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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Just Sitting Around?

From the July/August 2012 issue of Fitness magazine:

"Sitting around can make you flabby.  No surprise there, but despite what you may think, the culprit is not just a lack of exercise.  In fact, the physical act of sitting or lying down may actually speed up your body's production of fat.  When we lounge on a sofa or in a chair, we exert forces on our cells that cause them to become stretched out and to generate flab, researchers say."

Solutions:  Get up and move around at least every hour.  Take the stairs, walk to someone's desk instead of calling them, park farther away in a parking lot, do a quick 60 seconds of in place movement such as walking in place, jump squats, burpee thrusters, or mountain climbers.  Are You NEAT?

CHALLENGE ALERT:  Got a good one for getting NEAT.....For Two Weeks every time you are watching TV, Reading (book or device), Playing/Looking at device or social media, or Talking on the phone....don't sit or just stand....instead, every time you are sedentarily engaged in one of these "activities" actually make it an opportunity to be active and NEAT.....March in place, jog in place, squat in place, lunge in place, ride a stationary bike, whatever it is....MOVE! 


  1. As a regular thief of my wife's Fitness magazine, I read the article and was surprised when I tallied up how much I sat around.
    I started doing a little something (pushups, chinups, etc) every hour or so. To my surprise, my body fat started a steady decline. One week off the movement rotation, and no more drop.

    1. You are awesome!!! Without added NEAT activity and/or maintaining a consistent workout regime weekly alongside clean, supportive eating, you most likely won't see huge change beyond the initial party your body throws when you add NEAT to your daily routine ;-) I know that you are in for a treat with your Aug workouts starting Aug 4th so get to your supportive eating know how and you will see more of those awesome results!!! ;-)
