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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Muffin Top Elimination

Aside from wearing "mom jeans" that tuck under your boobs, there are only two real and effective ways of eliminating the good old "muffin top".

  1. Eating Habits don't have to be perfect a 100% of the time, and you don't have to forgo all of your favorite foods and libations. Key, is you do have to eat balanced at least 80% of the time...meaning protein, whole grain carbs, veggies, fruit, fiber. Cheats/Indulgences need to be restricted to 20% or less for the remainder of your week. For faster results, 90/10 and only 2-4 indulgences/week; as well as, restricting foods that cause bloating (e.g., large amounts of gluten, dairy, sodium, alcohol, soda).
  2. Core, core, core....Specifically your Transverse Abdominis (TA) muscles! You cannot "spot" reduce any of your trouble areas with your abs being no exception, but you can engage those muscles to tighten, strengthen, engage to maximize their effects on your body's movements, fat burning abilities overall, metabolic effect, etc. Think of your TAs as your natural girdle holding your center together. It is the deepest abdominal muscles in your core. A strong TA lends itself to good posture, better ability to move upper/lower body more functionally, and to assist in the strengthening and engagement of your other core muscles (Rectus Abdominis, Obliques). With the TA engaged during regular exercise and in all exercise (whether it be legs, arms, butt), it then is engaged during all daily activities. Being in tune to your TA throughout your day continues your core strengthening. Just even holding yourself taller with good posture by engaging your TA changes the way you carry yourself and changes the way you look in those jeans (reducing muffin top appearance). Not engaging your TA and not working your core, allows for those muscles to be lax, your posture more likely to be slumpy, and your muffin top to pooch even more than necessary cause you've lost your suck and hold abilities that come with using your natural girdle. Worse, if you wear external girdles and the like, you are further removing your TA from its job which will overall impact your posture, movement, and muffin top even more. Just by adding plank holds to your regular exercise routine, you are strengthening your TA and giving your core and ongoing ability to work for you well beyond your workouts. 

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