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Friday, January 4, 2013

Resolutions, Challenges, And....

K, so why all the "self-help" reflection posts this week instead of the "typical" do this to get fit first of the year hustle?  Several reasons, with the main one being that the majority of everyone's (including my own) battle with getting fit and staying fit is mental...not knowing what to eat or how to work out is not what is holding you back.  It matters little what your financial situation is or whether you workout this way or that way....What makes the difference is how you feel about yourself, what your motivation is, and what your goals are and how you feel about your success.  Know that getting into a particular jean size is not going to solve how you feel about yourself.....Sure you'll feel great about it, but that is a fleeting feeling if how you feel about who you are and the balance of your life isn't okay.  The first step of your journey needs to be acceptance of who you are and where you are in life.  This doesn't mean that you have to have everything figured out before you begin, just that you are okay with who you are.  Acceptance of you and your situation in the present does not mean there are not things to work on and change...that's growth, that's the journey of life, but mentally beating yourself up over what you don't like or want to fix or whatever, is not progressing you to anywhere you want to go.  It is one thing to say I want to lose 20 pounds and I have a plan to accomplish that versus saying to yourself that you hate your body and you never are able to stick to anything you set out to, etc., etc.  Those 20 pounds, or whatever it is on your goal list is not what is making you anguish, but the dialogue in your head about it.  Accept where you are, make a plan for what you want to change, improve, enhance, and set about doing just that.  You are you regardless of jean size....love yourself the way you would a loved one and get about your journey!

To the left of posts is a list of some books that have helped me on my journey in some way, so I posted them for your benefit.  I am a Christian and some might wonder why I have then a few of the books listed in that they are more humanistic than Christian.  They are from a humanistic slant, but I adhere to the philosophy of not throwing out the baby with the bath water.  You simply have to filter the material and take the good and leave the bad.  That's the case with everything in life.  Beyond self-help and exploration, I always make my foundation of everything God's Word the Bible and it has never led me astray. 

Five 12 Week Challenges begin next week and details will be posted each day next week for each of the five.  Whether you participate in one or all five, be on the lookout every Tuesday for Challenge help and support.  If you would like some help with your Challenge goals, motivation, or accountability, I am available to help you.  Just send me an e-mail at cagib1@charter.net.

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