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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Discerning Good From Bad Fad

from my 5/3/13 post on Discerning Good From Bad Fad:
It is no small wonder that anyone succeeds at actual balance, healthful living, functional fitness, fat loss, etc.  Bookstores are filled to the brim, shelves upon shelves, of contradicting information.  And not just there, but magazines, television, internet...all filled with fads and fabulously tantalizing quick fixes.  Regardless of what the latest Hollywood hottie does or the "next best" 30 days to all your dreams coming true trend is, being fit and healthy is a day in/day out lifestyle.  There is no one-size-fits all program and there are no quick fixes that actually work (short or long-term)!  Not all bodies are the same and neither does any one program work for all people.  Success is dependent upon consistency regardless of what you are doing.  Consistently eating well, consistently moving and stretching your body, consistently sleeping well, and consistently putting you on the list of to-dos=SUCCESS!  That's it...simple, consistency.  We are not talking about penalizing yourself from parties, family fun, food depravation or punishing workouts.  We are not talking about excuses for hormones, prescriptions, or age because none of those have anything to do with getting fit and healthy the correct way.--Sure they hinder you if you go the "fad" route, but not if you are consistently feeding your body supportively and moving functionally.  You can get fit and healthy at any age and every age regardless!!!  We are not talking about investing tons of time or money as getting fit and healthy does not require either of those!  Video: Shocking Before and After Transformation Photos In 5 Hours

The benefit of a certified personal trainer is that they can assess you and determine what possible impingement(s) and what functional movement patterns need to be corrected and can CUSTOMIZE a workout program for you, the individual.  Not everyone can afford a personal trainer and that is why I provide the information I do on this site...it is the next best thing to meeting with me one-on-one...and it's free. 

Keys to discerning the good information and a good program (and trainer) from a bad fad:
  • Always go with a personal trainer who has a certification from a nationally accredited agency.  The top four NCCA certified personal trainer certifications are:  American Council on Exercise (ACE), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).  I am certified through ACE and will additionally be certified through ACSM in 2014.  There are numerous "trainers" out there who did not study or "test out" through a NCCA approved agency but paid some money online and received a piece of paper "certifying" them to train folks.  The harm here is the lack of education on the body (physiology and kinesiology) and programming.  Beyond that, make sure they keep up with continuing education to know the latest research and breakthroughs.  Make sure the information you read and/or the trainer you utilize is properly educated.  Knowledge is power, but bad information is truly harmful!
  • If a program is offering up "quick fixes" and fad solutions, then skip it and find something that is sound and balanced.  If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • A good program should educate you on the facts of weight/resistance training so that you know muscle equals metabolism and has nothing to do with gender.  Weight/resistance training isn't just for bodybuilding men...Women are not going to bulk up just because they utilize dumbbells and kettlebells larger than 10 lbs. -- they will however lose their fat and trim to that size they want to maintain!  If a program is taking up a ton of time with workouts making you feel that rest is for the weak, then it is a lie and you'd be better finding a program that helps you build your muscle, protect your joints, and rest your body in a balanced doable way!!!
  • A good program should educate you on the facts of nutrition and supportive eating--Eat often and for your body!  It should not recommend no fat foods, no carbs, no to low protein, low calorie, liquid only fasts, hunger is your friend, timing fasts, etc., fad garbage!
  • If a program touts that it has to be expensive to work then walk far away!  Neither fitness nor nutrition nor workouts or trainers or programs need to be costly to be effective...in fact quite the opposite is true!

 You don't just clean your house once in a lifetime and it always stays clean!  Being fit and healthy is not a once and done process!!!

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