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Monday, September 30, 2013

Why A Free Blog?

from my 1/4/12 Why a Free Blog post:

You will get some sense of where my passion stems from My Fitness Story but that is only a fraction of the reason as there are many.  Back in 2009 when it was finally clicking how easy, accessible, and doable being healthy and fit actually was, I wanted to share the information and tools with as many people as cared to listen.  It frustrated me how many years I wasted in ignorance and I didn't want the same for anyone I could help to know better.  So getting fit and healthy for weight loss alone is certainly important, but I needed to get fit and healthy for more than just that. 

I lost both of my parents to poor health.  My father died very unexpectantly from heart disease when he was just 59 years old (I was 29 at the time) and my mother passed away after an 8 year battle with breast cancer when she had just turned 60 years old (I was pregnant with my first child at the age of 33).  Anyone who has lost one or both of their parents knows that there is no good time to lose them, but the younger you are, and especially now having two small children, the more difficult it can make it.  In losing them to poor health, I was awakened to just how truly fragile our bodies can be if we do not properly take care of them. 

I had taken my body for granted for years working more 12+ hour days than 8 hour days at a desk 5 to 6 days a week for almost 10 years.  I come from a long line of worriers and hard workers who put everything and everyone before themselves.  I totally get the mindset of not having time for yourself.  I totally understand the mentality of not putting yourself on the to-do list because it is selfish.  That was my mindset for so many years passed down to me from my parents from their parents, etc.  I didn't have any example of what it is and how important it is to take care of myself.  It is crucial for so many reasons, but the most blatant reason I can give you is so you do not leave your loved ones years and maybe decades before you should.  God is wonderful and gives us so many opportunities to take care of these amazing bodies he has provided for us, but it is up to us to actually do it!  Your Children are Watching!

Not having had the example to follow for good health, good fitness, or good habits.  Not having my parents around to watch their grandchildren grow up.  Not having my parents around to ask them questions about how to best raise my precious children on loan to me from God.  Not wanting to leave my children one second too soon.  All were very big wake up calls to get with the program!  Alas, not even all of the reasons as to why I am so very passionate about sharing all I know and doing all I can to help anyone I am able.

Another part of the equation is my autoimmune disease.  With all of the stress of what I have thus far shared with you on top of numerous other life experiences, which sufficed it to say I have walked many walks and in many shoes in my short life time, triggered an autoimmune response the year I was pregnant with my first child and lost my mother (2006).  I have vitiligo which seems like a superficial and inconvenient autoimmune to have.  It is, but it isn't just skin deep.  It like all autoimmune diseases opens me up to an array of lovely systemic responses if I do not take care of my health and keep myself in check.  There are numerous stories to share but this is not the space. 

So there you are, my journey started well before 2009 but with the knowledge I amassed up to and at that time was the pieces to the puzzle I had been trying to complete for years.  My journey took on a whole new meaning and with a whole new direction and drive.  For those that know me, know I am very driven by my very nature; but this was a whole new level of intensity even for me.  My passion and desire to help those around me has only grown with my ongoing education and knowledge, and I do not foresee that dwindling.  I shared with someone just yesterday that my two biggest passions (we will just remove my wonderfully supportive husband and two fabulous children from the running here) are God (always first on my list) and learning, practicing, and sharing fitness/good health strategies. 

I have spent the last few years educating myself on personal training, obtaining my American Council on Exercise personal training certification in 2011, exercise programming modalities, healthy and affordable nutrition for fat loss and weight management, and mind-body exercise modalities.  My desire is to be able to offer as much of what I have learned with as many people as possible.  This free blog is a big part of that offering.  I have created the Tabs (Pages) with information that I didn't want to get lost in Posts.  If you sign up to receive e-mails with updates, you will receive an e-mail with new Posts.  As I make significant changes to particular Pages, I will try to be sure and notate that in a daily Post so you can get the e-mail notification on that, but be sure and check in too on Pages periodically that you are particularly interested in to see if any changes have been made. 

My intention is to make this blog as informative as possible without being too text book or dry; however, I am fully aware some of the information is that way due to the nature of the data needing to be relayed.  If you get lost, let me know and I will try and help you through it (cagib1@charter.net).  As my husband jokingly pointed out to me, "no one wants to go to a fitness blog and do Algebra". ;-)

Know too that there is no judgment on my end for where anyone is or isn't.  As you have read in this Post alone, I have had many experiences in my life thus far and know but for the Grace and Mercy of God I could have gone down much different paths in life and am very appreciative and thankful for my blessings as well as my struggles.  As I have learned the hard way, it is the struggles in life that make us who we are and teach us what we need to know to be who we are meant to be!  My desire is always to help you better understand how to achieve a healthy, fit you!

Thank you for letting me share this with you!

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