controlling Others And Start Caring For Yourself by Melody Beattie
*The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Regardless of how you feel about the World Health Organization or the current state of everyone trying to dictate what you should and should not eat and/or do for your health....this quote has a very real and impactful truth, which is--you are only as healthy as you are both physically and mentally healthy! This journey you are on is about more than just your nutrition and's about your mental well-being too! Look inward and take care of all of you!
Some great, helpful reads:
*Boundaries: When To Say Yes How To Say No To Take Control Of Your Life by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
*The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom by Miguel Ruiz
*The Dance of Anger: A Woman's Guide To Changing The Patterns Of Intimate Relationships by Harriet Lerner
*Codependent No More: How To Stop Controlling Others And Start Caring For Yourself by Melody Beattie
*The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Bonus Ab Finisher
7 Minute Belly Blasting Ab Finisher Circuit
(Perform each of the following for 30 seconds each twice through post workout.)
*Forearm Plank Jacks
*Forearm Spiderman Planks
*Push Up Plank Scissors
*Forearm Twisting Planks
*Forearm Diagonal Spiderman Planks
*Plank Moguls
*Boat-Canoe-Bail Boat Twist
Need some help with the moves? Just send me an e-mail, and I'll help you out ;-)
(Perform each of the following for 30 seconds each twice through post workout.)
*Forearm Plank Jacks
*Forearm Spiderman Planks
*Push Up Plank Scissors
*Forearm Twisting Planks
*Forearm Diagonal Spiderman Planks
*Plank Moguls
*Boat-Canoe-Bail Boat Twist
Need some help with the moves? Just send me an e-mail, and I'll help you out ;-)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Core Sense
Concentrating just on crunches and your rectus abdominis to reduce your fluffy center and get a six pack just won't work!!! Why, you may ask? First of all you cannot spot reduce your trouble areas. Second, your abs are mostly a result of how clean you eat. And finally, your ab work needs to address all of your core muscles and not just one set (the rectus abdominis).
Tips To Keep In Mind:
1) Be sure and pair your abs exercises with lower back work to balance out and address your whole core.
2) Always engage your core during your daily activities as well as during every strength training activity you do.
3) Flexing moves such as crunches target your rectus abdominis. Planks address your core stability. Rotational movements such as twisting lunges target your obliques.
"Don't let age dictate what you can and can't do for abs training. Let your ability dictate that."
~Tosca Reno
Tips To Keep In Mind:
1) Be sure and pair your abs exercises with lower back work to balance out and address your whole core.
2) Always engage your core during your daily activities as well as during every strength training activity you do.
3) Flexing moves such as crunches target your rectus abdominis. Planks address your core stability. Rotational movements such as twisting lunges target your obliques.
"Don't let age dictate what you can and can't do for abs training. Let your ability dictate that."
~Tosca Reno

National Running Day!
It's National Running Day so get out and have a jog. Thanks to the heads up from a running inspiration, I know about this link to log your run today as well as save on race registrations: For today only, save on a race, log your run, and be inspired! Thanks Amber ;-)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Take A Deep Breath -- Diaphragmatic Breathing
Aside from the stress relief, did you know that breathing deeply can help cut your levels of the stress hormone cortisol? What about that yawning excessively or during exercise can be indicative of poor breathing practices? Did you know that dysfunctional breathing can contribute to poor core stability, neck and shoulder pain, and/or postural distortion?
"Diaphragmatic breathing is a pattern of expiration and inspiration in which the diaphragm does most of the ventilatory work." (IDEA Fitness Journal, March 2012) One of the best descriptions of correct, diaphragmatic breathing is found in Natural Healing Wisdom and Know-How compiled by Amy Rost. Following is an excerpt (for more than an excerpt or for the various descriptions on breathing exercises, be sure and check out a copy).
"Place one hand just below the rib cage (above the stomach). Take a deep breath, and as you inhale, notice the movement of your hand. Does it move in or out? Does it move at all? If you breathed properly, your hand moved outward. Be aware of how deeply you breathe.
We have been taught to hold our stomach in and our chest out. Unfortunately, this posture inhibits healthful breathing. In proper breathing, the diaphragm (the muscle that separates the lung cavity from the abdominal cavity) moves slightly down to create a vacuum in the lung cavity. As a result of the downward movement, the abdomen is forced forward.
Imagine that your lungs are divided into three parts. The deep, full breath begins with the diaphragm moving downward and the lowest part of the lungs filling with air; the middle part fills; then the chest expands; and finally the upper part of the lungs fills with air. The shoulders may move slightly upward. Take another deep breath and try to imagine this progression. Is this the way you usually breathe?" (First, Breathe... by L. John Mason, Ph.D.)
Strike a pose, do some Yoga, or just meditate....However you get in the practice of taking time out to breathe (and eventually, naturally breathe throughout your day), try to take at least 5 to 15 minutes of a "breather" each and every day!
"Diaphragmatic breathing is a pattern of expiration and inspiration in which the diaphragm does most of the ventilatory work." (IDEA Fitness Journal, March 2012) One of the best descriptions of correct, diaphragmatic breathing is found in Natural Healing Wisdom and Know-How compiled by Amy Rost. Following is an excerpt (for more than an excerpt or for the various descriptions on breathing exercises, be sure and check out a copy).
"Place one hand just below the rib cage (above the stomach). Take a deep breath, and as you inhale, notice the movement of your hand. Does it move in or out? Does it move at all? If you breathed properly, your hand moved outward. Be aware of how deeply you breathe.
We have been taught to hold our stomach in and our chest out. Unfortunately, this posture inhibits healthful breathing. In proper breathing, the diaphragm (the muscle that separates the lung cavity from the abdominal cavity) moves slightly down to create a vacuum in the lung cavity. As a result of the downward movement, the abdomen is forced forward.
Imagine that your lungs are divided into three parts. The deep, full breath begins with the diaphragm moving downward and the lowest part of the lungs filling with air; the middle part fills; then the chest expands; and finally the upper part of the lungs fills with air. The shoulders may move slightly upward. Take another deep breath and try to imagine this progression. Is this the way you usually breathe?" (First, Breathe... by L. John Mason, Ph.D.)
Strike a pose, do some Yoga, or just meditate....However you get in the practice of taking time out to breathe (and eventually, naturally breathe throughout your day), try to take at least 5 to 15 minutes of a "breather" each and every day!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Monday Inspiration
"Do you really want to look back on your life and see how wonderful it could have been had you not been afraid to live it?" ~Caroline Myss
"When God pushes you to the edge of difficulty, Trust Him fully, because two things can happen--either He will catch you when you fall or He will teach you how to fly!" ~Amanda R on Facebook
"Activity does not equal Achievement. Activity is doing. Achievement is moving closer to your objective." ~Holly Rigsby
"When God pushes you to the edge of difficulty, Trust Him fully, because two things can happen--either He will catch you when you fall or He will teach you how to fly!" ~Amanda R on Facebook
"Activity does not equal Achievement. Activity is doing. Achievement is moving closer to your objective." ~Holly Rigsby
Friday, June 1, 2012
June Inspiration!
It's June! New Free Monthly Workout is posted, so check it out and mark your calendars for June 16th! Be Inspired & Get Fit!!!!!
Intensity Is Key
5th Mini Challenge 6/1/12 - 6/14/12 Burpees and Hula Hooping ;-)
Say what? Yeah, that's right, this 5th Mini-Challenge is a twofer! Between 6/1/12 and 6/14/12 you will get a whopping bunch of points for this two week mini-challenge. You will get as many opportunities to do this challenge as you have the core for it!
Burpees will be for 15 minute Intervals (45 seconds of Burpees, 30 seconds of Active Recovery for 12 rounds=15 minutes). We are talking just basic, simple, Burpee Thrusters, so nothing fancy or complicated here (no added push up or jacks or anything else other than the thrusters themselves). You will do as many as you can for the 12 rounds. I suggest counting each round and writing your total down during your active recovery period rather than trying to do math or remember a number while you do each round.....your brain tends to not function so well by round 3 ;-) We will keep the math simple too....For every 15 minute Interval, you will get the following set of points:
*If you are able to get 50 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 25 points.
*If you are able to get between 51-85 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 50 points.
*If you are able to get between 86-100 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 100 points.
*If you are able to get between 101-125 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 150 points.
*If you are able to get between 126-150 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 175 points.
*If you are able to get between 151-175 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 200 points.
*If you are able to get between 176-200 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 250 points.
*If you are able to get between 201-225 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 300 points.
*If you are able to get over 225 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 500 points.
-----(total possible max points 7,000)
Hula Hooping is an awesome core builder, so for the next two weeks see if you can do what seemed so effortless when we were kids. You can get a very basic hoop at WalMart for $3-$5, so you don't have to invest in the expensive online ones to benefit. Don't give up just because it won't stay up....just like anything that is will take practice and patience! You will do anywhere between 1-5 minutes to get points:
*For every full minute you are able to keep the hula hoop in motion around your center without dropping, give yourself 30 points.
*For every two full minutes you are able to keep the hula hoop in motion around your center without dropping, give yourself 50 points.
*For every three full minutes you are able to keep the hula hoop in motion around your center without dropping, give yourself 75 points.
*For every four full minutes you are able to keep the hula hoop in motion around your center without dropping, give yourself 125 points.
*For every five full minutes you are able to keep the hula hoop in motion around your center without dropping, give yourself 150 points.
-----(total possible max points 3,000)
Say what? Yeah, that's right, this 5th Mini-Challenge is a twofer! Between 6/1/12 and 6/14/12 you will get a whopping bunch of points for this two week mini-challenge. You will get as many opportunities to do this challenge as you have the core for it!
Burpees will be for 15 minute Intervals (45 seconds of Burpees, 30 seconds of Active Recovery for 12 rounds=15 minutes). We are talking just basic, simple, Burpee Thrusters, so nothing fancy or complicated here (no added push up or jacks or anything else other than the thrusters themselves). You will do as many as you can for the 12 rounds. I suggest counting each round and writing your total down during your active recovery period rather than trying to do math or remember a number while you do each round.....your brain tends to not function so well by round 3 ;-) We will keep the math simple too....For every 15 minute Interval, you will get the following set of points:
*If you are able to get 50 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 25 points.
*If you are able to get between 51-85 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 50 points.
*If you are able to get between 86-100 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 100 points.
*If you are able to get between 101-125 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 150 points.
*If you are able to get between 126-150 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 175 points.
*If you are able to get between 151-175 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 200 points.
*If you are able to get between 176-200 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 250 points.
*If you are able to get between 201-225 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 300 points.
*If you are able to get over 225 Burpees done in 12 rounds, give yourself 500 points.
-----(total possible max points 7,000)
Hula Hooping is an awesome core builder, so for the next two weeks see if you can do what seemed so effortless when we were kids. You can get a very basic hoop at WalMart for $3-$5, so you don't have to invest in the expensive online ones to benefit. Don't give up just because it won't stay up....just like anything that is will take practice and patience! You will do anywhere between 1-5 minutes to get points:
*For every full minute you are able to keep the hula hoop in motion around your center without dropping, give yourself 30 points.
*For every two full minutes you are able to keep the hula hoop in motion around your center without dropping, give yourself 50 points.
*For every three full minutes you are able to keep the hula hoop in motion around your center without dropping, give yourself 75 points.
*For every four full minutes you are able to keep the hula hoop in motion around your center without dropping, give yourself 125 points.
*For every five full minutes you are able to keep the hula hoop in motion around your center without dropping, give yourself 150 points.
-----(total possible max points 3,000)
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