You don't just clean your house once in a lifetime and it always stays clean! Being fit and healthy is not a once and done process!!! Regardless of what the latest Hollywood hottie does or the "next best" 30 days to all your dreams coming true trend is, being fit and healthy is a day in/day out lifestyle. Success is dependent upon consistency regardless of what you are doing. Very Effective Fitness Training educates you on how to get Fit and Healthy the Consistent, Simple, and Effective way!
Featured Post
90 Days & Beyond
To say that I have been under intense personal construction and refinement these past months is an understatement. The choice to "not ...
Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
2nd Bonus Challenge
Plan Your Meals / Plan Your PIs (PI=Personal Indulgence....reference Eating Supportively for more info) (total possible points for every aspect of this bonus challenge from 4/27/12 - 6/28/12 is 2,952)
KISS your meals (keep it simple silly) and support your body! How's The Tracking? For every preplanned full day, give yourself 5 if you plan a day in advance (the full day's meals) then you get 5 points for each day preplanned (this would then be in lieu of the 2 points for tracking). You get 5 additional bonus points for how many days you plan in advance, meaning that if you plan two full days meals in advance you get 10 points instead of just 5; if you plan a weeks worth of meals in advance you get 70 points instead of just 35.....(total possible points 630 from 4/27/12 - 6/28/12). However, if you do not consume what you preplan, then you have to deduct 10 points for each meal that was altered. Additionally, if you preplan the indulgences you consume, then you get an additional 2 points for each day's worth of PI's you planned in advance of the day they were consumed (total possible points -based upon a no more than 4 PIs per week plan- 72). Flip side is, if you consume UPIs (unplanned personal indulgences) on the days you preplanned your meals, then you have to deduct 30 points for each UPI consumed (add'l info: Weekends).
Clarifications: This means that in addition to preplanning your meals (which you would have to necessarily preplan your PIs if you are correctly preplanning your meals) you get an additional 2 points to the 5 points or 10 points. If on the day planned, you switch out healthy options (so not making it a UPI, just changing what you had planned), you have to deduct 10 points for each meal switched (not each food if you make multiple healthy changes (again no UPIs) within one meal, you still only deduct the 10 points). Note, this is just if you change it on the day you are consuming the food, not if you make changes throughout preplanning. If, however, you consume one or more UPIs within a meal or a day, you have to deduct 30 points for each UPI serving regardless of whether it is throughout the day or one meal. You would also have to deduct the 10 points for changing the meal plan. So, if you planned grilled chicken, broccoli, squash and instead consumed pizza, brownies, and beer you would have to deduct 30 points for each consumed plus 10 points for the altered meal (e.g., 30 points for each serving of pizza, 30 points for each serving of beer (normal size servings here), 30 points for each serving of brownies, and 10 points for the meal). Note, that I am not suggesting you never eat pizza, brownies, beer, etc., I am simply saying it is better for you if you preplan those indulgences into your nutritional ranges as PIs instead of eating them on the fly and by whim.
Finally, for every week you ate 7 out of 7 days worth of preplanned meals, PIs and all (this means you consumed everything you preplanned at least a day in advance) and no UPIs (this includes BLTs (bites, licks, tastes)), you get an additional 250 points for each week accomplished (total possible points 2,250).
If you are not the person in your household who "plans" or primarily prepares the family meals, you can still preplan your days by communicating with the person in your household what meals are on tap for the week ahead. I'm certain they would like your input and assistance in planning!!!! Worse case, you plan your servings of whatever the primary food preparer is serving in advance.
Thinking this aspect of the Challenge isn't worth the time or the points? Sorry to say that if you do not at least try to preplan your days, but still track your days, you will continue to receive your 2 points for each day tracked, but you will have to additionally deduct 10 points for each week you do not preplan your days. So get planning!!!!
KISS your meals (keep it simple silly) and support your body! How's The Tracking? For every preplanned full day, give yourself 5 if you plan a day in advance (the full day's meals) then you get 5 points for each day preplanned (this would then be in lieu of the 2 points for tracking). You get 5 additional bonus points for how many days you plan in advance, meaning that if you plan two full days meals in advance you get 10 points instead of just 5; if you plan a weeks worth of meals in advance you get 70 points instead of just 35.....(total possible points 630 from 4/27/12 - 6/28/12). However, if you do not consume what you preplan, then you have to deduct 10 points for each meal that was altered. Additionally, if you preplan the indulgences you consume, then you get an additional 2 points for each day's worth of PI's you planned in advance of the day they were consumed (total possible points -based upon a no more than 4 PIs per week plan- 72). Flip side is, if you consume UPIs (unplanned personal indulgences) on the days you preplanned your meals, then you have to deduct 30 points for each UPI consumed (add'l info: Weekends).
Clarifications: This means that in addition to preplanning your meals (which you would have to necessarily preplan your PIs if you are correctly preplanning your meals) you get an additional 2 points to the 5 points or 10 points. If on the day planned, you switch out healthy options (so not making it a UPI, just changing what you had planned), you have to deduct 10 points for each meal switched (not each food if you make multiple healthy changes (again no UPIs) within one meal, you still only deduct the 10 points). Note, this is just if you change it on the day you are consuming the food, not if you make changes throughout preplanning. If, however, you consume one or more UPIs within a meal or a day, you have to deduct 30 points for each UPI serving regardless of whether it is throughout the day or one meal. You would also have to deduct the 10 points for changing the meal plan. So, if you planned grilled chicken, broccoli, squash and instead consumed pizza, brownies, and beer you would have to deduct 30 points for each consumed plus 10 points for the altered meal (e.g., 30 points for each serving of pizza, 30 points for each serving of beer (normal size servings here), 30 points for each serving of brownies, and 10 points for the meal). Note, that I am not suggesting you never eat pizza, brownies, beer, etc., I am simply saying it is better for you if you preplan those indulgences into your nutritional ranges as PIs instead of eating them on the fly and by whim.
Finally, for every week you ate 7 out of 7 days worth of preplanned meals, PIs and all (this means you consumed everything you preplanned at least a day in advance) and no UPIs (this includes BLTs (bites, licks, tastes)), you get an additional 250 points for each week accomplished (total possible points 2,250).
If you are not the person in your household who "plans" or primarily prepares the family meals, you can still preplan your days by communicating with the person in your household what meals are on tap for the week ahead. I'm certain they would like your input and assistance in planning!!!! Worse case, you plan your servings of whatever the primary food preparer is serving in advance.
Thinking this aspect of the Challenge isn't worth the time or the points? Sorry to say that if you do not at least try to preplan your days, but still track your days, you will continue to receive your 2 points for each day tracked, but you will have to additionally deduct 10 points for each week you do not preplan your days. So get planning!!!!
How's the Tracking?
So how is your nutrition Tracking going? Are you still tracking what you eat? Are you preplanning any of your meals or days? Why not? Wouldn't that make life easier if you didn't have to fight cravings or struggle to find something when it is time to eat ... or worse yet, when it is past time to eat? If you preplan and preprepare your meals, then not only does that greatly reduce unplanned indulgences, but it also greatly reduces you overeating or undereating for the day as well as eating within the time frames that are ideal for your metabolism. Think it is too difficult to plan out your meals? You're not alone, but you are also incorrect! Yea, I said it ;-) Start out by planning just a day in advance and work yourself into a week in advance. Life and your budget will be so much better off for the thoughtful process!!!!
Remember, that it doesn't matter how intense and effective your workouts are if you are not eating clean and supportively!!!! If you eat how and what you have always eaten....or worse, if you eat more indulgently because you think your intense workouts have you will weigh (or even gain) what you have always weighed! Your choice, but for myself, I don't enjoy working out to the degree I'd throw it all away with eating poorly!!!
Eating Supportively / Healthy & Yummy Recipes
Remember, that it doesn't matter how intense and effective your workouts are if you are not eating clean and supportively!!!! If you eat how and what you have always eaten....or worse, if you eat more indulgently because you think your intense workouts have you will weigh (or even gain) what you have always weighed! Your choice, but for myself, I don't enjoy working out to the degree I'd throw it all away with eating poorly!!!
Eating Supportively / Healthy & Yummy Recipes
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Free Workouts
Not currently working out with me? Reminder that the Free Monthly Workouts page isn't just a calendar of the free monthly workouts at Trinity but also contain actual workouts. I change this every month on the 1st of each month and it does reflect the workout that will be done at Trinity that month. It also contains links to Posts of workouts throughout this site.
Want something more? Here is another free workout bonus:
Want something more? Here is another free workout bonus:
Supersets Workout =
3-4 Sets Each of 8-12 Reps
- Dumbbell
Squat Thrusts
- Push
- Dumbbell
Reverse Lunge Curls
- Dumbbell
Bent Over Rows
- Stability Ball Passes
- Stability Ball Leg Curls
Intervals = 30x30 for
15 Rounds
- Burpees
- Knee Highs
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Need Some Yoga Help?
Trying to do the Yoga Challenge but find yourself "challenged" about what to do? For starters, you could just do this Basic Stretch Routine or you could stretch out (no pun intended) 3-5 Sun Salutations such as what is pictured below:

Or something as integrated as:

Whatever you do, the important thing to remember is the purpose, which is to adequately stretch out your major muscle groups. Hold each stretch at least 30 seconds which is generally about 6 deep breaths and repeat as necessary.
Or something as integrated as:
Whatever you do, the important thing to remember is the purpose, which is to adequately stretch out your major muscle groups. Hold each stretch at least 30 seconds which is generally about 6 deep breaths and repeat as necessary.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Can't Run Due to Bad Knees?
If you have bad knees, hips, or leg issues that prevent you from running (walk/run) and would like to participate in the 1/2 Marathon/Running Mini Challenge, you can ride a bike in lieu of walk/running the miles so as not to do additional damage to your joints. You will assess the points in the same manner as those of us who are walk/running. No excuses for not getting out there & trying!!!!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Challenge Points....
I still need some folks' Challenge Points from 4/6/12-4/19/12, so if you haven't sent them to me yet, please tally and send on.....UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE....due to some confusion on points, thought I'd clarify points possibilities. Following is what is also posted on Current Fitness Challenge page (& note that every time additional challenges/bonus points are made available, they will be posted on this page so this is your best reference source on the Challenge/points). Please read through the following, as I have made changes for clarification and point cap purposes....If any of these changes alter the points you have thus far submitted to me, please resend. If you have not yet submitted your points, please do so as this is what will keep you in the running for prizes ;-)
POINTS for 4/6/12-4/19/12 (which need to be submitted):
1st Mini Nutritional Challenge 4/6/12 - 4/19/12 TRACK WHAT YOU EAT!This is one habit that would benefit you if you did it the entire 12 weeks of this Challenge; however, for purposes of this Challenge you are only required to do it for these first 2 weeks. If you track everything you eat, every day: You get a point for each day you do it from April 6th - April 19th (total possible points 14). You get two points for each day you do it from April 20th - June 28th (total possible points 140).
Bonus Points:
1st Bonus Challenge: Walk/Run Your Way to a 1/2 Marathon!!!
Be sure to reference Couch to Half Marathon Plan for the "how". Beginning today, 4/13/12-6/28/12....Here is how the points will work: 5 points for every day you walk/run a minimum of 2 miles; 10 points for every day you walk/run a minimum of 3 miles; and 15 points for every day you walk/run more than 4 miles. (based on "Couch to Half Marathon Plan" possible points of 385, but additional runs would add additional possible points up to a limit of total possible points of 660 from 4/13-6/28) Remember that for fat loss, prolonged steady state cardio is not going to get you where you want to go and that sticking with your resistance/interval workouts needs to remain your priority. The 3-4 cardio days are a great added cardio/respiratory benefit that will 1) get you your 10,000 daily NEAT steps in (Are You NEAT?) & 2) help focus you outside of your usual thought loop ;-) Be sure to get at least one full day of rest a week for proper recovery!
Extra Bonus Points:
4/10/12 Post: "Thought I'd give you a points bonus......If you post a healthy, supportive, yummy recipe in the comments below (in the comment section for the actual Post) for everyone's benefit, you can add 15 points to your cumulative total!" (This is a one time points earning, but does not have a time limit so you can post a recipe at any point up and until June 28th for total possible points 15.)
4/12/12 Post: 15 extra points if you have been eating supportively and tracking since 4/6/12...through 4/13/12 only .... (total possible points 15)
4/18/12 Post: (This is from the date range of 4/6/12-4/18/12 only for total possible points 95)
*If you have a bag of flaxseed in your kitchen and have had at least one serving of it in the past 10 days, then give yourself 5 points.
*If you have a bag of chia seeds in your kitchen and have had at least one serving of it in the past 10 days, then give yourself 5 points.
*If you have had at least 5 servings of veggies in a day 3 out of the past 10 days, then give yourself 5 points.
*If you hit all of your nutritional targets 5 out of the past 10 days, then give yourself 10 points.
*For every workout you have done since April 6th, give yourself 10 points.
Points Beyond 4/19/12:
2nd Mini Challenge 4/20/12 - 5/3/12 Yoga, Yoga, YogaThat's right, it's time to get your Yoga On!!! If you are doing your resistance training like you should, but not stretching, you are definitely setting yourself up for muscular imbalances and spinal/joint issues.....So it's time to work a stretching routine into your schedule. Need help? Can't Do Yoga? For every Yoga (aka stretching) practice you do that is 15 minutes or longer (daily limit of points=15), give yourself 15 points from 4/20/12-5/3/12 (total possible points 180) . For every Yoga practice you do that is 20 minutes or longer from 5/4/12-6/28/12 give yourself 20 points (total possible points 960). Now go downward dog...
Read through this entire post? Give yourself 5 points ;-) (How else do I know if you paid attention?? ;-) )
I'm here if you need support or have questions!!!!
POINTS for 4/6/12-4/19/12 (which need to be submitted):
1st Mini Nutritional Challenge 4/6/12 - 4/19/12 TRACK WHAT YOU EAT!This is one habit that would benefit you if you did it the entire 12 weeks of this Challenge; however, for purposes of this Challenge you are only required to do it for these first 2 weeks. If you track everything you eat, every day: You get a point for each day you do it from April 6th - April 19th (total possible points 14). You get two points for each day you do it from April 20th - June 28th (total possible points 140).
Bonus Points:
1st Bonus Challenge: Walk/Run Your Way to a 1/2 Marathon!!!
Be sure to reference Couch to Half Marathon Plan for the "how". Beginning today, 4/13/12-6/28/12....Here is how the points will work: 5 points for every day you walk/run a minimum of 2 miles; 10 points for every day you walk/run a minimum of 3 miles; and 15 points for every day you walk/run more than 4 miles. (based on "Couch to Half Marathon Plan" possible points of 385, but additional runs would add additional possible points up to a limit of total possible points of 660 from 4/13-6/28) Remember that for fat loss, prolonged steady state cardio is not going to get you where you want to go and that sticking with your resistance/interval workouts needs to remain your priority. The 3-4 cardio days are a great added cardio/respiratory benefit that will 1) get you your 10,000 daily NEAT steps in (Are You NEAT?) & 2) help focus you outside of your usual thought loop ;-) Be sure to get at least one full day of rest a week for proper recovery!
Extra Bonus Points:
4/10/12 Post: "Thought I'd give you a points bonus......If you post a healthy, supportive, yummy recipe in the comments below (in the comment section for the actual Post) for everyone's benefit, you can add 15 points to your cumulative total!" (This is a one time points earning, but does not have a time limit so you can post a recipe at any point up and until June 28th for total possible points 15.)
4/12/12 Post: 15 extra points if you have been eating supportively and tracking since 4/6/12...through 4/13/12 only .... (total possible points 15)
4/18/12 Post: (This is from the date range of 4/6/12-4/18/12 only for total possible points 95)
*If you have a bag of flaxseed in your kitchen and have had at least one serving of it in the past 10 days, then give yourself 5 points.
*If you have a bag of chia seeds in your kitchen and have had at least one serving of it in the past 10 days, then give yourself 5 points.
*If you have had at least 5 servings of veggies in a day 3 out of the past 10 days, then give yourself 5 points.
*If you hit all of your nutritional targets 5 out of the past 10 days, then give yourself 10 points.
*For every workout you have done since April 6th, give yourself 10 points.
Points Beyond 4/19/12:
2nd Mini Challenge 4/20/12 - 5/3/12 Yoga, Yoga, YogaThat's right, it's time to get your Yoga On!!! If you are doing your resistance training like you should, but not stretching, you are definitely setting yourself up for muscular imbalances and spinal/joint issues.....So it's time to work a stretching routine into your schedule. Need help? Can't Do Yoga? For every Yoga (aka stretching) practice you do that is 15 minutes or longer (daily limit of points=15), give yourself 15 points from 4/20/12-5/3/12 (total possible points 180) . For every Yoga practice you do that is 20 minutes or longer from 5/4/12-6/28/12 give yourself 20 points (total possible points 960). Now go downward dog...
Read through this entire post? Give yourself 5 points ;-) (How else do I know if you paid attention?? ;-) )
I'm here if you need support or have questions!!!!
Monday Encouragement
"It's not that I'm so smart; it's just that I stay with problems longer." ~Albert Einstein
"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
"It always seems impossible until it's done." ~Nelson Mandela
"Defeat is simply a signal to press onward." ~Helen Keller
"It's a funny thing. The more I practice the luckier I get." ~Arnold Palmer
"I have not failed. I have found 10,000 ways that did not work." ~Thomas Edison
"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
"It always seems impossible until it's done." ~Nelson Mandela
"Defeat is simply a signal to press onward." ~Helen Keller
"It's a funny thing. The more I practice the luckier I get." ~Arnold Palmer
"I have not failed. I have found 10,000 ways that did not work." ~Thomas Edison
Friday, April 20, 2012
Challenge Updates & Monthly Workout Reminder
For those participating in the Current Fitness Challenge remember to send me your 1st mini challenge points plus cumulative points since April 6th.
2nd Mini Challenge 4/20/12 - 5/3/12 Yoga, Yoga, Yoga
That's right, it's time to get your Yoga On!!! If you are doing your resistance training like you should, but not stretching, you are definitely setting yourself up for muscular imbalances and spinal/joint issues.....So it's time to work a stretching routine into your schedule. Need help? Can't Do Yoga? For every Yoga (aka stretching) practice you do in a week that is 15 minutes or longer give yourself 15 points from 4/20/12-5/3/12. For every Yoga practice you do in a week that is 20 minutes or longer from 5/4/12-6/28/12 give yourself 20 points. Now go downward dog...
Reminder for you to come and workout at Trinity tomorrow....Free Monthly Workouts
2nd Mini Challenge 4/20/12 - 5/3/12 Yoga, Yoga, Yoga
That's right, it's time to get your Yoga On!!! If you are doing your resistance training like you should, but not stretching, you are definitely setting yourself up for muscular imbalances and spinal/joint issues.....So it's time to work a stretching routine into your schedule. Need help? Can't Do Yoga? For every Yoga (aka stretching) practice you do in a week that is 15 minutes or longer give yourself 15 points from 4/20/12-5/3/12. For every Yoga practice you do in a week that is 20 minutes or longer from 5/4/12-6/28/12 give yourself 20 points. Now go downward dog...
Reminder for you to come and workout at Trinity tomorrow....Free Monthly Workouts
Can't Do Yoga?
First of all take the "can't" out of your vocabulary regarding anything/everything! Now that is settled, anyone can do Yoga! Yoga isn't about touching your toes or wrapping your legs around your ears. Yoga isn't about worship. Sure there are those people....For the purposes of this Blog; however, we are going to establish Yoga as a stretching ritual, so call it whatever you like, but I will be referring to it as Yoga (you know who you are) ;-) Yoga also isn't about competition or looking like anyone other individual, so don't torture your joints to look like a pose that in it's fullness is not ready for your body yet. Props are not a sign of weakness or a sign of elementary skill. Props are just that, PROPS. They aide your body in achieving the full benefits of a pose you otherwise would be incorrectly forcing your body into and not actually benefiting or worse yet injuring yourself (you know who you are ;-) ). Stages Of Understanding "Yoga is about learning to skillfully move your body through it's appropriate range of motion." (Yoga Journal, May 2012 Issue, "Basics" article)
You can find an array of Yoga poses and practices for free on Need help? I'm just a comment or e-mail away ( Namaste!
You can find an array of Yoga poses and practices for free on Need help? I'm just a comment or e-mail away ( Namaste!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Active Rest
Whether you are talking about being active between workout days or performing less intense exercise in between more intense workout sessions such as with high intensity interval training (HIIT), active rest is key to giving your body the recovery it needs so your workouts are effectively intense.
*Rest days in between days of resistance (strength) training workouts is important because it allows your muscles enough time to recover, repair, and grow stronger. Rest however doesn't mean couch time. Active rest would be a less intense activity such as a walk (even a jog), bike ride, yoga, etc. Get the idea?
*A lower intensity exercise in between HIIT gives your body enough recovery while preventing your heart rate from dropping rapidly. Without the active recovery period you would not be able to maintain the intensity required in HIIT to make it effective.
*Rest days in between days of resistance (strength) training workouts is important because it allows your muscles enough time to recover, repair, and grow stronger. Rest however doesn't mean couch time. Active rest would be a less intense activity such as a walk (even a jog), bike ride, yoga, etc. Get the idea?
*A lower intensity exercise in between HIIT gives your body enough recovery while preventing your heart rate from dropping rapidly. Without the active recovery period you would not be able to maintain the intensity required in HIIT to make it effective.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Challenge Points Bonus 2
Midweek...How are you doing? Need a boost? Here are some bonus points for doing well....Collect 'em and then get on with earning the really difficult points on your own and getting your health and fitness on! ;-)
If you have a bag of flaxseed in your kitchen and have had at least one serving of it in the past 10 days, then give yourself 5 points.
If you have a bag of chia seeds in your kitchen and have had at least one serving of it in the past 10 days, then give yourself 5 points.
If you have had at least 5 servings of veggies in a day 3 out of the past 10 days, then give yourself 5 points.
If you hit all of your nutritional targets 5 out of the past 10 days, then give yourself 10 points.
For every workout you have done since April 6th, give yourself 10 points.
If you have a bag of flaxseed in your kitchen and have had at least one serving of it in the past 10 days, then give yourself 5 points.
If you have a bag of chia seeds in your kitchen and have had at least one serving of it in the past 10 days, then give yourself 5 points.
If you have had at least 5 servings of veggies in a day 3 out of the past 10 days, then give yourself 5 points.
If you hit all of your nutritional targets 5 out of the past 10 days, then give yourself 10 points.
For every workout you have done since April 6th, give yourself 10 points.
Eccentric Tempo = Muscle Gain
Count Your Tempo Your muscle gain is in the eccentric movement and not as much in the concentric movement. The concentric movement is away from the pull of gravity and moving the joints closer together (e.g., in a bicep curl the concentric movement is when the wrist moves towards the shoulder joint). The eccentric movement is toward the pull of gravity and moving the joints further apart (e.g., in a bicep curl the eccentric movement is when the wrist moves from the shoulder joint back towards the floor). Note, that delayed onset muscle soreness (the soreness you feel a day or two following exercise) is mostly associated with eccentric actions, especially during higher-intensity exercises (e.g., deadlifts). You should never just let your eccentric movements fall, meaning you should never let gravity do the pulling without you controlling the movement. Rather, eccentric contractions should control the rate of motion, slowing the downward movement against the pull of gravity. There are numerous reasons for this, not the least of which is prevention of joint and muscular injury. During your next workout, see if you can focus on your control of both the concentric and eccentric contractions by counting your tempo. The commonly recommended movement speed of six seconds per repetition is broken out as 2-3 seconds for the concentric muscle action and 3-5 seconds for the eccentric muscle action. How on track have you been between contractions? What have you noticed in focusing on this?
Rest Intervals You should have very little to no rest between repetitions within a set. However, rest between sets allows your anaerobic energy stores to replenish, but you need to be careful with how much of a rest between sets as this affects both the workout itself as well as the outcome of the workout. For the types of workouts we do, the ideal length of rest between sets is 30-90 seconds and no more. With 30 seconds being an ideal target. Shorter rest intervals increase cardiovascular and metabolic responses both during and after the exercise session.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Got Something to Say?
Do you have an experience or piece of knowledge that you think would benefit this Community? Send me an e-mail at & I'd be happy to post it as a "guest post" if it is in line with what I provide on this site!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Yes, More on Protein ;-)
Read a blurb from the current issue of Fitness magazine:
"Instant Energy Boost: When you need a pick-me-up, reach for something with protein. Scientists at the University of Cambridge found that the nutrient activates orexin cells, which release a stimulant in the brain that's responsible for wakefulness. What's more, protein neutralizes the effects of sugar, keeping your energy levels stable. 'Even a small amount of protein seems to cancel out the effects of large amounts of glucose,' lead author Denis Burdakov, Ph.D., explains. So if you normally grab a piece of fruit when you hit an afternoon slump, pair it with a small handful of nuts or hard-boiled egg to power through the rest of your day."
Beyond this, protein, as I have mentioned a few times/ways, aides in the repair of your muscles which is all good and wonderful....but if you are not working out regularly know that just as with too many carbs and fats, protein too turns to fat if you are consuming more calories than you are burning!
Want some other info, be sure to check out all of the info and links on Eating Supportively
"Instant Energy Boost: When you need a pick-me-up, reach for something with protein. Scientists at the University of Cambridge found that the nutrient activates orexin cells, which release a stimulant in the brain that's responsible for wakefulness. What's more, protein neutralizes the effects of sugar, keeping your energy levels stable. 'Even a small amount of protein seems to cancel out the effects of large amounts of glucose,' lead author Denis Burdakov, Ph.D., explains. So if you normally grab a piece of fruit when you hit an afternoon slump, pair it with a small handful of nuts or hard-boiled egg to power through the rest of your day."
Beyond this, protein, as I have mentioned a few times/ways, aides in the repair of your muscles which is all good and wonderful....but if you are not working out regularly know that just as with too many carbs and fats, protein too turns to fat if you are consuming more calories than you are burning!
Want some other info, be sure to check out all of the info and links on Eating Supportively
Friday, April 13, 2012
1st Bonus Challenge: Walk/Run Your Way to a 1/2 Marathon!!!
1st Bonus Challenge: Walk/Run Your Way to a 1/2 Marathon!!!
Be sure to reference Couch to Half Marathon Plan for the "how". Beginning today, 4/13/12....Here is how the points will work: 5 points for every day you walk/run a minimum of 2 miles; 10 points for every day you walk/run a minimum of 3 miles; and 15 points for every day you walk/run more than 4 miles. Remember that for fat loss, prolonged steady state cardio is not going to get you where you want to go and that sticking with your resistance/interval workouts needs to remain your priority. The 3-4 cardio days are a great added cardio/respiratory benefit that will 1) get you your 10,000 daily NEAT steps in (Are You NEAT?) & 2) help focus you outside of your usual thought loop ;-) Be sure to get at least one full day of rest a week for proper recovery!
Be sure to reference Couch to Half Marathon Plan for the "how". Beginning today, 4/13/12....Here is how the points will work: 5 points for every day you walk/run a minimum of 2 miles; 10 points for every day you walk/run a minimum of 3 miles; and 15 points for every day you walk/run more than 4 miles. Remember that for fat loss, prolonged steady state cardio is not going to get you where you want to go and that sticking with your resistance/interval workouts needs to remain your priority. The 3-4 cardio days are a great added cardio/respiratory benefit that will 1) get you your 10,000 daily NEAT steps in (Are You NEAT?) & 2) help focus you outside of your usual thought loop ;-) Be sure to get at least one full day of rest a week for proper recovery!
Couch to Half Marathon Plan
Whether you have never tried running or are currently puttering through 5k runs, here is a very doable plan to get you to a half marathon in just 10 weeks and not impede upon your normal resistance/interval workouts. The below can be adapted to whatever days, and is based on a Mon/Wed/Fri resistance/interval workout routine:
Tues Thurs Sat
Week 1 Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 2 miles Run/Walk 4 miles
Week 2 Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 2 miles Run/Walk 5 miles
Week 3 Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 6 miles
Week 4 Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 4 miles
Week 5 Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 7 miles
Week 6 Run/Walk 4 miles Run/Walk 4 miles Run/Walk 8 miles
Week 7 Run/Walk 4 miles Run/Walk 4 miles Run/Walk 9 miles
Week 8 Run/Walk 4 miles Run/Walk 5 miles Run/Walk 11 miles
Week 9 Run/Walk 5 miles Run/Walk 5 miles Run/Walk 7 miles
Week 10 Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 4 miles Run/Walk 13.1 miles
Tues Thurs Sat
Week 1 Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 2 miles Run/Walk 4 miles
Week 2 Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 2 miles Run/Walk 5 miles
Week 3 Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 6 miles
Week 4 Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 4 miles
Week 5 Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 7 miles
Week 6 Run/Walk 4 miles Run/Walk 4 miles Run/Walk 8 miles
Week 7 Run/Walk 4 miles Run/Walk 4 miles Run/Walk 9 miles
Week 8 Run/Walk 4 miles Run/Walk 5 miles Run/Walk 11 miles
Week 9 Run/Walk 5 miles Run/Walk 5 miles Run/Walk 7 miles
Week 10 Run/Walk 3 miles Run/Walk 4 miles Run/Walk 13.1 miles
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Misc Blog/Challenge Info
A little housekeeping......
Whether you are officially, unofficially, or kind-of-sort-of participating in the Current Fitness Challenge be sure to jot down all of your daily points. As this Challenge goes on you will accumulate quite a number of points. Seem silly? Are you competitive? Then, no it's not silly. Will focusing on something other than what you'd rather eat than steamed broccoli help you do what you need to do? Then, no it's not silly. Will pushing yourself to do a workout when you'd rather not to hold on to that personal accountability seem silly? I didn't think so!
There will be numerous posts with bonus challenges, mini challenges, etc., so be sure you sign up to follow my blog so you will get daily e-mails with all the current post info:
Whether you are officially, unofficially, or kind-of-sort-of participating in the Current Fitness Challenge be sure to jot down all of your daily points. As this Challenge goes on you will accumulate quite a number of points. Seem silly? Are you competitive? Then, no it's not silly. Will focusing on something other than what you'd rather eat than steamed broccoli help you do what you need to do? Then, no it's not silly. Will pushing yourself to do a workout when you'd rather not to hold on to that personal accountability seem silly? I didn't think so!
There will be numerous posts with bonus challenges, mini challenges, etc., so be sure you sign up to follow my blog so you will get daily e-mails with all the current post info:
Come On......
Seriously cannot believe I am posting this, but.......If you are either officially or unofficially or kind-of-sort-of participating in the Current Fitness Challenge and think that the first mini challenge means you can eat whatever you want "all you have to do is track what you are eating," then you are totally not getting the point of the exercise. After talking with several participants this week, I have actually gotten that kind of feedback, and am screaming in my head "where have I gone wrong?" I realize that I didn't specify in the "mini challenge" info that you needed to eat well and supportively, but come on folks isn't that the point of this Challenge? If you are new to all of this, baby steps are fine just keep progressing as the days and weeks go by. There will definitely be mini challenges helping you with the nutritional juggling as we move forward. For those of you who have been doing this for a while........YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO so DO IT!!! ;-) If you have been eating supportively and tracking since Friday, give yourself 15 points!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Better is Better
In the same line of thinking of perfect practice makes perfect (Practice Makes???) ..... More is not always Better but rather Better is Better! More of a bad thing is still a bad thing. If you are always trying to do your best, then you will get better. If you are always practicing good, mindful, intense form in your workouts, for example, you will get better and achieve great results! See a theme here?
What was your dinner?
Mine was a little high on the sodium side due to the turkey sausage splurge (670 mg per serving), but was a great healthy treat we grilled with an array of veggies (tomatoes, onions, orange bell pepper, zucchini, and squash). For less sodium, sub chicken (yummy is to marinate the chicken before grilling with Italian dressing). Pre grill pic:
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Practice Makes???
You know the saying "practice makes perfect" but that's not really accurate. If you are practicing bad form for example, then you will never get good form or good results as a result regardless of how much you will never be "perfect". The saying really should be Perfect Practice makes Perfect. You will only ever get out what you put in, so don't repeat bad behavior, bad mental dialogue, bad form, sloppy workouts, bad eating habits and expect to get anything out of it but bad results. A good example of bad form would be the squat (Importance of a Proper Squat) or the push up....Folks will rush through those moves workout after workout and wonder why they don't get the results for their efforts....simple answer is you are not working the correct muscles and most likely just stressing your joints. Same with mindless eating....If you nibble, bite, sample your way through the day not thinking those little tastes here and there amount to anything, you are sadly mistaken. Results = the Effort you put into it. Perfect Practice = Perfect Results!
Challenge Points Bonus 1
Thought I'd give you a points bonus......If you post a healthy, supportive, yummy recipe in the comments below for everyone's benefit, you can add 15 points to your cumulative total!
Monday, April 9, 2012
I Ate How Much?
What a great example that I can share with all of you this fine Monday morning! I have my husband doing this Current Fitness Challenge which he is mostly thrilled to do ;-) and is off to a very great start! I had to chuckle yesterday though as he was logging in his food.....and knew right away it was going to be my next blog post.
Like so many of us, my husband is of the mind set that if he is eating healthy foods (or rather, mostly healthy foods), he shouldn't have to worry with tracking them. Nor does he really think it matters how much of a good thing he is or isn't consuming regarding his waistline. His wake up call was yesterday! I went shopping Saturday and bought for him his requested nuts stash to combine with fruit for one of his daily snacks. I put them in their own little basket alongside a measuring cup so he could snack healthfully. As he is off to such a great start, he prepared his own afternoon snack yesterday consisting of nuts and grapes. Most excellent choice, right? Depends....depends on what nut you select, how many servings you select, etc. Well, it was almost full proof regarding type of nuts as I was careful what I bought for him, so selection, while not what I would have chosen, made him happy and wasn't off the charts bad for him. The problem he encountered was serving size. A serving size of most nuts is a 1/4 of cup. Have you seen a 1/4 cup of peanuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, or walnuts? Not a ton of content. Makes you very aware how many calories you are consuming when you just sit down with a bag or a can of nuts for sure. Anyway, he mixed a serving of three different kinds of nuts, so he had three servings of nuts with his grapes. As he was logging in his treat, he was astonished at how many calories he was consuming.....over 630 calories!
Lesson is that you can be eating something completely healthy, but if you are not aware of the nutritional breakdown and have not practiced days worth of meals over the course of time to know how many calories, fats, carbs, protein, sodium, fiber, etc., you are actually consuming from the foods you put into your body, you cannot truly know what you are consuming. You can eat numerous, healthy, supportive meals throughout a day but if you do not know what the caloric intake is of those foods, then you cannot truly know if you are consuming more or less calories than your body needs in a day.
Eating "healthy", alone does not equal eating supportively! Need help: Eating Supportively
Like so many of us, my husband is of the mind set that if he is eating healthy foods (or rather, mostly healthy foods), he shouldn't have to worry with tracking them. Nor does he really think it matters how much of a good thing he is or isn't consuming regarding his waistline. His wake up call was yesterday! I went shopping Saturday and bought for him his requested nuts stash to combine with fruit for one of his daily snacks. I put them in their own little basket alongside a measuring cup so he could snack healthfully. As he is off to such a great start, he prepared his own afternoon snack yesterday consisting of nuts and grapes. Most excellent choice, right? Depends....depends on what nut you select, how many servings you select, etc. Well, it was almost full proof regarding type of nuts as I was careful what I bought for him, so selection, while not what I would have chosen, made him happy and wasn't off the charts bad for him. The problem he encountered was serving size. A serving size of most nuts is a 1/4 of cup. Have you seen a 1/4 cup of peanuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, or walnuts? Not a ton of content. Makes you very aware how many calories you are consuming when you just sit down with a bag or a can of nuts for sure. Anyway, he mixed a serving of three different kinds of nuts, so he had three servings of nuts with his grapes. As he was logging in his treat, he was astonished at how many calories he was consuming.....over 630 calories!
Lesson is that you can be eating something completely healthy, but if you are not aware of the nutritional breakdown and have not practiced days worth of meals over the course of time to know how many calories, fats, carbs, protein, sodium, fiber, etc., you are actually consuming from the foods you put into your body, you cannot truly know what you are consuming. You can eat numerous, healthy, supportive meals throughout a day but if you do not know what the caloric intake is of those foods, then you cannot truly know if you are consuming more or less calories than your body needs in a day.
Eating "healthy", alone does not equal eating supportively! Need help: Eating Supportively
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Thank You!
For Everything that I am and Everything that I am yet to be, I owe to God! Thanks to Him for all the blessings He has graciously bestowed on me! "He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord." I Corinthians 1:31 There is none other I would glorify or praise!!! Thanks be to God for all He has provided both the obvious blessings and for those learned and discerned! Thanks be to God for His Son, Jesus Christ!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Body Comp v Scale?
Did you know that muscles make up 40-50% of your body weight? What about the fact that they are comprised of 72% water, 20% protein, and 8% minerals, glycogen, & triglycerides? Did you read the post on Greater Muscle Mass = Higher Metabolism? Do you realize that a pound of lean muscle not only drives your metabolism but takes up far less space in your body than fat? So your scale didn't move!!! How do your clothes fit? Wouldn't you rather be healthier and in smaller clothes than the scale going down at a fast rate? Really??? Personally, I'd rather be 10 lbs heavier than folks would ever know and in smaller clothes than 20 lbs less than folks would ever guess because I'm in larger clothes. That's right, if you are "dieting" and/or over exercising you could very well be ticking down on the scale but your clothes not fitting much better and certainly not in smaller sizes because you are not losing the fat. Get over what the scale says and go by the tape measure!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Challenge Starts Tomorrow!!!
4/6/12 - 6/29/12 Challenge:
Are you up for a real challenge? Past Challenges have focused on personal/specific goals and results. While that is great, I thought an awesome twist would be to focus this Challenge on just Fitness & Nutritional Goals!!! Sounds similar, but trust me when I say this is going to be very different ;-) By focusing on these set and very specific goals, your results will follow! Targeting fitness goals are a great way to get out of your head about size goals and plateaus and allow you to better achieve them as a product of pushing yourself physically. So let's get this party started!!!!
First, just as the past Challenge: It is going to be a 12 Week Challenge beginning April 6th and ending June 29th. To officially participate, send me an e-mail at letting me know you are "All In". Anyone is welcome to either officially or unofficially participate as it is free either way. The only difference is you will receive some further guidance via e-mail if you are officially participating as well as be eligible for prizes.
Since we will be focusing our attention on mini Fitness & Nutritional Challenges throughout this 12 Week Challenge, the weigh/measure days will be much fewer this Challenge since results are not our FOCUS. That does not mean you will not get results...In fact you will most likely get better results than you ever have in the past BUT only if you do the work and participate FULLY! The weigh/measure dates will be: April 6th/7th; May 18th/19th; and finally on June 29th/30th. As with any Challenge, before/after pics are very helpful to reflect how well you do, so if you do pics, do them for yourself on the April 6th/7th & June 29th/30th result dates. Refer to Measuring Results for info on how to weigh/measure & take before/after pics. If you are officially participating, you will e-mail me your weigh/measure results only on the specified dates.
Prizes will be awarded to the person with the most points, the person with the best results, and the person who overcame the most obstacles and finished this Challenge anyway! Three separate prizes to three separate people. Trying to figure out if the prizes are worth it? Really? Come on, I don't even tell my kids what the reward is most of the time...but it's always worth it!!! See below for how points are earned....
All Mini Fitness & Nutritional Challenges will be posted here as they occur and are the way you earn points. You will be responsible for keeping up with your points and will need to e-mail me at the end of each mini challenge what your points are....As it is on the honor system and only hurts you if you cheat, I trust that you will be honest with yourself first and foremost! It will be a cumulative tab so you will need to e-mail me what you earned within each mini challenge as well as your total points up to that point. The end of the Challenge on June 29th/30th is when you would e-mail me your total points as well as your weigh/measure results for prize consideration.
1st Mini Nutritional Challenge 4/6/12 - 4/19/12 TRACK WHAT YOU EAT!
This is one habit that would benefit you if you did it the entire 12 weeks of this Challenge; however, for purposes of this Challenge you are only required to do it for these first 2 weeks. If you track everything you eat, every day: You get a point for each day you do it from April 6th - April 19th. You get two points for each day you do it from April 20th - June 28th.
Reminder that you can track simply in a journal or on free sites/apps such as
Are you up for a real challenge? Past Challenges have focused on personal/specific goals and results. While that is great, I thought an awesome twist would be to focus this Challenge on just Fitness & Nutritional Goals!!! Sounds similar, but trust me when I say this is going to be very different ;-) By focusing on these set and very specific goals, your results will follow! Targeting fitness goals are a great way to get out of your head about size goals and plateaus and allow you to better achieve them as a product of pushing yourself physically. So let's get this party started!!!!
First, just as the past Challenge: It is going to be a 12 Week Challenge beginning April 6th and ending June 29th. To officially participate, send me an e-mail at letting me know you are "All In". Anyone is welcome to either officially or unofficially participate as it is free either way. The only difference is you will receive some further guidance via e-mail if you are officially participating as well as be eligible for prizes.
Since we will be focusing our attention on mini Fitness & Nutritional Challenges throughout this 12 Week Challenge, the weigh/measure days will be much fewer this Challenge since results are not our FOCUS. That does not mean you will not get results...In fact you will most likely get better results than you ever have in the past BUT only if you do the work and participate FULLY! The weigh/measure dates will be: April 6th/7th; May 18th/19th; and finally on June 29th/30th. As with any Challenge, before/after pics are very helpful to reflect how well you do, so if you do pics, do them for yourself on the April 6th/7th & June 29th/30th result dates. Refer to Measuring Results for info on how to weigh/measure & take before/after pics. If you are officially participating, you will e-mail me your weigh/measure results only on the specified dates.
Prizes will be awarded to the person with the most points, the person with the best results, and the person who overcame the most obstacles and finished this Challenge anyway! Three separate prizes to three separate people. Trying to figure out if the prizes are worth it? Really? Come on, I don't even tell my kids what the reward is most of the time...but it's always worth it!!! See below for how points are earned....
All Mini Fitness & Nutritional Challenges will be posted here as they occur and are the way you earn points. You will be responsible for keeping up with your points and will need to e-mail me at the end of each mini challenge what your points are....As it is on the honor system and only hurts you if you cheat, I trust that you will be honest with yourself first and foremost! It will be a cumulative tab so you will need to e-mail me what you earned within each mini challenge as well as your total points up to that point. The end of the Challenge on June 29th/30th is when you would e-mail me your total points as well as your weigh/measure results for prize consideration.
1st Mini Nutritional Challenge 4/6/12 - 4/19/12 TRACK WHAT YOU EAT!
This is one habit that would benefit you if you did it the entire 12 weeks of this Challenge; however, for purposes of this Challenge you are only required to do it for these first 2 weeks. If you track everything you eat, every day: You get a point for each day you do it from April 6th - April 19th. You get two points for each day you do it from April 20th - June 28th.
Reminder that you can track simply in a journal or on free sites/apps such as
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Tight & Don't Know Why?
So you workout with good form and stretch properly post workout and in between workout days, and you are still tight? Have aches and pains and can't figure out why? Did you ever consider it might be caused by the way you sleep? Just as if you sit for long periods of time can lead to tight hip flexors so too can sleeping in the wrong position. Can't determine why you have neck or back pain? Look at your favorite sleep position and it's a good chance that could be your culprit.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
More Is Not Always Better...
Going to the extremes of anything is not usually the best choice. The same goes for your vitamin intake. Make sure you always follow your doctor's advice and recommendations and beyond that adhere to recommended dosages. Special care must be taken to not consume excessive amounts of fat-soluble A, D, K, and E vitamins that are stored in the body fat as they can impair physical performance and health. Excess vitamin A and D intake can actually retard growth and permanently damage organs. But that doesn't mean don't take what you need....Vitamin D is important in promoting calcium absorption for example so make sure you know what you are consuming and what you should consume. Know too that the best source of any vitamin and mineral is the natural source and that supplements/vitamins should not be your only source of such.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Happy April!
So many things to be grateful for this first Monday in April!!! Not the least of which, I got to spend two days with my 2 1/2 week old niece ;-) Loaded up on new baby kisses, I am ready to hit the week running! Posted the April workout: Free Monthly Workouts
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