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To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Days 50-63

Days 50-63 of 90 Day Nutrition/Fitness Challenge:

A much needed break from sharing all my stuffs so I could find my pace. I share to help folks, but I do not share because I need to or desire to open myself up....I prefer to keep my personal, raw self to my inner circle and myself. I'm not an extrovert by nature and I am not keen on 'being all out there'....I don't need anyone to notice, approve, or validate me, so the practice is just uncomfortable most of the time. So, why the blogs and all the sharing? Because I feel led to share what I think will help others. It's conflicting and sometimes overwhelming which is why I go through periods of time where I'm absent from doing it....it's in those times where it is taking too much out of my soul to share. I need time to just me and my thoughts without the vulnerability of sharing with the public. I needed the last couple of weeks to figure out my stride in my health and family without overthinking what's best for anyone other than myself and my family. It was exactly what I needed to get back to all the basics and find my rhythm that I can maintain and be consistent. So why come back to blogging if it's better for me to not? Same reason I've always done it....I feel strongly that by sharing, I can help folks that might need a push of motivation, education on their pains and struggles (internal/external), understanding that they are not alone, and, very importantly, so they can have access to knowledge of the body without it coming from someone trying to sell out to get ahead or promote false bs to sell product or self. I've followed so many fitness folks over the years and am always disappointed when they "sell out" and start pushing crap that they used to rail against just to move ahead in their field. Fame and profit become more paramount to them than what they started out doing which was basic and good. Which is definitely not what I'm about.

I was in a health crisis and major life change when I started this 90 Day Challenge. I wasn't in a place to "be on track" and the best example of what I know to do consistently...which is why I have zigzagged all over the place in these 90 days. Since I'm not doing this for my ego, it was a good way for me to relay all the good, bad, ugly of starting out or starting over in gaining good, sound fitness and nutritional habits. I thought by sharing the struggles in this way would lend itself to truly helping the majority who struggle in similar ways, so they could see the possibilities and try, try, try again without totally giving up on their fitness journeys or themselves. It's in sharing the struggle to find balance in good habits and a healthy lifestyle that I thought would be even more beneficial to all the beginners or those who are starting over again and feeling like beginners. Sure, I could have waited til I found my healthy balance and then (full of ego and consistency) just shared all my good habits, etc., but what would that prove or how would that help anyone? It wouldn't! When I'm fully in my zone, everything is spot on and appears to just be easy, etc. I feel and look fabulous and that helps no one but me. I don't share all this learned mess to help me...I experience it, so in that don't need to share.....I share the struggle and hard learned information gained to help get you to the fabulous!

Days 50-63 Reporting:
Workouts/Runs: On/Off while I tried to figure out what truly works for me right now. My inflammation is almost totally gone and this is the best my body has been in years regarding my body overreacting to every little thing. I finally am back to a mental place where I can trust that what I push my body to do won't backfire (with muscle tremors, joint pain from inflammation, etc.). Just this week am I truly back at a pace I can sustain. I have a ways to go to get back to the fitness level I was two years ago, but I'm excited to finally be in the physical and mental place to get there again without all the step arounds and sidetracks of the past couple of years. I finally feel free to do what I know and move forward.
Yoga: Spotty and not yet daily although this week seems to be the week it will be. As long as I mentally wasn't all in, I couldn't quite connect to my body the way yoga requires to be most effective and that was holding me back. Yoga is what keeps me fit and healthy and on track, so getting connected to it and my body is what will get me where I'm going (joint stability, flexibility, feeling good, consistent nutrition/fitness habits).
Eating: LOL well I've been all over the place with this...first was reactionary to all the autoimmune mess (eliminating everything that triggers issues which meant very strict and unhappy) to just doing what I know to work, but not fully mentally on board to do it consistently. I believe all my tantrums of where I've been, what I was and lost and starting back over (kicking and screaming) are done, and I've finally (finally) clicked over to the fit and healthy for all the right (non-reactionary) reasons that make being consistent a habit and not a chore. My stride at the moment is in the 85/15-90/10 range during the week and more 75/25 on the weekends. I'm a little more indulgent than I should be (still) on the weekends (for now), but it's what keeps me mentally in check....and that's way better than not at all. Yes, being overindulgent slows progress, but for me (right now) progress is key (however slow)....as is staying focused and setting the habits with all the to-dos of daily life. I'm not in a race to results, just results that stick and habits that are consistently good.
Sleep: More 7 hours a night than 5 hours so that's definitely better. Occasionally an 8 hour night or 6 hour night, but finally the 5 hours a night throughout the week are gone. Sleep is good!

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